Hot/Warm? Diamond R9 290x $279. Free Shipping


Supreme [H]ardness
May 6, 2008
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Frys has a rebate on it as well, which you would still qualify for when price matching. That would make it $259 after MIR and before taxes! More specifically it would be $278.35 after tax and MIR.

Nice find!
Great card at a fantastic price!
Crossfire this baby for the same price as one GTX 980. Great performance if you can support the noise...
I have 4 of these 290x cards. 2 that I bought at launch and 2 that I picked up from a desperate craigslist seller trying to make rent for $200 each last summer.

2 of these in xfire for $600 is so powerful that it would honestly last you a good year before you would need to do anything.
desperate craigslist seller trying to make rent for $200 each last summer

You have to wonder sometimes about the priorities of some individuals.

That reminds the time when I bought 2 vanilla Titan one month after their release at half price. The seller was 30-ish and lived with with its mother in a small apartment located in a relatively poor neighborhood. Let's recall that these cards were selling for $1,200 each!
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Supposedly this is the V2 which has a non ref PCB and better power phase lending to more stability.
Can anyone who owns this card comment on the reliability? I am hesitant to buy because I had a reference 290 that I returned because it would crash/reboot my system when gaming (due to temps)