How NOT to treat customers...XFX


Sep 1, 2005
Hopefully folks dealing with XFX and their double lifetime warranty will have better customer service than my friend..
He certainly does not deserve the 'hell' they're putting him through. He's having one heck of a bad experience right now.
I just walked in the door after coming back from his house, where I went to install his replaced RMAed card.
It was a dud. He now has to reapply to mail it back to them...probably at his expense. A little history on the incident...
Back on 12-01-2010, he purchased a brand new XFX HD5870 2GB Eyefinity 6 from Newegg for $440.86 shipped. Five months later the card started artifacting (keep in mind that the card is not, nor ever was overclocked).
He grew so frustrated while trying to reach an actual person at XFX, that I took over and went as far as calling Newegg to see if they'd have any luck.
I spoke to Anna. She took all the relevant information and also tried.
After another round of extensive testing, an RMA, was initiated. That was back in August..
. Eight weeks went by and still no answer from XFX. I again tried.
This time I got a representative. After explaining the situation, I politely voiced my friends concern about not wanting somebody else's possibly overclocked, repaired card.
He basically wanted a new HD5870-6 card. He was willing to settle for a $289.00 HD6950 if no 5870 were available.
They initially agreed sighting the lack of HD5870-6 in inventory. He mailed them his card after I again re-tested it.
After an additional seven weeks they contacted him and sent a used HD6950. The card arrived a few days ago.with scratches on the labels and it just looks like it went through the wringer. He didn't mind that...but on removing my loaner card and drivers and inputting his RMAed card with the newest AMD driver (11.11), there's nothing but artifacts and lines all over his screen. This is NOT the way to do it boys. He's now made up his mind about XFX. He spent a lot of money, got the run-around and now a bunk card. This is very bad customer service. Just simply due in part to the length of time he's been dealing with this, he should have been mailed a new card or at the very least, it should have been thoroughly tested before putting it in the box to ship.
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XFX has been getting worse and worse, best companies IMO are Evga and Asus. I have two Evga 570's in my rig atm.
sad, their warranty was the main thing they had going for them
Dang man im sorry. I've really been liking MSI for their motherboards and videocards. I never had a problem getting a rebate back and their warranty has always been nice to me. I have an XFX 6950 2gb right now. But Im leaning towards my next card being an MSI 7950/7970
I had to RMA a MSI motherboard recently. It runs fine on stock, but does not perform nearly as well when overclocking. It's rather unstable, and it arrived while a decent amount of dust on it. I talked a Tech Rep, and he said I can TRY to rma again... I dunno what to think about this. Atleast the RMA process was painless and pretty quick!
XFX has been getting worse and worse, best companies IMO are Evga and Asus. I have two Evga 570's in my rig atm.

I've had so-so luck with Asus, RMA took forever(almost 2 months) but they sent an upgrade back. My friend RMA'd his XFX 5850 after the card stopped outputting video. It took a few weeks but it came back working.
This is why i Only buy EVGA. Even if it means being stuck with Nvidia product's. I have peace of Mind with EVGA and there Customer Service. I have never had a negative experience with them.

Sorry to hear about your friends troubles. He, you and many others will know to steer clear from XFX. I have only owned one XFX card, and thankfully it worked great.
Every company has issues like this, regardless of their warranty claims. Take it all with a grain of salt.
I've never seen any issues with EVGA.

In fact, I just read a story about a guy that had to RMA an GTX285 (was a pair in SLI) and EVGA was kind enough to send him a PAIR of GTX470s to replace the one broken GTX285 so he could still use SLI.

I sent in a XFX 8800 GT and got back an 8800 GTX. That card suffered artifacts and overheating rather quickly. They understood and I was soon sent a 9800 GTX that seems new and runs great to this day.
I sent in a XFX 8800 GT and got back an 8800 GTX. That card suffered artifacts and overheating rather quickly. They understood and I was soon sent a 9800 GTX that seems new and runs great to this day.

thats funny, i had the same card but EVGA and they sent me a 8800 GTX and within a month it went bad, they also sent me a 9800 GTX+. EVGA all the way. just make sure to buy the one with AR at the end of the part #, with EVGA lifetime still means lifetime.
Every company has issues like this, regardless of their warranty claims. Take it all with a grain of salt.
^ this. Warranties are losses for companies so a lot of them will give you the run around to try and dissuade you from following through, be cause people are lazy and forgetful, and wont back it up.
You have to be persistent. Read their policies and if they do not get back to within a reasonable time frame call them. If no one in tech support will talk to you, bother someone else, someone higher in the food chain. Piss them off (about having to deal with you)and you'll get what you want. :p
I've never seen any issues with EVGA.

In fact, I just read a story about a guy that had to RMA an GTX285 (was a pair in SLI) and EVGA was kind enough to send him a PAIR of GTX470s to replace the one broken GTX285 so he could still use SLI.

Their GPU support is pretty good, I'll give you that. RMA'd a 9600 GSO a while back, total turn around time was 2 weeks.

However, they did have an "issue" denying MOBO RMA's for "bent pins" a while back. Over at OCN there were SEVERAL documented cases where the people took pics of the socket/board before they shipped it out with no visible damage. Now all of the sudden bent pins WTF?
SO yeah, every company has done it. My personal experience has been very good quite honestly. I sent them an email with an issue, they got back to me in 2 hours!
However, they did have an "issue" denying MOBO RMA's for "bent pins" a while back. Over at OCN there were SEVERAL documented cases where the people took pics of the socket/board before they shipped it out with no visible damage. Now all of the sudden bent pins WTF?
SO yeah, every company has done it. My personal experience has been very good quite honestly. I sent them an email with an issue, they got back to me in 2 hours!

Good to know this. I'll make sure to have photographic evidence as backup in case I ever need to send back a board.
They're just following the money.
They cut down on customer service because they know ATI owners are used to it.

They cut down customer service because mabe there making less money after leaving Nvidia.

AMd makes no money or very little.

Think about it.:confused:
I used a bunch of 8k series XFX video cards in a line of computers I sell. Every one of them developed bad caps within a couple years and fried. The ones that were under warranty got the same type of run-around from XFX. Their techs were rude, useless, and incompetent. I no longer use ANY XFX products personally or in my business.

I now use strictly Asus motherboards and video cards. In 3 years now, I have only had 2 Asus products fail - both cheap video cards and they failed because they were passively cooled and the case fan got clogged up with dog/cat hair and dust. I have not had to deal with their RMA department at all. Here's to hoping I never do!
I had to RMA my XFX GTX 280 twice. First time, quick turn around. They even got it, tested it, told me they didn't see anything wrong with it (don't know how that's possible... was hard locking in 2 diff PCs) but replaced it anyway. Replaced with a 280 that was obviously refurb. That one lasted a year. They had run out of GTX 280s so they sent a 5830. OCd to 5850 speeds ever since. Responsive cust service and turnaround times all around.
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Sorry to hear about his horrible experience.

My experience with XFX was the exact opposite. I even had the dreaded 5870 GSOD bug on my xfx which XFX replaced with no questions asked.

My Co-worker had his XFX 5770 die on him recently, and they sent him a brand new 6770 for a replacement.

Not really sure why you contacted newegg first. All you had to do was go onto the XFX website and put in an RMA ticket. Only takes like 15 mins max to do it.

And for the lifetime warrenty to work it says on the box "Need to register in 30 days to get the lifetime warrenty" So your friend was SOL on the lifetime warrenty anyway. Considering you didnt register the card for almost a year.

BUT that does not explain getting a shitty 6950 in return....that is pretty messed up

Also which is funny, is you bought the card on december 1st of last year, and the card started artifacting april? So why now are you posting about the RMA situation....I mean you waited until November of this year (7 months after it was artifacting) to put in an RMA on a card that has had issues since april? I dunno this story sounds kinda fishy to me.
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I've only had to RMA one XFX psu and it was relatively painless, though I did it through a retailer. I did try the XFX support service but they just said I should go through the retailer since they don't do RMA other than through retailers, at least in Europe.
Hopefully folks dealing with XFX and their double lifetime warranty will have better customer service than my friend. He's a nice guy and doesn't deserve the hell he's going through. He's having one hell of a bad experience right now.

I just walked in the door after coming back from his house, where I went to install his replaced RMAed card. It was a dud. He now has to re-apply to mail it back to them...probably at his expense. A little history on the incident, if you'll indulge me...
Back on 12-01-2010, he purchased a brand new XFX HD5870 2GB Eyefinity 6 from Newegg for $440.86 shipped. Four months later the card started artifacting (keep in mind that the card is not, nor ever was overclocked).

I had to register just to apply for an RMA on his behalf, which was done exactly one month later since he was having one heck of a time contacting a human representative. I actually called Newegg first and spoke to a really nice lady called Anna. She took all the relevant information and also tried on his behalf. Eight weeks went by and still no answer from XFX. I again tried, this time I got a representative after explaining the situation, politely voiced my friends concern about not wanting somebody else's possibly overclocked, repaired card. He basically wanted a new HD5870-6 card. He was willing to settle for even a $289.00 HD6950.

They initially agreed sighting the lack of HD5870-6 in inventory. He mailed them his card after I re-tested it and found why it was artifacting...(the fan speed was NOT ramping up under extreme loading. It was staying at 30% causing overheating). I captured the screenshot of the event and asked my friend to foward it to XFX when he sent the card. They in turn told him they were not interested in seeing the captured screen file and would do their own testing. Fair enough. After an additional seven weeks they contacted him and decided to send a used HD6950. The card arrived a few days ago.with scratches on the labels and it just looks like it went through the wringer. He didn't mind that...but on removing my loaner card and drivers and inputting his RMAed card with the newest AMD driver (11.11), there's nothing but artifacts and lines all over his screen.

This is NOT the way to do it boys. He's now made up his mind about XFX. He spent a lot of money, got the run-around and now a bunk card. This is very bad customer service. Just simply due in part to the length of time he's been dealing with this, he should have been mailed a new card or at the very least, it should have been thoroughly tested before putting it in the box to ship.

Fixed for people who appreciate paragraphs. :)
Did you ever trouble shoot this problem with us? Did you try the gpu in another machine?
Yeah... XFX warranty sucks... It's long but that's about all it is, I would pay the same for a fantastic 5 year warranty opposed to a shit hit and miss life time
what psu does he have in his system? What loaner card did you give him?

He has an Antec1200 High power.The card I loaned him was an EVGA GT240...which Is a spare card I use for Physx in my personal computer.
His computer is built around an Antec 1200 case, with an MSI BigBang motherboard and H70 cooled I7-950 with 6GB Corsair Dominator memory. The Win7-64 OS is installed on a 90GB Corsair SSD and all other programs are on a 1TB WD (SATA6) black.
He was very happy until this all began to 'drag' out...even then he tried to be a 'trooper' attributed it to XFX just being busy. He just hoped that it would get sorted easily..
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Did you ever trouble shoot this problem with us? Did you try the gpu in another machine?

I personally spoke directly to an XFX representative, after what I saw as way too long of a process reaching one.The card was removed from his system on the initial complaint and installed into my computer for all additional test.
To be fair I did not see the issue initially due in part to the short test I performed. It was only after running it for a prolonged and heavily loaded graphics test (1.5 hours), that it showed.
I captured the screenshot of the temps and non-increasing fan readings with GPU-Z while in test. I considered this important enough for the tech at XFX to see.
I never tried XFX warranty but I did an MSI warranty for laptops, and it was pretty bad. The laptop fried and it took them over 2 months to get me the laptop back. When the laptop came back it seemed ok, though 1 month later I try the speakers and they don't work(I was using headsets for the month). I contact them back and ask them WTH, they told me I am outside of warranty so nothing they can do. I was like, yeah I am outside of warranty but that's cause you took so long to fix it and send it back!

They told me you should have reported it first thing I got it, to which I told them, I am suppose to check every single feature to make sure it works? don't you have Q/A that checks before sending things in? They told me they had Q/A and everything worked, so I requested a copy of the Q/A report and they kept refusing then hung up on me :/

So you know what I would kill for? That every single RMA warranty came with a copy of a Q/A report. Would save a lot of time....

As for eVGA, I never had much problems with them, never used the warranty but their customer service is top notch!!! When I constructed my first computer, the guy on the phone stayed on the phone an hour with me and helped me put the computer together. (and its not like I asked him, they were just that willing to assist)

Lately I have been using ATI and I wish eVGA made ATI cards :/..only ones with lifetime warranty is XFX and VisionTek..anyone know how good visionTek is?
There's an XFX rep on these forums that have helped people out before.

I have had good experiences with XFX warranty and so have others. Others have had bad experiences. Seems like luck of the draw.
I used a bunch of 8k series XFX video cards in a line of computers I sell. Every one of them developed bad caps within a couple years and fried. The ones that were under warranty got the same type of run-around from XFX. Their techs were rude, useless, and incompetent. I no longer use ANY XFX products personally or in my business.

I now use strictly Asus motherboards and video cards. In 3 years now, I have only had 2 Asus products fail - both cheap video cards and they failed because they were passively cooled and the case fan got clogged up with dog/cat hair and dust. I have not had to deal with their RMA department at all. Here's to hoping I never do!

I have heard horror stories about ASUS too. The bad cap issue plagued many of the 8800 series cards. I had that happen on EVGA ones I had. Long story short, lets hope we all can avoid dealing with RMA departments period. There isn't a single manufacturer from which I haven't heard a horror story and it seems to be luck of the draw.
I have had nothing but great experience with XFX... Bought a 8800gt a few years back, went bad, they sent me a 9800GT(low power version).
I bought a 4870 from some forums which was unregistered, it went bad and they sent me a brand new 4890...
So I've had some good experiences with them, but yes I have seen a lot of these XFX sucks threads, so not really sure
I've heard bad stories about RMA's, for many brands, from lots of sources. There's usually one every few months. IMO it's likely the occasional screw up at the manufacturer's end (Mistakes happen. It's why they put erasers on pencils.), or user error. Then you have the sour grapes post on popular forums. +99% of the time it all goes fine.
I've heard bad stories about RMA's, for many brands, from lots of sources. There's usually one every few months. IMO it's likely the occasional screw up at the manufacturer's end (Mistakes happen. It's why they put erasers on pencils.), or user error. Then you have the sour grapes post on popular forums. +99% of the time it all goes fine.

Yeah, that's how it is. Everybody with a good experience doesn't make a thread but every guy who has a bad experience does make that thread.