Funny Kimbo Slice vs. Caterpillar Ad

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I don’t care what your personal opinion is of Norton Antivirus, Kimbo Slice, caterpillars or lasers, when you put them all together you get a pretty damn funny ad. They have other funny ones posted on the site as well.
hahah thats funny...

I'm not keen on norton... but those ad's are funny as hell
I have been beta testing this for the last couple of months and I must say I am quite impressed with the software. It is not as "blotware" as past products. While I am still not one hundred percent sold on it as a purchase I am going to at the least throw it into the ring for consideration.

I was waiting for that. Ha, I'd like to see you step into the ring (or cage, or street, or whatever) and take Kimbo on. :rolleyes:

Sure, but he must agree to appear on Jeopardy against me :eek: I hear he's fairly smart, so I think it will be a wash in the end.;)

On topic, the Dokken/chicken video was hilarious.
I laughed my ass off at the Dokken ad, saw it while watching Lost on Hulu. Funny stuff.
At Bakn Of Visionviper I keep your monies saef. I only reqires your credit cards and bank account informashon. Total legit, I swear.
oh kimbo... kimbo.... kimbo... if a caterpillar can take him down... I wonder how he will fair come next Thursday (TUF 10 season premiere) :D
Fire ze laser!

Seriously though, all antivirus does not work well enough to be considered reliable. Drop the training wheels and be a man, use backups instead of antivirus. I wouldn't dare remove antivirus from clueless users computers though, they are forever severely suicidally challenged and even unreliable protection is better then nothing for them.
Ok.. that gave me flashbacks.. that's Hanger 2 at Moffet Field NAS in Mountain View..

I used to fly P3-C Orions out of there almost every single day.. MAN that makes me remember some shit...

Nortons really close to Moffett... my bud Scott worked there or at least used to, might be a project manager now. who knows.... he used to bring us in and we would use the servers to play Wow against some guys in Japan.. we beat the crap outa them every time lol
In typical Norton Fashion.

Took way too long to load and wasn't all that great.
I was waiting for that. Ha, I'd like to see you step into the ring (or cage, or street, or whatever) and take Kimbo on. :rolleyes:

Wow, so you were waiting for someone to say what I said and yet you still responded like an idiot.

Quick Answer: I don't pretend to be a professional fighter. But of course Kimbo became famous just going around beating up normal people. As soon as he faced anyone with training, he was done, period.

One more thing, it doesn't take a genius to recognize an idiot.
I want to see you face a dragon.
The only reason I know who Kimbo Slice is, is because I heard he got his butt whooped by somebody who he was supposed to beat; so the commercial is laughable at best. Knowing what they're getting at doesn't make it any better, considering it's Norton.
I can't hate on Kimbo too much. He played the card he was dealt, EliteXC made him their big star without the pro experience. I think anyone would've took what they gave him. With that said, not that he's in the UFC and on this season of Ultimate Fighter (starting Wed.) we'll see how he does.
Fire ze laser!

Seriously though, all antivirus does not work well enough to be considered reliable. Drop the training wheels and be a man, use backups instead of antivirus. I wouldn't dare remove antivirus from clueless users computers though, they are forever severely suicidally challenged and even unreliable protection is better then nothing for them.

For those of us with an actual measurable IQ and computer knowledge, no AV other then the odd checkup scan here and there is fine. However you have to remember we are the 1%ers on this type of thing. The overwhelming majority of computer users are complete idiots, that includes some highly intelligent people. Their intelligence pool just doesn't include common sense when it comes to using a computer. The real problem comes from the ones who "think" they know what they are doing on a PC, but really don't. Sadly my father counts in this group and try as I might, he just doesn't get the picture that he is the sole source of his issues on the computer..not everyone else he blames. :rolleyes: One would think a man of 55 would be able to listen to his 30 year old son who specializes in computers, but no he just argues.
Dokken ROX! So does Kimbo. Amazing a nasty street fighter can make it all because of the internet! LOL!
The Dokken/chicken ad may was seriously funny. A dead chicken with a shiv is hysterical any way you look at it.