How to close only pop up box in chrome?


Jun 7, 2011
Every once in a while (most recently, on Motley Fool website) a pop up box will appear saying something to the effect, 'Wait! do you really want to leave this webpage? Click here to confirm.'. My belief is that any pop up box that locks the browser and forces you to click on it is probably malignant, however, there doesn't seem to be any way to close the tab or pop up box without closing the entire browser. In task manager there's just a whole bunch of chrome processes running, with no way to determine which one is for the box.

Anyone know if there's a way to do this? Or do I just keep closing down the whole browser whenever I see one of these boxes?
Your first mistake was visiting that moron's website.

But more importantly, any popup asking you anything unprompted should be considered a malware attack attempt regardless of message shown. For safety's sake, it's best to close the entire browser via task manager when you see this shit isntead of closing the window, since that avoids running any crap it had planned for you afterwards. And I know you'll probably still keep going to wherever you're gonna go, but it's best to avoid visiting sites like these since they're pretty much telling you they don't give a fuck about visitors' safety (and when you do, disabling javascript is best, though I don't use Chrome so I'm not sure which Extension/Add-In would be best for that).

It's also possible your machine is infected separate from any specific website, so if you haven't already I'd look into that via malware/virus scans unless you've already determined this happens on other browsers and other computers. I abhor that waste of air about as much as Michael Pachter and Fox News, otherwise I'd test it out on my end. (Oh, and on closer inspection, his domain and its variations are actually on my blacklist, go figure :D )
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Paranoid as I am, I've always erred on the side of caution and closed everything. Thanks for the advice. Currently using avast a/v, and run mbam, spybot and adaware regularly. Anything else you'd recommend?
That is the javascript event onbeforeunload being called. Browsers implement it similar to javascript alert() where the user must click ok/cancel for the script to continue.

It could be the Motley Fool site wants to keep you on their site, so the warn you when you are clicking a link that takes you elsewhere for once last chance to change your mind.
I can understand the concern, but be aware that there's nothing that can be executed after clicking a dialogue box that can't be executed on, say, page load. If a site intends to be malicious, they can do so on page load or at any other time.
I can understand the concern, but be aware that there's nothing that can be executed after clicking a dialogue box that can't be executed on, say, page load. If a site intends to be malicious, they can do so on page load or at any other time.

Excellent point. Thanks. Sometimes I forget the obvious. Now I feel like an idiot for even asking the question.