[FT]More MS Software [FS] Halo, Nero, AC WC, 56k PCMCIA [WTB] Quiet Fan & AXP HSF

heya Triolent. i've got a heatsink for ya, if your motherboard has mounting holes.

my FS/FT thread.

by the way, the G400 is still working great in my friends system.
Originally posted by felix88
heya Triolent. i've got a heatsink for ya, if your motherboard has mounting holes.

my FS/FT thread.

by the way, the G400 is still working great in my friends system.
felix, long time no see. :)

It's good to hear the G400 is still chugging along. I think about it every now and then...

As for the HSF, I'd rather just get something with clips. This is for the family PC and I don't like messing with it if I don't have to.
I have a stock heatsink from a pentium 3 system with a 60->80mm adapter and a quiet 80mm w/ gold grille it should work. If your interested I'll trade you for halo. LMK matthew.dunlap ATT colorado DOTT edu heat under dunmatt
Originally posted by DunM@
I have a stock heatsink from a pentium 3 system with a 60->80mm adapter and a quiet 80mm w/ gold grille it should work. If your interested I'll trade you for halo. LMK matthew.dunlap ATT colorado DOTT edu heat under dunmatt
Matt, that fits socket A?
Yep, just tested it on a spare NF7-S (btw if you want a cheap NF7-S you can have this one for $40 and all you'd have to do is replace the BIOS chip with a new one and it would be like new again) I had laying around and it fit fine.
Sorry it took so long... I forgot that I had cleaned since last I saw it so I had no idea where it was... but it's found. The fan appears to be one of these http://www.eagletechcomputers.com/toptec80287c.html but I could be wrong. email me and I'll send a pic of the whole assembly.

Quantifying volume is a tricky business, I would say it's about .75 as loud as a running 15 year old fridge. However if you run it at 7V as I was it's so quiet you can't tell there's power to the mobo from outside the case.
BUMP for Triolent!

Hey bro, I have this Slot 1 PIII 450 that might could use a good home...


...know anybody that is intrested in it?;)
Matt, I take it you have that fan on top of the p3 HSF then. From the link, ot doesn't seem too loud. I'll get back to you about that and the board. V-day here won't allow for too much time in front of the PC... :eek: :p

five, thanks for the bump! :) I will be on the lookout for someone who needs one. As for the combo, I picked up one of these, which who knows how that will turn out. :p
Ewwww, your gettin' the TD bug! :eek: :p

The board that I had for sale with it has some bugs in it. I'm not goin' to be selling the board... just LMK dude!
Yeah, I am taking another chance on TD, but what can ya do.

I have a plan if they decide to screw me over. :eek: :p
if your stilll looking for a socket a heatsink i have a thermalright sk-7 and 24v panaflo m1a (with 12v 4 pin connector to make it really silent).
Yeah, I am still looking for one. What are you looking to get for the HSF?

Matt, do you have a link to the actual HSF?

YGEM on a quiet fan. I have a few fans in the 20-40 CFM and 20-32 dBA range on hand. Did you get the email? Waiting to hear more on your requirements so I can dig through what I have on hand and try to match something to your requirements. My email is

pmacklin AT math DOT uci DOT edu

Heatware is under macklin01.

In part, I need to know whether you're planning on using it as a case fan or as a HS fan, and in the latter case, for what type of thermal load.

Also, I'd highly recommend the SK7 mentioned above. I used to cool a 2200+ with one of those and a Panaflo Hi. I also cool a PIII-S overclocked to 1425 MHz with a Panaflo Hi at 7V with an SK7. Excellent heatsink.

Thanks! -- Paul
edit: sorry i'm not going to be selling the heatsink at teh moment.

Sorry to take up your time.
Ah. Well, within 2-3 weeks, I'll be selling an SK7. (After I upgrade my PIII-S system to a P4 system and verify the working order of the new system.) If / when you PM or email, please let me know if you're interested in that. -- Paul
No, I don't have any idea what kind of fan it is, it just says T&T on the side, has a 3 pin tail (no molexes), and it's an 80mm, that's all I know about it. As for the heatsink it's just a stock P3 heatsink, the plastic adapter I got from a catalog a while ago so I don't really have a link for it either... sorry.