Gaming track ball mouse


Apr 11, 2005
I have been using the "thumb" trackball(ball on side) for about 10 years and will never go back to anything else. I am wondering why no company has made a "gaming" version of this mouse. They make tons of regular gaming mice and I know its a niche market but I would love to see one with more buttons and better DPI settings.
Because you're an anomaly. It would be interesting to see just how many people use a trackball for gaming, though.
I don't believe they can match the level of control of a traditional mouse and gamers want every nanometer of 'edge' they can get.
I dont agree personally with the accuracy part. I find myself being very accurate with my thumb and used to whoop ass in instagib CTF in unreal with these mice(used the microsoft one back then). I would like to see a model like the new blue logitech M570 trackball with more buttons and better DPI settings. I use the previous black and red version of the M570 now.
I know someone who has wrist problems but loves gaming so he's looking into getting one of these after I suggested it. Personally I couldn't see myself using one for gaming.
I use the new one with the blue ball. I don't know, I've always seemed to do okay with trackballs in online shooters. I probably do better now with a trackball than I did way back when with a regular mouse. I'm almost always in the top half of whatever I'm playing, and I occasionally am at the very top.