Google Tricked Again Into Serving Up Scam Amazon Ads


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Those wily scammers have once again tricked Google into serving up a scam Amazon ad. This one showed up at the top of the search list and looked like a normal Amazon ad and once you clicked it you were sent to a page the mimicked Apple or Windows support pages and told you your computer was infected with malware. This ad stayed up for hours and I'm sure lots of people clicked it since Amazon is the most searched retail company on the internet. BTW, this isn't a one-off for Google because this is at least the second time this has happened in the last two years. I wonder how many people fell for this? Get your act together Google.

It's at least the second time in two years that Google has served up a malicious ad under Amazon's name. Over the past year, we've heard of several cases of bad ads that have redirected users to malicious pages, but to our knowledge have never directly served malware.
Given the current state of affairs between Google and Amazon, are we sure its unintentional?
This pisses me off!

Companies like Google, Facebook and others have a responsibility for making sure they are serving up good content.

There should have to be a qualified human manually review every single ad before it goes live, and if it contains any scripting or code at all a programmer qualified in the language used should have to perform a full code review before it goes live, and if there is any unclear or obfuscated code, it should be rejected.

This whole "click to instantly go live based on algorithms" abit needa to end.
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