HP P4300 G2 SAN


Limp Gawd
Oct 11, 2006
Hey guys, I work for a company that currently has 4 of these devices. We have another 2 on the way, but I have some questions before these are installed. I recently came into a position of managing them, and have found that only two of the volumes are currently configured to use network RAID 10, the rest are at network RAID 0. This makes me extremely nervous for the saftey of the data.

What I would like to do is convert them to network RAID 10, but after speaking with HP support I was told that to do this it would take 6 x volume size to accomplish. This seemed a bit excessive, and I wanted to see if any of you had worked in this situation or had input.

To my effect, I have 2 pairs of these at my office, a nearline pair and a SAS pair. I run everything in network RAID10.

Network RAID0 is a bit deceiving, your LUN just lives on one of the units, its not divided between many of them, I believe. There is network RAID5 and RAID6 available as well.

Your HP rep is having you use the replication built into the HP management software to accomplish this. If you're using VMware on top if this, you might have additional options available.

Do you have storage vMotion capabilities? Or even downtime available?

If you you might be able to add the units, then create new LUN's and migrate or storage vMotion them, instead of replicating the volumes via HP.
To my effect, I have 2 pairs of these at my office, a nearline pair and a SAS pair. I run everything in network RAID10.

Network RAID0 is a bit deceiving, your LUN just lives on one of the units, its not divided between many of them, I believe. There is network RAID5 and RAID6 available as well.

Your HP rep is having you use the replication built into the HP management software to accomplish this. If you're using VMware on top if this, you might have additional options available.

Do you have storage vMotion capabilities? Or even downtime available?

If you you might be able to add the units, then create new LUN's and migrate or storage vMotion them, instead of replicating the volumes via HP.

That was my understanding. RAID 0 provides no redundency between devices. I would like to set the remaining units to RAID 10 as well, but am concerned with the amount of space available. We are using 8.5TB out of 11.3TB. I thought that by going to RAID 10 on the other volumes, that it would essentially take x2 the space. We aren't using VMware on these units.