Flickering problem with old nvidia card.

Sep 18, 2008
Having a peculiar problem with my old 7800GTX card, every couple minutes it likes to flicker both monitors. I can only describe it at the same kind of blinking that happens when you would change your resolution. The monitors are 2x Acer AL2223W connected via DVI, and they are both in good condition. So far i've tried underclocking and some older drivers. I've also tried forcing performance 3D. Sometimes it will bug out on my 1st monitor, and show 4 grids, as if i had 4 monitors. I've got it in a Dell Inspiron 530 and i switch between the two acers and a 32" hdtv, and they all do the same thing.

Anyone got any ideas?
Replace the card?

It sounds like the memory is going bad. I think the CUDA toolkit has a CUDA program that is the equivalent of MemTest86+ for GPUs...
I've ordered a low-profile 4650, but it would be a shame to throw out an old card that i payed so much for in '05. Unfortunately the card doesn't support CUDA so i can't run any memtest. I guess i'm shit out of luck.