"I Don't Want Your Respect": NetherRealm Responds to Mortal Kombat "Going Woke"

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Aug 20, 2006
There is a growing subset of Mortal Kombat fans who aren’t pleased with the artistic direction in which NetherRealm Studios is taking series. Specifically, they allege the female roster has had their “sex appeal” taken away, a controversy that was reignited this week after NetherRealm revealed a ghastly looking, covered-up Jade. NetherRealm’s community manager has punched back against one fan who called it “disgusting” and how the developer should make the girls "sexy" in order to earn his “money and respect,” calling such comments “truly awful.” Even female gamers are beginning to agree the characters have been "censored," however.

@Draka_: For a "community manager" you don't seem to get how this thing called "community" works and how ridiculously godawful your communications skills are. If you start acting butthurt bc of one negative comment, you ain't exactly helpful to the "community" or the company you represent. @laope_: Gore = Core Values, CG tiddies = TOO OFFENSIVE! @irxson: You don't want your customers respect? I'm less inclined to buy the game now. Of course I will wait and see but I have to agree, Character designs are bad and I loved the older designs, my favorites being from MK9. It is sad to see the team is not going to consider our feedback.
People are pissy about costumes, I'm happy Netherrealm seems to have finally figured out how to give characters faces that make them look mostly normal.
"Gimme tiddies or you won't have my respect!" "OK, I don't want your respect."

I don't see the problem with the CM saying this, to be honest. Could it be phrased differently? Sure. Should he have to cater to a neckbeard who demands pixel-tits? No.

it's a fucking game. Get over it.
Step one: strategize and manufacture outrage.
Step two: go viral/ bait media
Step three : profit.

Most of these ' controversies ' are becoming painfully obvious marketing ploys... We should stop playing into their hands.
'Bwhaaaaaaa! you took away my digital w*nk material' - Get over it you effin' weirdo, if you wanna see 'tiddies' leave the basement, go outside and meet a REAL woman, FFS what is wrong with people these days ?
Yeah I'm not seeing the controversy.

Just as customers and ask for certain things or complain about certain things developers are just as free to call BS if they so choose. At that point its fine if the customers don't buy the game, that too is their choice.

Getting mad over CG tittay fighting games does seem to be a new low point in humanity to me but then its 2019 so we gotta find a new bottom every year right?
"Gimme tiddies or you won't have my respect!" "OK, I don't want your respect."

I don't see the problem with the CM saying this, to be honest. Could it be phrased differently? Sure. Should he have to cater to a neckbeard who demands pixel-tits? No.

it's a fucking game. Get over it.
Its a bunch of bullshit, if that guy with the comments is not a plant... He would belong to a very very very small group, which might be vocal (im starting to have my doubts of how vocal they are vs how much they are conveniently used and amplified) but very tiny % .
I am going to echo get woke, go broke.

Classless responses aside, a fundamental of business is to always know your audience. Those who know their audience and deliver on what their audience wantswant up making money.

those who act morally Superior to their audience and try to dictate to their audience what they should want end up going broke and receiving backlash.

It's not hard to figure out oh, but the problem becomes when you have video game companies were more interested in making political statements than in simply developing a game for the market that the people who play video games would want to buy.

we are seeing the same thing in comic books and other forms of entertainment as well.

at this point, I don't know if these creators are simply clueless, or if they are intentionally trying to destroy these industries on purpose....
The customer is always right. Netherrealm needs a new marketing team, one that understands the tried and true concept that sex sells. Big titties sell more than little titties, its FUNdamental. After all boys will be boys.
The customer is always right. Netherrealm needs a new marketing team, one that understands the tried and true concept that sex sells. Big titties sell more than little titties, its FUNdamental. After all boys will be boys.

Yes but male sexuality has become the new dirty shame, like female sexuality was.
Definitely gonna miss the bandage costume...

Sure. Should he have to cater to a neckbeard who demands pixel-tits? No.

it's a fucking game. Get over it.

Should a grocery cater to people who want specific kinds of food? It's a fucking vegetable! Get over it.

90% of core gamers are neckbeards, so yes, if he wants to sell his game, he should.
Step one: strategize and manufacture outrage.
Step two: go viral/ bait media
Step three : profit.

Most of these ' controversies ' are becoming painfully obvious marketing ploys... We should stop playing into their hands.
You give them too much credit. The people who make these go viral and who are consumers of the outrage aren't going to pay for the game, so there is no profit. That's exactly why "get woke, go broke" became a meme.
Isn't Jade supposed to be black? Meh, looks like Mortal Kombat has fallen off its wagon. I'll stick with MK Trilogy.
I bet this is a entire ploy to sell sexy "Original" custom DLC later. Either way they lost my $60 day one money. I won't even give them the $5 sale price it will eventually get. I always loved MK and refuse to give money to any company that gives into these SJW. Good job. Is it worth all the sales you will lose to gain 0 from the people you are trying to please?
Makes it easier on me when giant cleaveage isnt bouncing around and my female gamers aren't boring into my skull to see if I'm staring.

Thanks for making thing less complicated on game night.
Funny how liberating women these days seems to require them to be fully covered. (on a side note, got a laugh out of the old Gold Box D&D game in the background of the lady's video. Played that one years ago.)
Ok, what's "woke", more fin socialist pc talk?
For the get out of it the basement and find a real girl, have you ever priced one of those real girls! ;)
It's really weird when people are offended by proxy for another group. Please don't do that.

Fun fact: female gamers don't care, or actually like the ability to look like a pin-up in a fantasy world while wearing sweat pants at home. WHY NOT? Why make everything "real" so the women are plus-sized because of rampant diabetes and the men have a giant gut hanging over their pants.

That's not what ANYONE wants. We want guys who look like American Gladiators and women who look like a little more curvy fitness models. Because why the hell not, it's fiction, we decide.
I don't really prefer the exaggerated Barbie look, but I appreciate attractive female characters.

However, it seems like companies are going out of their way to knock their characters down a few pegs.

I can't even look at Wraith in Apex Legends. Besides a terminal case of glaucoma and greasy hippy hair she has zero curves, like she has cushing's syndrome or something.

She doesn't have to be a model, but she's honestly hideous.

If you think snowflakes (offended culture) is the domain of the left or the right, you are a few tools short of a set.

nah, I'm good. Snowflakes are omnipresent in humanity for sure.. but one side are the ultimate snowflakes, despite what all the rhetoric/memes say. Just keep tabs of the news forum here on [H] and watch how many topics get posted which are all about drumming up outrage about something being "PC" or whatever.
nah, I'm good. Snowflakes are omnipresent in humanity for sure.. but one side are the ultimate snowflakes, despite what all the rhetoric/memes say. Just keep tabs of the news forum here on [H] and watch how many topics get posted which are all about drumming up outrage about something being "PC" or whatever.

Sure sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.
I thought Mortal Kombat was for blood guts and gore. Dead or Alive is for titties and fan service.

But what do I know, nothing really I wish I had the spare time to play games let alone spend time getting upset over them.
... you do realize you're literally posting in just one such thread, right?

Yes, but you realize you are posting on a right leaning forum, claiming that the abundance of snowflakes you see here are representative of the broader population?
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