ICann just shutdown Registerfly!


Staff member
Jun 6, 2000
We have had major issues with Registerfly at our office for the past couple months.. just a few days ago we noticed our main homepage went to some stupid search site. The reason is that they recently let all of our domains expire instead of autorenewing. It looks like it affected a LOT of people.

Just got off the phone with GoDaddy and they informed us that registerfly is shut down until 3/18 to get their stuff straight. If not.. the domains will be released to other registrars.

try going to http://www.registerfly.com

you can't right now.

don't look too good for registerfly. if your dns was messed up prior to shutting down.. you are probably most likely screwed. luckily ours was pointing to the correct places. We can't even begin transfers to a new registrar until 3/18 now.

Anyone else on registerfly and had these issues? I am so glad I never had probs with 1and1 and register.com

Ah... Crap!!!

I have all of my domains through them and I was in the process of changing hosts.

This is BS that I can't even move my domains to another registrar. ARGH.....

What is a good registrar to use. BTW, I am a reseller and I have the need to register Nameservers.
I run mostly with GoDaddy. I have a domain with register.com...no pros...no cons.

I do have one domain with registerfly.com as well...we did have dns issues months back but finally gotten it all straightened out. Don't sneeze.
it's getting better and better... that bastard stole all the data and started a new phishing registrar site...


While RegisterFly has been successful in removing the former CEO, Kevin Medina and then successfully transferring the domain name: RegisterFly.com out of his (Kevin's) control, that does not mean we are in the clear. As it stands, Kevin will not have any access to your data from this point forward.

Now, what you must understand is that Kevin Medina also has a copy of the data that he had gotten from Registerfly while he was CEO. This data includes your address, password, your domain names and other information that is tied to your RegisterFly account. This means that while he is on the outs and cannot do anything to hurt RegisterFly anymore, he could essentially log into your account and transfer your domains out using your information. So if he can log into your account and change the whois on your account then guess what; he can take control of your domain name. He could also change the nameservers and everything else that you have in your account. At this time, he would not be able to do this on a bulk level because he doesn't have access to the registries, but he could in fact log into the accounts of large domain owners and do some major damage. His IP is blocked, but that means very little. It's very possible that he could have a staff working with him to duplicate the possible damage that could be done with the information he has. So, until you've taken action to change the original data that Kevin has control of, your account is at risk. I'm asking everyone of the users here to change your passwords for your own protection. This is only my opinion and I was not asked to tell you this but I can see this as being a potential problem.


Registerfly.net is a Phishing Site
Folks, Kevin Medina is in full control of Registerfly.net and more than likely had converted the data he has to fill in the fields of Registerfly.net. Registerfly.net has nothing to do with RegisterFly.com, Inc. It is completely under the control of Kevin Medina and Unified Names - Miami. DO NOT conduct business with Registerfly.net in any way, shape, or form.

Since the old data that Kevin controlled as CEO of RegisterFly, he has your email addresses. Don't be surprised if you receive an email from Registerfly.net telling you that Registerfly.net is the new and official website for RegisterFly. It is not. The site (registerfly.net) is a fraud that was produced to take money from customers who don't know any better; in essence: a phishing site. Registerfly.net is not ICANN Accredited (although that means very little), and the registries are working with RegisterFly.com, not Registerfly.net. DO NOT GET SUCKED INTO SENDING MONEY TO REGISTERFLY.NET.
Moving Forward
As it sits currently, there will be no more names being deleted or going into redemption. ICANN has made this very clear to all the registries involved in the RegisterFly scandal. The New Jersey operation is up and running and they are scrambling to assist. Please reach deep for enough patience to deal with a staff that is only half trained in dealing with these kind of issues. Remember, the staff is there, they are working hard to make stuff happen. They want to make things right for the customer, and the bad egg is finally out.

This site needs your help. Please use our link exchange at the bottom of the page to exchange links with us. It's important that everyone that is being shifted to Registerfly.net know that this site is here. Money is still flowing into the Miami operation and this isn't good. There are too many customers out there who don't know where here. Please help us with link popularity to make these people aware of what's going on, and remember......

And what he's doing is legal?

Damn, glad I don't have any domains with them.
Any updates because the site seems to be up?

Should I move my domains somewhere else? I've had good luck with GoDaddy so far.
If you have any domains hosted through them then definately move them to someone else. ASAP. They shut my site down for almost a month and the money that I had in my account is gone. :mad: