Half-Life 3 story leaked by none other than Marc Laidlaw himself


Dec 20, 2006
Marc Laidlaw, the lead writer for the Half Life and DoTA series (among a few others I believe) left Valve in 2016. Last night he leaked the story on his web site HERE. He changed the names of the characters presumably avoid copyright infringement claims against Valve.

A version of the story using corrected names can be found HERE.
The edited version didn't fix up the last paragraph:

"And here we are. I spoke of my return to this shore. It has been a circuitous path to lands I once knew, and surprising to see how much the terrain has changed. Enough time has passed that few remember me, or what I was saying when last I spoke, or what precisely we hoped to accomplish. At this point, Valve will have failed or succeeded, no thanks to the Half-Life series. Old employees have been silenced, or fallen by the wayside. I no longer know or recognize most members of Valve, though I believe the spirit of Half-Life still persists. I expect you know better than I the appropriate course of action, and I leave you to it. Expect no further correspondence from me regarding these matters; this is my final episode."

It's bitter sweet. I'm sad it came to this but I'm glad we finally get closure. I truly expect no formal conclusion to this series from Valve after this.
Spirit of Half Life still exists LOL

Lol, you know what I mean.

I may have bungled it up but that last paragraph is definitely talking about Valve and the series. And, at least according to Laidlaw, seems to confirm that Valve has no interest in continuing the game.
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I barely even remeber the story in Half Life 1 or 2.
It was a fantastic game and I remember having fun while playing, but I gave up on it long ago. I just skimmed through the blog post and what was written didn't make any sense to me (I know character names are changed but it makes no difference). I guess I forgot pretty much everything.
Lol, you know what I mean.

I may have bungled it up but that last paragraph is definitely talking about Valve and the series. And, at least according to Laidlaw, seems to confirm that Valve has no interest in continuing the game.

i mean why continue it, they get more publicity not finishing it then they ever would of if they had, lol.. it's been 10 years and people still bring up half-life franchise name, how many other games that were never finished are still talked about?