Half Life 1:Source??

Been known for quite awhile, but its not really popular at all.
LeviathanZERO said:
did I miss something? when was this anounced? is there pictures?


It was first announced during E3 2004... about 5 months ago.

yeha but the character models are from blueshift i think.. not hl2... too bad :(
The only thing that has changed is the lightning and water effects. This was to show other developers how easy it is to port a game base off HL-1 engine to the new source engine.
Whoa! thats badass!

yeah, i missed everything that had to do with E3. I was in Alaska all summer, and pretty much lost any connection with the rest of the world. It was great.

so yeah. Halo2 bitches.
It might be good thing for those that have never played the originial but in all seems like a cheap gimmick to sell more copies of the "Gold/Collectors" edition.
Shzitt said:
It might be good thing for those that have never played the originial but in all seems like a cheap gimmick to sell more copies of the "Gold/Collectors" edition.

You can get HL1 Source with the Silver edition............. :rolleyes:
Shzitt said:
Even that is a waste of $10 unless you never played the original.

$60 for every game currently on Steam, plus HL1: Source, DoD: Source, and HL2 when they're released. The silver package is a helluva deal for anyone who'd never played the original HL or CS or just didn't own those games already. :)
Arkanian said:
The only thing that has changed is the lightning and water effects. This was to show other developers how easy it is to port a game base off HL-1 engine to the new source engine.

Actually, the physics are improved (with the Source physics engine) as well. Don't know how well that will be implemented into the gameplay, but we'll see.
Well i never even finished the first half-life (played it before my party one time and havent played since...got thru half the game though hehe). So it would be nice to play half life 1 befor ehalf life 2 so i can get the story fleshed out.