Fans spins in BIOS, and down in Windows. Normal?


Oct 23, 2010
Is it normal for the fans of a GTX700 card to spin up in BIOS, and spin down after booting into Windows?

It seems it is Windows that lowers the fans? Why are not the card fans always spinning down, even in BIOS? When I look into BIOS, my card gives me a head ache. I want to boot into Windows as quickly as possible. Is this really normal?
My 7950 GX2 was like that. It seemed like the fan control was being handled by the driver and it wouldn't spin down the fans until the driver was loaded. Same thing when powering down... when the video driver was unloaded the fans would go back up.

My 570 doesn't work that way though.
Not all 700 cards do that. I do remember the 680 lightning with TF4 did, it had some type of dust removal thing that happened at boot up. Although, in the case of only took 4-5 seconds for the dust removal spin up to complete from what I remember. I didn't have to wait for the driver.

What card do you have, specifically? It's probably specific to your card, because i've used a couple of 700 series cards and that isn't the norm. But, again, it is very plausible for *some* cards to do that for dust removal at bootup.
The video BIOS of a card has fan control until the driver takes over. Svet over at the MSI forums even makes custom BIOS's for cards so they aren't so loud before the OS is booted.
My 560 is like that, but my 650 seems to be 100% hw based for the fan speed.
As others have said, it's normal. It's been the case since I started using add in cards on 03, and I don't think it will change any time soon. Some cards will automatically control the settings at first, others are set to do 100% until software kicks in to lower it with Windows/OS.

You will also notice that usually, the CPU is running full-tilt and is almost at it's max temp in bios as well. That's how I usually do a preliminary temp check when overclocking, see what it idles at in the BIOS - it's almost always "idle" at 100% usage and temps- something I've noticed since my first P1 in the 90s, and has also continued.
The video BIOS of a card has fan control until the driver takes over. Svet over at the MSI forums even makes custom BIOS's for cards so they aren't so loud before the OS is booted.
I have a Gigabyte GTX 770. So I could flash the bios to make the fans low speed even in BIOS? Do you know a link?

So this is a normal behavior? That sucks. My old GTX 560 Ti never had any problems like this.
Is it really a problem? How much time do you spend in the bios? It's normal for some cards.
Say you run the card at full load, it gets to 100C then crashes, you want the fans to be at 100% when the computer restarts so that it cools the card down.
Is it really a problem? How much time do you spend in the bios? It's normal for some cards.
The problem is not the BIOS actually. The problem is that I use another operating system than Windows. If there are no Nvidia drivers (only generic drivers) available - then the fans will spin like mad all the time.

The conclusion is that if you are going to use an obscure operating system (like I do) then you might have a problem with GTX 770 fans if there are only generic drivers. This was the question I tried to get an answer to. And I got the answer. Also, I tried to find out if my card was broken. But it is not, according you guys, thanks.
Well the generic drivers might actually set the fans to the highest speed. E.g., the nouveau driver has no reliable power management support at all.