Fry's weekend deals


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 29, 2005
I've found the ads for Fry's in Houston. Here you go:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Pages 4-5
The all-important page 6
Back Page

A few deals to note:
300GB Seagate IDE hard drive - $89 (Page 1)
2x 1GB OCZ 800MHZ DDR2 - $149 (Page 6)
4GB USB flash drive - $79 AR(back page)

There's also an abnormally large number of MB/CPU combos to look at on Page 6--if you want a good laugh, take a look at the first MB/CPU combo on the top row...
I can't wait to get me one of them "Crosshair" motherboards. I hair they're pretty sweet.
Rori said:
I can't wait to get me one of them "Crosshair" motherboards. I hair they're pretty sweet.

there is a website called google that if you press a series of letters that forms a word, you have the world at your finger tips...
You gotta be joking me, does your paper really have a 6 page add?
biggest ive ever seen is 4 counting frnt and back
The Dallas Morning News runs 6 page Fry's ads every week, as does the Houston area paper (whatever their name is).
Dan3290 said:
You gotta be joking me, does your paper really have a 6 page add?
biggest ive ever seen is 4 counting frnt and back

well here is the OC cal. ad its the same its linked in adobe with the whole weeks ad's frys on fridays is 8 pages well 4 front and back.
what sucks is that in san deigo its only 4 pages so missing alot of those cpu/combo deals
i was actually thinking of getting that D945 combo to replace my D805 but still trying to research its oc ability to find out if its worth it. but since it so new theres not much out there
Thank you, i was not able to get the Austin's fry's ad today. You should post this every week ;)
It's the Houston Chronicle, and the ad is usually 8 pages--it has its own section in the Friday paper. They now post the Fry's ads in two different places online, and the newer one doesn't work with my trick. They're doing some revamping of their online posting of print ads, so it's a bit messy. here's what I do:
1) go to
2) find an item from the day of the ad that I'm looking for and open in a new tab
3) for that item, click on the "View Whole Ad"
4) I get a small version (like the ones I linked) of the whole page

After a few times, you figure out which items tend to show up on which pages. Things in color are on the first and last pages (the Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday ads are one page in color). Laptops are on page 2, desktops and apple stuff on page 3, appliances and car stuff on pages 4-5, CPU/MB combos, memory, networking and hard drives on page 6, games, movies, music and software on page 7.
I have found this site to be extremely useful for Fry's ads. The ads are from Cali, but 90% of the time, they have been the same as the one here in Arizona.

PS: Site doesn't work in FF for me...use IE tab extension.
D/FW Fry's Electronics circulars are posted on the websites for the Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

Just an FYI for my fellow D/FW natives. :)
Blue Falcon said:
D/FW Fry's Electronics circulars are posted on the websites for the Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

Just an FYI for my fellow D/FW natives. :)

Here's the link

Here's one for Seattle.
marvin888 said:
Try this site for Fry's ads
I think I found it here a long time ago.
One of the nice things about their site is that they do some filtering so you only see the better deals. However, I personally prefer to see the whole ad and judge for myself what are good/bad deals.
Mohonri said:
One of the nice things about their site is that they do some filtering so you only see the better deals. However, I personally prefer to see the whole ad and judge for myself what are good/bad deals.

That and there's just something nice about seeing a Fry's Ad. :D

I can look at a fry's friday ad 3 or 4 times and I'll generally find something I overlooked every time. Of course it's not as much fun when the nearest one is over 200 miles away. :(
According to Google Maps, I am

Distance: 0.8 mi (about 1 min)

away from my Fry's. Funny, it always seems to take at least 3 minutes...
damn, beat me to it.

picked up the $9.99 kingston 1GB SD card today.