Haiku Beta


Jun 10, 2015
Since the Beta was just released, I thought I'd give Haiku a try. I currently have it installed in a VM, and it seems to be working ok. A little sluggish, but I attribute that mainly to the VM on the laptop. I haven't done much with it, but I can login to [H] and post this message using the built-in web browser, so that's a plus? If I get time at home, I may try doing a bare metal install on a spare system. Anyone else wanting to give it a try?

Yeah, I remember playing around with BeOS R5 way back when. I kind of miss the days when there were multiple competing operating systems to play with. Granted, I think the market can only reasonably support 3 OSes at one time, 4 if you don't wrap up the BSD's and Linux together. I am excited to see BeOS come back in some form though. They had some really unique and interesting ideas on how to do things. Blast from the past. I think I've got a spare laptop that would be a prime candidate for Haiku. It's old with a spinning rust drive, but Haiku is lightweight enough that it should run nice and smooth.
The reports are that the 64-bit beta is more stable than the 32-bit, but the original BeOS software only works with 32 bit. This is unfortunate, as it would be neat to see what BeOS native software can do. As it stands, there are a number of programs that have been ported to Haiku, but not much that isn't also available for BSD, Linux, or Windows. LibreOffice, Scribus, OpenShot, Handbrake, etc., are all available, but it will be the native software that would make this unique.