Former Pentagon X-Files Chief: Existence of UFOs “Proved beyond Reasonable Doubt”


Aug 20, 2006
The existence of UFOs had been “proved beyond reasonable doubt,” according to the head of the secret Pentagon program that analyzed the mysterious aircraft. In an interview with British broadsheet The Telegraph, Luis Elizondo told the newspaper of the sightings, “In my opinion, if this was a court of law, we have reached the point of ‘beyond reasonable doubt.’”

Luis Elizondo, who quit as head of the Advanced Threat Identification Programme (AATIP) two months ago, warned nations now “had to be conscious” of the potential threat posed by UFOs. He told the newspaper there were geographical “hot spots” – sometimes around nuclear facilities and power plants – which emerged during AATIP’s investigations, as well as common factors between UFO sightings.
First of all In GOD I Trust NOT Humans, 2nd of all until i can smell touch taste lick feel it i dont beleive it 3rd of all why didnt the us shoot it down with missels and try to see what it really is or was and only photograph video it...........only thing out there is stupid humans wanting to beleive..........
Well UFO means 'unidentified flying object'. Not aliens, so I believe there are things that fly that we can't identify based on bad video footage.

Just what I was thinking...though, if you read the article, it does seem to indicate that he is talking about advanced craft of non-human origin.
If anyone really thinks these craft are not alien, from another world and debatable in origin, the Flat-Earthers are recruiting. I find comfort in knowing that other civilizations have found the true GOD... Technology. Which is meaningless and useless unless it goes hand in hand with the the willingness to work past their petty differences and beliefs; an ascension in morality, which is needed to build a real civilization with longevity.
This site now supports alien conspiracy theories to go with cryptocurrency and political news? The stupid... it burns
an ascension in morality, which is needed to build a real civilization with longevity.
And what is your morality based on?

As for the "UFO's" definitely exist:
Plenty of observable phenomenon that is "unidentified." There is just so much that we don't know and can't explain. However, isn't coming to conclusions without hard evidence a violation of the religion of

Funny how those who believe in the religion of Science see a fuzzy video of something that cannot be identified, and think "yep, definitely piloted by extra-terrestrials" when there is absolutely no evidence that they are otherworldly in origin.

Yet those same people mock those of us who believe in a transcendent Deity simply because you cannot prove that God exists.
I assume he was talking about alien UFOs since it mentioned that he "warned nations". I assume nations would always be alert of any kind of terrestrial aircraft.
First of all In GOD I Trust NOT Humans, 2nd of all until i can smell touch taste lick feel it i dont beleive it 3rd of all why didnt the us shoot it down with missels and try to see what it really is or was and only photograph video it...........only thing out there is stupid humans wanting to beleive..........

LOL Shoot first, ask questions later. Especially in the unlikely event that it is a technologically superior civilization that makes a TON of sense.
Then yes as others have pointed out last I recall no one's smelled/touched/tasted/licked/felt God... ever.
LOL Shoot first, ask questions later. Especially in the unlikely event that it is a technologically superior civilization that makes a TON of sense.
Then yes as others have pointed out last I recall no one's smelled/touched/tasted/licked/felt God... ever.

Oh, I'm pretty sure that Mary "felt" God, if you know what I mean. ;)
First of all In GOD I Trust NOT Humans, 2nd of all until i can smell touch taste lick feel it i dont beleive it 3rd of all why didnt the us shoot it down with missels and try to see what it really is or was and only photograph video it...........only thing out there is stupid humans wanting to beleive..........

You don't believe in anything you can not touch, feel smell et cetera, but in GOD you trust?...i'm confused...
I think the world has known about UFO's for a while. As far as the unidentified part that is. Even as someone that would love to travel the stars and would take great comfort in knowing there's other intelligent beings out there we simply just don't know what these things are and I don't jump to conclusions.

They could be alien. They could be extra-dimensional. It could be US...knowing that we have like 22 trillion in unknown spending in the DOD this could be some top secret shit that very few know about.

I think acknowledging UFO's is the first they just need to tell us what they are. The DOD not knowing or saying they don't know doesn't mean anything. Could all be some super black-ops type stuff that's deep Deep DEEP in some secret ancient government program in the caves of Northern Antarctica right below Hawaii (look it up - I'm kidding).

Shit, just Google the TR-3B craft:

This is something that I've actually seen in Georgia, my mother did as well. Now many would say it's a's a ALIEN SPACECRAFT!!! but to me I'm pretttttttty fucking sure it's just some government/military experiment. Not saying it isn't top-secret. Not saying it doesn't use some unknown propulsion. I am saying I don't think it's extra-anything though.

The government has stuff we don't know about. To me that's most likely the "Unidentified" part of UFO's. Most likely though...Given some unknown force or power source a lot of these UFO's certainly show signs that far outweight them being of human origin.

I have always found it odd that if...and ONLY if...this stuff is us then why has none of it come to the public since the 1950's when UFO's became more mainstream? Stuff like this:

Meh, I don't know. It seems like if the UFO's are us then we've had the tech for a FREAKISHLY long time...where'd we get it? Why aren't we using it? Is it more political/corporate bonds? Probably.
Just what I was thinking...though, if you read the article, it does seem to indicate that he is talking about advanced craft of non-human origin.

There was another article talking about debris that was recovered and is under super duper secret security because it's an unknown alloy.
Since UFO <> Alien sure . . that thing is may be definitely unknown ;P
As Alien? extraordinary clams need extraordinary PROOF. Not fuzzy photos and hearsay.
Even if extraterrestrial life exists it doesn't suddenly invalidate the doctrine of religion. At least not of the more common religions such as Christianity.

Back to the article at hand, why does it seem these types of statements always come from those no longer in any official position of power or authority?
Back to the article at hand, why does it seem these types of statements always come from those no longer in any official position of power or authority?

Because they're no longer in danger of losing their job perhaps. Though I'm sure they still fall under some classified information act or requirement of some kind.
It's a Government Hoax man, just like Sasquatch was...that said with the later...I've heard some strange shit out there before and not entirely sure what it was.....and I fing hit something on a backroad one Night man...not sure what it was dude but it was strange...Stopped and got out there was nothing there man or in the ditch....
"religion of Science"

Bzzzzt.. Oxymoron, 10 yard penalty.

I suppose it comforts some people to believe that science is "just another religion".

I guess it scares some that "I do not know" is actually a valid answer from a figure of informational authority.

Instead of facing their fears and living free, they beg to be chained in their ignorance.
Wait, so you want to lick aliens?
Hell yes.


I leave myself open to any possibility; I like the moral intent of Christianity (non-zealous branches of course) and believe in God, yet also think it would be fantastic (and in a limitless universe, chances are SOMETHING is out there) if aliens had/have/will visit earth. I read entirely too much sci-fi and have had multiple horrible dreams where massive ships that can transform slightly and have shields/lasers, have come down and our military just started firing nukes at them. One in particular was really cool but frightening. My family is at a BBQ in SCarolina and everyone starts screaming and running, hundreds of people; we are near a naval base on the coast so we start running too. I see a battleship launch this square box into the sky, it shoots up around 1000 feet, breaks apart and 10 small nukes scream into the atmosphere. All of a sudden there are these flakes like snow everywhere, we all look around trying to find out what it's fish. The aliens had nuked the ocean and vaporized miles of water, the flakes are flash fried fish raining down. Fighters pass overhead and fire on these container looking spaceships, shields absorb the blows and they fire lasers back on the fighters and population.

I woke up sweating, it was super intense and I have no idea how it finished which sucks. In all, I believe in God to track straight and why not, science/aliens because it's tangible and/or interesting, and that our Government keeps things from us - we have no idea what they are working on. Most of these "UFO's" though, are military experiments. A lot of the pictures should be taken lightly, if something is in IFR it can look really far away and big, it could be however very small and close. I found that our the hard way playing around with some IR devices, it's very hard to judge distance/size.

Keep an open mind people!
First of all In GOD I Trust NOT Humans, 2nd of all until i can smell touch taste lick feel it i dont beleive it 3rd of all why didnt the us shoot it down with missels and try to see what it really is or was and only photograph video it...........only thing out there is stupid humans wanting to beleive..........

But you believe in God...riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Eh, I'd call it a push. I don't doubt that someone could identify the items or their make (China, most likely) sitting in the Nevada warehouse. But these scientists seem to be stuck in thinking "everything is known" .. we make discoveries every day. Surely there's a possibility there might be some element that only occurs in a distant portion of the Galaxy that would be completely foreign to us and/or hard to identify. So I can't agree that we'd be able to identify everything that crash lands onto Earth.

Not saying either article is right (hence the push), but I disagree with the close-mindedness of the latter. Some of our greatest discoveries have been made by people who dared to realize we don't know everything.