F@H Focus...


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - Nov. 2009
Jan 28, 2004
I've not posted a lot over the past year or so in the DC foums, and for that I apologize. There have been a lot of things that have happened in my life, especially over the past 2-3 years, that have taken a lot of my efforts and focus away from the F@H project, and ironically enough the things that have taken my attention away are the very things we're contributing to in hopes of finding a cure for.

I lost a very near and dear Aunt to cancer 5 months ago. She had been struggling with it for 2 and a half years before she fell victim to the beast, and the last words that she said to me were "I Love You..." It broke my heart when she passed on...:(

Fast forward to the past few weeks, and my father has just recovered from a surgery that leaves a cut from the back center of his head and extends to the base of his neck. They had to remove a couple places on the back of his head, as well as several of the lymph nodes in that region. The also removed a lemon sized mass from the base of his neck that was growing there, attaching itself to the surrounding muscles and nerves. The results from the mass biopsy (and the places on the back of his head)? Melanoma...yeah, the fastest acting cancer out there. In addition to that, he's been undergoing chemo treatments for the past 5-6 months for Chronic Lymphocyatic Leukemia (CLL). Seems like things start on a downhill slide and never get better.....

Anyways, I hope that you can all forgive me for not being as active as I once was with the project. I've not stopped contributing and feel that one day it *will* make a difference. Maybe not for any one of us or our close relatives, but maybe for our sons and daughters, or possibly our grandchildren. Please don't lose focus of the ultimate goal with distributed computing - especially the F@H project. It has always been a project that I've felt strongly about, but now it means so much more due to the personal tragedy and obstacles that my family has been against.

The points are great, and I never imagined the day when we were putting up 24+ million PPD as a team. You are all to be congratulated for your efforts, energy and time, but at the days end it's all about the research and WU data that can be processed. *Always* remember what this is really about...

Thanks also for letting me rant a bit and get this off my chest. It just seems like there is so much pent up emotion inside that sometimes I just don't know what to do with it all...

Fold [H]ard,

Robert / Ax
Life happens, and it seems you have gotten more than your fair share.

Fold on brother!
Sorry for your loss...
but this is why we fold.
Fold on... for the fallen for the horde.
Good to hear from you Ax. Sorry about the recent event. Unfortunately, it still does happens. We haven't lost our focus - things like this are exactly why we do what we do.
Sorry for your issues, I can relate. The past 6-7 months I've been having problems with illness and injury, and the death of my wife. Life happens, but we're still here and will come back to making the most of it.

Sorry for your issues, I can relate. The past 6-7 months I've been having problems with illness and injury, and the death of my wife. Life happens, but we're still here and will come back to making the most of it.


Wow man, your wife? I know that would mess me up.

Hope things are better now.

Both for you and Ax, if there is anything your "internet family" can do, let us know
I want to Ax you a question. Are you ready to FOLD?

All joking aside, welcome back. I hope you are doing well. This is why we fold.
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I want to Ax you a question. Are you ready to FOLD?

Ease up there big feller, he has folded for [H].

Gang, This is why I fold, I want to do something else besides doing MRIs and finding this cra&. Pardon my intended language.
For those fallen and for those we wish not to;

We stand here this day
wishing, hoping there was a better way
to fight the fight in today's dark plight
wishing, hoping through the night

Things are not right, we see,
but stand strong besides me
We can win this fight
it only seems right

The answer is infront of us
but its as smaaaaallll as can be
yet in stature as big as a bus
and as deadly as a killer bee

We are the horde, and we fold on
for every Dick, Harry, Jane and Ron
Who couldn't do that for themselves
and put their pain on the shelves

We took it back down
and we stared at it [H]ard
so drop that frown
and pick up your video card

Fight the fight
It only seems right
Pick up your sword
and do so in full accord.

Today, we fight for the [H]orde

Ax, I wish the best for you and hope that answers can be found for you and your father. I wish the very best for you and wish that your pains could stop, as do us all. We will keep you in our thoughts and hope the best. Glad to hear from you again, just wish under better circumstances.

From me and all at the [H]orde
Thanks for the kind words everyone. Found out just this morning that a former co-worker of mine is now in the hospital with cancer as well. Does it ever stop?

Haitch, sorry to hear about your wife. Like Kendrak mentioned above it must have been incredibly difficult for you to deal with that. It would probably devastate me. Appreciate you being part of the team.

Untitledone, while I might not be quite as productive as I once was, I've been with the [H]orde for just over 4 years and should be hitting 100,000,000 points sometime today. ;) These guys now days are putting my production to shame, but since it all benefits Stanford and the research then I'll just have to contribute what I can. Thanks for the encouragement though!

I'm proud to still be a part of the best F@H team on the planet!!!

We are the horde, and we fold on
for every Dick, Harry, Jane and Ron

Interestingly enough FrEaKy, my father's name is Ron...

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I am sorry to hear of your troubles and loss but welcome back and congrats on 85K WU and 100 million points.
Yes, I edited my posting, It was not meant to come off as mean, it was merely a joke to break the ice. :)
Kendrak, Ax, Thanks - I'm dealing with it. My wife and I were living apart at the time, and headed for the road to divorce, but it still came as a hell of a shock, completely out of the blue. The only things I'm thankful for is that was incredibly quick and hopefully relatively painless. I'm told it was 2 minutes or less between her knowing she was in trouble and her dying.

She had a pulmonary embolism - blood clot in the lung. A friend of mine who is a nurse told me you could have a PE in a hospital Emergency Room, and more than 99% of the time you'll be dead - these things are scarier than heart attacks or strokes.

I am sorry to hear of your troubles and loss but welcome back and congrats on 85K WU and 100 million points.

Thanks KMac...much appreciated...

Yes, I edited my posting, It was not meant to come off as mean, it was merely a joke to break the ice. :)

No problem at all..not even interpreted as mean or malicious! :D We're a team here...

Kendrak, Ax, Thanks - I'm dealing with it.

Good to know that you're all right and able to handle it okay... Been down that road myself and regardless of the situation she was important to you at some point and you obviously cared very deeply for her...

I appreciate all of the comments and kind words that you guys have mentioned, and am thankful to be a part of the [H]orde. I've seen the team go through some crap in the past and we've always managed to put things into perspective and keep driving towards the ultimate goal, making us stronger and [H]arder than the rest. The core values we have as a team have always made us #1.

Fold [H}ard!!!
Good to know that you're all right and able to handle it okay... Been down that road myself and regardless of the situation she was important to you at some point and you obviously cared very deeply for her...

Fold [H}ard!!!

The [H]orde has been the second best ( sorry guys) community I've been part of. Thanks for all of the offers of assistance and your concern - I'm dealing with it for now, it was a shock, but at the moment I'm more focused on dealing with my own injury. For now I'll deal with it it on my own, but if I need assistance - I'll reach out here before the other guys. Weird I know, but I have my reasons. The [H]orde are an awesome group of people!

Still folding! Just slowed down a little ........


Nice to have you around again.

Sorry about your troubles.

p.s. Did you guys notice that Ax is the holder of a DC'er of the Month title?