[H] Gaming DOTA 2 event!


[H] Movie and TV Show Review Guy
Jan 31, 2003
Who: Well sign up below, and be added to who;
FrEaKy (steam id: insomnibyte101)
XvMMvX (steam id: FecalFighter)
What: Dota2
When: Thursday night starting at 9:00PM EST 2-7-2013
Where: On Steam, git!
Why: Because its fun and its Dota 2

How: See Who, When, Where ;)

If you do not have Dota 2, I have 3 spare gift copies to give out....... If you are planning to attend and also have gift copies, let everyone know, I would like to have at least a team online, thats 5 people.... more people = [H] domination! :)
I will NOT give out a gift copy of Dota 2 if you do not plan on attending that night!

TeamSpeak 3 IS A REQUIREMENT for this as well. Heres the info for connecting!

TS3 IP :
Port : 9988
No Password
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this should be a weekly event! I would be down to join the fun but I am out of town on business. you guys should write down the match ID's and post them here when its all said and done!
this should be a weekly event! I would be down to join the fun but I am out of town on business. you guys should write down the match ID's and post them here when its all said and done!

Will do

Hopefully we can get more takers! :0

2 of us so far, 3 more would be key!
Did some gameplay with Clinkz for the first time for myself, holy crap what a fun character. Lite up the Q and press W like a mofo ;)
I'm a big fan of support characters. I like Keeper of the Light and Shadow Shaman.
Unfortunately our gaming night event didnt work out so well AT ALL! But I know alot of people had alot of things going on. So THIS thursday, 2-14-13 we will plan the next event!

Thursday, 2-14-13 9:00PM EST
Definitely not gonna make it on V-Day. Gonna be balls deep in.... house work.
I need to check this forum more often... I think I can make it at that time tonight. I'll need to get TS running on my rig, but that's easy enough.
Steam ID: Pez

[edit: added] Nobody came...
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is there an [H] dota group on steam? if so i want in! "ashalive" on steam
I'm completely new to Dota but been playing RTS for decades; trying to get a beta key first. Definitely interested in learning if ya'll have the patience!

Every FRIDAY night, its game time, DOTA 2 style! ;)

post your steam id's in your posts so everyone can add ya, and be sure to jump on the TS3 client, server info available in OP post.
It sure seems like nobody is interested in playing DOTA2....

Dota 2 is a lot of fun ...... I have like 50 hours played and I still have no idea wtf I am doing. One of my best friends puts alot of time into it .... like 900 hours and I have no clue wtf he is doing or telling me to do half the time. He tells me it will come with time.
Dota 2 is a lot of fun ...... I have like 50 hours played and I still have no idea wtf I am doing. One of my best friends puts alot of time into it .... like 900 hours and I have no clue wtf he is doing or telling me to do half the time. He tells me it will come with time.

dude, i have 300 hours in it and still have no idea what i'm doing. By this time in battlefield, i was expert tier.

I'm good at lich and spirit breaker, decent at axe, furion and viper... but i stll feel like a massive noob. MASSIVE noob. The learning curve is immense. I'm heftily addicted though.

Put me on the list. I have 5 spare codes to give away as well if anybody wants to start.

steamid: lollercaust930