Gigabyte RTX 4080 AERO - $950 shipped SOLD

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Sep 12, 2012
Dust free, no scratches. Half of the locking tab was chipped off when removing the GPU for installation of an M.2 drive a while back, it was stuck because of an aftermarket connector I used just wasn't able to properly release on the tab. Nothing else wrong with the card, works just fine, no coil whine. I doubt they would even notice it for RMA if it ever needed to be RMAed. It's been running like this for a month. The connector seats very firm even though it doesn't lock and really, the lock doesn't matter because they already proved that the lock had too much play to begin with and still caused the melting issues locked. I don't think melting is much of an issue on the 4080 either.

I am downgrading because I just don't need this power anymore. I am actually happy with my ARC GPU now (new drivers). Full box with accessories and original adapter... not my crappy one.

Keep in mind this is a large card and part of the reason why I just don't want it anymore.

My name is Robert as stated on the box when I bought it at Microcenter. I will provide receipt.

Heatware under SLK - I am trusted and will provide you with my cell if needed. I am sure a TON of members here could chime in too!

$950 F&F

Best close up I can give:

Edit: for clarification


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I paid your asking price for my 3070 during the great scalping, lol. Bump for you, great deal for whoever jumps on this.
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