Good NVIDIA News for Gamers


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
NVIDIA says crypto profits are drying up and that is a good thing for us enthusiasts and gamers. And not drying up just a little, a whole lot of drying up is going on. On the flip side of this coin we see that TSMC, who makes a lot of NVIDIA chips, is seeing a pickup in mining ASIC orders. That all said, I would highly advise against buying used GPUs on eBay and the likes of other sites. Get your used GPU from someone in FSFT that has a good trading record.

Nvidia said cryptocurrency specific revenue plunged to $18 million in the second-quarter from $289 million in the preceding quarter, and was well below the $100 million the company had expected. “We had previously anticipated cryptocurrency to be meaningful for the year, we are now projecting no contributions going forward,” Nvidia said.
nothing is good about it, AMD is still nowhere to be found, and Nvidia will milk the crap out of ppl with a new uncalled for market segmentation with RTX, miners might be gone with their inflation, but for sure Nvdia will come with their version of it.
Good advice. I've caught several miners here in KC on Craigslist lying about the usage of their cards, how they were used etc. At the same time, I still think most video cards are free from mining. Lot of guys mined but there are a hell of a lot more gamers than miners.
Good to hear that the scam known as "cryptocurrency" is finally collapsing.

BTW, I got a letter (a paper, first-class letter) last week demanding I deposit Bitcoin worth almost $10K in a wallet, or the blackmailer would tell my wife some secret of mine that he or she had discovered. As if I have any secrets from my wife worth more than a dollar to keep.

I threw the letter out, of course.
Good to hear that the scam known as "cryptocurrency" is finally collapsing.

BTW, I got a letter (a paper, first-class letter) last week demanding I deposit Bitcoin worth almost $10K in a wallet, or the blackmailer would tell my wife some secret of mine that he or she had discovered. As if I have any secrets from my wife worth more than a dollar to keep.

I threw the letter out, of course.

I get calls about this semi-often from former, current, potential customers I do work for. I tell them to ignore it. Most do. Common sense is king.
Nvidia will milk the crap out of ppl with a new uncalled for market segmentation with RTX

It is the market that will decide how uncalled for RTX is or is not. And so far it's looking very much like something the market is intrigued by and wants. The demos are pretty damn compelling.

evidently it's good for overall gamers, but let's wait and see what nvidia will do with their RTX lineup, we might end up with prices just as inflated with the excuse of them being ray tracing compatible.

You seem to have a child like understanding of how supply and demand works. Pricing won't be inflated, because Nvidia really doesn't need to. It's never been their MO. Pricing for xx70 and xx80 will pretty much be in line with 1070/1080 launch pricing, +/- 5-10%. But even if the new flagship xx80 gaming card was somehow >$1000, when people are paying it then you can't really call anything an "excuse" anymore - it's just a marketing bulletpoint when people are overwhelmingly saying yes, and the cards are sold out three months deep. Sorry, sparky.
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nothing is good about it, AMD is still nowhere to be found, and Nvidia will milk the crap out of ppl with a new uncalled for market segmentation with RTX, miners might be gone with their inflation, but for sure Nvdia will come with their version of it.
I'm not sure who you think NVidia is going to "milk" that isn't stepping into it by their own decision. It sounds like you're suggesting that if the Fiji vs 980Ti situation was reversed with AMD focusing on gaming performance and NVidia focusing on business applications and mining that consumers are forced to buy NVidia anyway.:stop: I see 17 different new-in-box listings for Vega cards on Newegg so maybe you're just in a country where AMD isn't as popular?
Perfect timing for a new card to come out anyway, my new motherboard notified me that the output on my second 1080 is dead. Luckilly it still functions for sli.
nothing is good about it, AMD is still nowhere to be found, and Nvidia will milk the crap out of ppl with a new uncalled for market segmentation with RTX, miners might be gone with their inflation, but for sure Nvdia will come with their version of it.

What does that even mean? Just because miners are gone and GPU's won't be inflated 300%, Nvidia will invent some new way to make them up 300%?

Also, the ONLY people buying overpriced GPU's were miners. Now that they're gone nobody would spend the money even if Nvidia artificially inflated the price.
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It is the market that will decide how uncalled for RTX is or is not.
You seem to have a child like understanding of how supply and demand works. Pricing won't be inflated, because Nvidia really doesn't need to. It's never been their MO. Pricing for xx70 and xx80 will pretty much be in line with 1070/1080 launch pricing, +/- 5-10%.

It's also important to understand who NVidia is competing with in 2018. It's not just AMD.
They're also competing with the GTX10x0 cards they sold back in 2016 and 2017.
If the new cards don't offer enough of a performance boost at a low enough price, people won't upgrade.
There aren't that many new users entering the market for these cards each year, so upgrades are a critical part of sales.

Intel has faced this issue for years now, lots of people think their 4-year-old CPU is "fast enough."
NVidia would rather you didn't think that of your 2016 graphics card.
Well, AMD has gone FULL RETARD with their graphics division, so Nvidia is free to charge whatever the hell they please for the new cards. There isn't any alternative. Let's hope some of that Ryzen success finds its way to Radeon.
Well, AMD has gone FULL RETARD with their graphics division, so Nvidia is free to charge whatever the hell they please for the new cards. There isn't any alternative. Let's hope some of that Ryzen success finds its way to Radeon.

Yep, you want high fps at high resolution, Nvidia is the only game in town, & we will pay for it. Nvidia is the new Charter Communications. It sucks.
Pretty sure nvidia is bummed out how the mining craze has died down.

Like they gave a real crap to gamers.
I wouldn't buy a mined GPU if I could avoid it.

As for cryptocurrency GPU use dying off, I'm not going to hold my breath.
There is too much greed in that market for something NOT to raise it's ugly head and screw us again.

The idea of buying some GPUs and running the shit out of them 24/7 on whimsical math problems to make money, then eventually, wallowing in the muck of avarice is ridiculous.

BUT there is greed and there are lazy fuckers expecting that kind of return on investment, so there will be equally repulsive fuckers to fill the voids.
Good to hear that the scam known as "cryptocurrency" is finally collapsing.

BTW, I got a letter (a paper, first-class letter) last week demanding I deposit Bitcoin worth almost $10K in a wallet, or the blackmailer would tell my wife some secret of mine that he or she had discovered. As if I have any secrets from my wife worth more than a dollar to keep.

I threw the letter out, of course.

What if you have a lot of secrets? How are you supposed to evaluate whether it's worth it ir not?
As an eBay Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Well, AMD has gone FULL RETARD with their graphics division, so Nvidia is free to charge whatever the hell they please for the new cards. There isn't any alternative. Let's hope some of that Ryzen success finds its way to Radeon.

I saw an article a few weeks ago or maybe longer, it basically laid out what AMD would need to compete with nVidia again and it was an absolutely astronomical amount of money that they not only don't have but could never possibly earn. But the editorial also talked about time. Time AMD can't get back. Basically, it can't be done. But, AMD can still service the budget market for years to come. It will just be impossible for AMD to ever compete head to head performance wise with nVidia ... that ship has not only sailed but it sank and it sank deeply .... very deeply.

We will see 1080 level performance AMD cards sometime in 2019 is what the critics and experts are saying.
Well, AMD has gone FULL RETARD with their graphics division, so Nvidia is free to charge whatever the hell they please for the new cards.

Except Nvidia's pricing doesn't work that way. AMD hasn't really been a factor at the high end for most of this decade, yet Nvidia's MSRP's have pretty consistently stayed same (or been less) gen over gen. The screams of gamers "their gunna charge over $1000 u gais" we hear every time a new gen is about to launch has simply never come to fruition.

There's actually quite a lot of careful calculation that goes into rendering their MSRP's. They're competing with themselves and their existing installbase of GPU's more than anything. Example, pricing too high would stall new sales as more people would just hang back on previous gen. That also risks an opportunity cost where potential buyers might skip the entire generation once the die is cast in their minds that its too expensive to upgrade. Hype is, after all, at its peak at launch. Lots of variables get factored.
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I'm in the "won't buy a used card they was run to death" camp.

I am hearing rumors about parts dying in the boards for power delivery, granted unsubstantiated but it jas swayed my opinion
What if you have a lot of secrets? How are you supposed to evaluate whether it's worth it ir not?
I do have a lot of secrets. But not from my wife. And not that are worth more than a beer.

The blackmailer wanted almost $10K. Instead of paying them, I'd happily go public with any five of my secrets you want for half-a-dozen NVidia 2080 cards. Especially since my wife knows all our banking and investing passwords, and I don't. :)
I saw an article a few weeks ago or maybe longer, it basically laid out what AMD would need to compete with nVidia again and it was an absolutely astronomical amount of money that they not only don't have but could never possibly earn. But the editorial also talked about time. Time AMD can't get back. Basically, it can't be done. But, AMD can still service the budget market for years to come. It will just be impossible for AMD to ever compete head to head performance wise with nVidia ... that ship has not only sailed but it sank and it sank deeply .... very deeply.

We will see 1080 level performance AMD cards sometime in 2019 is what the critics and experts are saying.
People said the same of Zen. AMD now owns HEDT, is more power efficient, has process lead for a few years to come and is near parity or over parity in gaming...
If you dismiss AMD, then I have a green, GTX970 paved bridge to sell you.
Please, share with us how you can tell which is which. Oh yea, on ebay it will say "Never used for mining" :LOL:;):eek::sneaky:

Easy, common sense. You really truly think there are more people mining with their cards than Fortnite players? Ummmm .... OK!
People said the same of Zen. AMD now owns HEDT, is more power efficient, has process lead for a few years to come and is near parity or over parity in gaming...
If you dismiss AMD, then I have a green, GTX970 paved bridge to sell you.

That's because intel start slowing down after sandy and think AMD will never ever catch up to them even if the practically do nothing. They were so confident of that and set their eyes to crush ARM next on mobile with their "superior x86". Now has nvidia start slowing down their progress yet?
Easy, common sense. You really truly think there are more people mining with their cards than Fortnite players? Ummmm .... OK!

No, but there are or rather were more GPU's out there mining than playing Fortnite. Fortnite players weren't buying entire stocks off the shelves as soon as they hit, it was miners.
You're a stranger to them. They are a for profit company.
Why should they care about you as anything but a source of revenue?

Not exactly my point but then again I didn't really specify it. Let's be honest, nvidia loved the mining craze while bashing it to save face to the gamers.

Now that the mining craze has died down much sooner then they expected, nvidia is coming off as if they been on the gamer's side the whole time.

Just more two-face marketing.
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