Finished Medal of Honor...


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 28, 2004
Great game but short.

What next?

I have a 360 and can not stand the Halo series.

I do have Bad Company 2, Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, both COD Modern Warfare games(though I have tried the first one when it came out and didn't like it mostly do to the fact that it went away from WWII) and COD World at War.

Now multi player I don't care about(chipped 360). I do have a rapid fire modded controller(so far it has been unused) That I'd like to try out.
Just to throw in my 2 cents, I thought the Medal of Honor singleplayer campaign was one of the best fps single player stories I've ever played. Alot of people passed on it from the CoD crowd and I was one of them and trust me its damn good, worth a rent atleast.
Just to throw in my 2 cents, I thought the Medal of Honor singleplayer campaign was one of the best fps single player stories I've ever played. Alot of people passed on it from the CoD crowd and I was one of them and trust me its damn good, worth a rent atleast.

Oh ya I loved it. It was just way to short.

The cut scene before the last battle was one of the best ones that I've ever seen. I'll be playing it again to flush out the rest of the single player achievements(loved the tree cutting one)

I'm currently playing Bad Company 2. It's not bad but getting better as I get over the disappointment of the rather short WWII part, got my hopes up for a WWII FPS, and the game play. The teammate AI really sucks though.

Might try Vegas 2 next as I loved the first one.
I too loved the (short) single player, multiplayer was so-so and led me to trade it in, by the time I traded it in in november there were a total of 3000 people playing on 360 worldwide so I don't expect it to last long.
Everyone should give Red Dead Redemption a go. Its a ton of fun even if you hate the GTA series.
Brother's in Arms: Hell's Highway. Get this, it's a fantastic game and you can pick it up cheap.
I too love FPS games. If you havent played COD2, then get on it. Its still my favorite COD game to this day and I played all of the COD games.

Gears of war IMO is boring. If you like CO OP multiplaer games, then L4D 1 and 2 are great.

Also definitely check out Batman AA, Dead Space, Bio Shock 1 and 2, Assassins creed 1 and 2, and Dead Rising 1 and 2 . All great games.
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Everyone should give Red Dead Redemption a go. Its a ton of fun even if you hate the GTA series.

Added to Gamefly.

I too love FPS games. If you havent played COD2, then get on it. Its still my favorite COD game to this day and I played all of the COD games.

Gears of war IMO is boring. If you like CO OP multiplaer games, then L4D 1 and 2 are great.

Also definitely check out Batman AA, Dead Space, Bio Shock 1 and 2, Assassins creed 1 and 2, and Dead Rising 1 and . All great games.

GOW I didn't like. I CAN NOT go online with this 360 as it is mod chipped and not yet banned.

I love the COD series(though MW 1 and 2 I don't really care for.) and even based a computer build to play COD2.

I've played and beat Bio Shock 1, might give the 2nt one a try. Assassins Creed, I started. It is not holding my interest to much. But I play to give it some more time. Batman AA I have but haven't tried yet, will give it a go tonight.

I finished Bad Company 2(again an awesome game) and went back to playing Vegas 2.

On my list for Gamefly:
Medal of Honor: Airborne
Battlefield: Bad Company 1
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1
The Sims 3(for my wife)
Tony Hawk: Shred
Oblivion GOTY(to replace the non GOTY I have)
Red Dead Redemption
Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway

Later I'll make a list of what games I do have as well later on when I'm home from the hospital(yes I'm OK my mother in law had to have her gallbladder removed) and when my wife lets me use her laptop(my MIL has mine at the hospital).
yea I got batman for christmas and its sick. Assassins creed I never played but my brother says its really good. The first one is very repetitive but still good and the second one is much better. They fixed all the problems that were in the first game.
yea I got batman for christmas and its sick. Assassins creed I never played but my brother says its really good. The first one is very repetitive but still good and the second one is much better. They fixed all the problems that were in the first game.

So far it is good.

I really don't care for how the game play is in AC.

Gave MW1 a try again but lost it after the 5 min mark on the unskipable opening cutsceen. I want to play a game, not watch a movie.
MW1 has a great story, I wouldn't skip it. That said...5 minutes? I thought I had ADD. You surely didn't give the game long enough. Sure there is story but it's hardly a "movie".

The first AC game can be a bit of a grind, especially towards the end. Even if you hated it and never finish it, I still highly recommend trying AC2. It's much much improved. The difference between the two are almost night and day.
Yea MW1 is probably my second favorite COD campaign after COD2. It has a very good story, with good missions, and its not short like MW2 and BO.
MW1 has a great story, I wouldn't skip it. That said...5 minutes? I thought I had ADD. You surely didn't give the game long enough. Sure there is story but it's hardly a "movie".

The first AC game can be a bit of a grind, especially towards the end. Even if you hated it and never finish it, I still highly recommend trying AC2. It's much much improved. The difference between the two are almost night and day.

5+ min. I really don't care for cut screens and really hate long ones that distract from game play. *shrug*

Been playing Batman AA and so far it has been really good.
Ok, so you've got enough knowledge to buy or mod your own 360, probably have downloaded all of these games, and then you come here to ask what games to play? Why? Evidently I'm sure you can figure out on your own what you want.

I base this on the fact that you really did not need to point out more than once that this is a MODDED xbox. You could have simply stated you dislike multiplayer.
Ok, so you've got enough knowledge to buy or mod your own 360, probably have downloaded all of these games, and then you come here to ask what games to play? Why? Evidently I'm sure you can figure out on your own what you want.

I base this on the fact that you really did not need to point out more than once that this is a MODDED xbox. You could have simply stated you dislike multi player.

the xbox was a Christmas gift this year. :)

And stating that I don't like multi player only got reply's about how great mutli player was for a game.

And no none of the games I have on it were downloaded. I have hard copy's of all the games I've been playing. Gamefly disks will be played and sent back when done.

Now I know this next comment is probably going to cause your brain to explode so please read with caution.

Not all modding is about pirating games.

I was given a modded one solely because the gifter mods all of his consoles to play from HDD and not disk. He was tired of playing the xbox(went to PS3) and knew I wanted a 360 for Christmas, so he gave me his and all of his games. And yes being able to back up to HDD to play has come in real handy with limited indoor storage space and a toddler that can and has gotten into every thing.

Any who. Ill give the ones that looked good a try and the ones on my gamefly list a try and let you all know what I think.
On my list for Gamefly:
Medal of Honor: Airborne
Battlefield: Bad Company 1
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1
The Sims 3(for my wife)
Tony Hawk: Shred
Oblivion GOTY(to replace the non GOTY I have)
Red Dead Redemption
Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway

MoH Airborne, Has been a good one so far.

CoD Black Ops, Kicked ass.

Still working on Vegas 2.
On my list for Gamefly:
Medal of Honor: Airborne
Battlefield: Bad Company 1
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1
The Sims 3(for my wife)
Tony Hawk: Shred
Oblivion GOTY(to replace the non GOTY I have)
Red Dead Redemption
Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway

MoH Airborne is good. Playing it on and off.
COD Black Ops was awesome.
Currently playing Red Dead Redemption. So far a good game for a 3rd person shooter.
I too loved the (short) single player, multiplayer was so-so and led me to trade it in, by the time I traded it in in november there were a total of 3000 people playing on 360 worldwide so I don't expect it to last long.

The single player could have at least tied up the loose ends (colonel and stateside general...). I loved it, but was sorta surprised how short it was.

If any of you want to read more about the special ops guys in Afghanistan, check this out. Extremely well written, you won't be able to put it down. At times I felt like I was playing this book.

As for the multiplayer....I'm not enjoying it a great deal because the snipers are just out of control. They were supposedly nerfed, but they need to cap the number of them allowed per team at a time. Right now team deathmatch is unplayable, and the other modes are only slightly better because you can't really take objectives with snipers.
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