Has buying Bad Games made you a smarter game consumer?


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
I've been burned I refunded games that looked good on the surface but remainded unplayable. It takes alot to convince me that game is worth my time usually it's not and is forgotten in about a month. Funny thing is some of the best games are Free anyway it turns out.
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Yeah, I refuse to preorder or buy right away. Early reviews are untrustworthy. You need some time after the release to see how good a game really is.
Yes and no. I hate the fallout and ES game. Every time a new one comes out and people claim greatest game ever and I break down and buy. I regret it ever time. They all the same boring, glitchy with a shit story. Never again will I buy another one. Not even worth pirating. Not many games I buy on a whim nowadays tho.
It never affected me. I was never an impulse buyer. and I’ve generally always known what I was getting into before I got into it.

Most of the time, if I’m playing a game it’s several years after it’s release. So that’s how I roll in terms of backlog.

Ever since Duke nukem forever having it's price slashed to a fifth of it's msrp a week after release has stopped me from buying games at full price.
Yup.. N64 Mario / MarioKart burned me.. then a series of fails from SNES zelda to any "harvest moon"-esque game. The hit detection sucked and the play was shallow.
Hmm, I actually don't buy that many PC games now that I think about it. That said, I have had a few bad purchases on consoles that I was too lazy to return sooo yeah.
I've maybe bought 3-5 bad games in my entire life. I've been playing games since I was 3, so around 1980ish (obviously didn't buy them myself until much later). That includes a ton of consoles, home computers, PC generations, handhelds, etc. etc. That doesn't mean I haven't played bad games. Let's just take currentish PC games for an example though. I can honestly say that out of the 320+ games I have currently in Steam, maybe 3-5 of them aren't all that great. Point being, I buy good games. Even my impulse buys have turned out well over the years. Even the games that I've bought that I'd put in the "bad" category, were still typically somewhat serviceable games. Just not to my own personal taste.

I did buy Daikatana as a joke though a couple of Steam sales ago for something like $1. :p does that count?
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The games I buy at full price I'm pretty certain about. That doesn't mean there weren't some disappointments in there. The worst games I got at full price were: Dishnoroed II, Prey, and Watch Dogs these didn't meet my expectations.
I've been burned I refunded games that looked good on the surface but remainded unplayable. It takes alot to convince me that game is worth my time usually it's not and is forgotten in about a month. Funny thing is some of the best games are Free anyway it turns out.

If you are not happy with games on the market than build your own.
Yeah for a bunch of babies on Steam I'll do that right away....I don't have a team resources let alone a recent college education to make it happen plus I can't stand staring at LCD for extended periods of time it's just bad tech.
It doesn't take a college education to pick up Unity and figure out how to make it work.. A sufficient number of folk who made games on their own, in their spare time. It just takes planning, keeping on task, and more planning.
Yeah for a bunch of babies on Steam I'll do that right away....I don't have a team resources let alone a recent college education to make it happen plus I can't stand staring at LCD for extended periods of time it's just bad tech.

Well technology have been slow down over the years because we are still stuck in the 4k stranded UHD TV/monitors for five years now, but it only takes two years for 8k? it was said about Intel stuck in quad core for far too long, until AMD Ryzen came out, then it all changed. Like I said game manufactures never listen to the gamers they make what they want and release it with allots of bugs, because they spent a less time on it to rush out the product for profits, I did get your point that you are making I personally don't play on stream anymore because of the babies and cheaters just like Uplay.
It has made me less quick to jump on new games. I tend to hang back a day or so and read reviews and watch people playing on youtube / twitch.