Elder Scrolls Online is not a generic MMORPG


Nov 12, 2012
A lot of people are saying Elder Scrolls Online will just be another generic MMORPG WoW clone.
I completely disagree.

I don't like typical MMORPGs for the same reasons I don't like most RPGs. I liked Skyrim because it isn't a typical RPG and Elder Scrolls Online looks like it will keep all of the elements that make Elder Scrolls games stand out from other RPGs.


Typical RPG:
limited choices in leveling - you choose your race and not much else

Elder Scrolls:
Complete freedom in leveling - you can be a heavy armored bowman with no upgrades to stamina or health.


Typical RPG:
Very limited combat freedom - you take turns swinging at each other, whoever has the higher level wins, your skill as a player has little affect on the outcome.

Elder Scrolls:
Complete freedom and real-time combat - your own skill as a player transfers over to your character because you can move around and dodge attacks and play in almost any way you want. You can use a wide range of strategies because you aren't limited to locking on and exchanging hits with the enemy.

I've been paying close attention to closed beta reviews and all of the information that comes out about Elder Scrolls Online and it looks very much like it will stay true to the Elder Scrolls formula of letting players have the freedom to play the game how they want.
There hasn't been an MMORPG that gives you this much freedom, and this what sets Elder Scrolls Online apart from everything else.
I'd be interested in reading some closed beta reviews. Got any links?

I'm hopeful that this game might actually be compelling and not a horrible cash grab like the internet has already dubbed it. This is the first I've heard about "freedom" combat. All early signs indicated a WoW-like hotbar based system. Is that not how it works? TERA had a cool system that really should become the new standard in MMOs.
As long as its like the TES games and is supported/patched regularly, it might be worth it. But honestly paying monthly doesn't really sound that appealing unless its really good.
I'd be interested in reading some closed beta reviews. Got any links?

I'm hopeful that this game might actually be compelling and not a horrible cash grab like the internet has already dubbed it. This is the first I've heard about "freedom" combat. All early signs indicated a WoW-like hotbar based system. Is that not how it works? TERA had a cool system that really should become the new standard in MMOs.

The game has an NDA... so don't expect to see many, if any, closed beta reviews.
I'd be interested in reading some closed beta reviews. Got any links?

I'm hopeful that this game might actually be compelling and not a horrible cash grab like the internet has already dubbed it. This is the first I've heard about "freedom" combat. All early signs indicated a WoW-like hotbar based system. Is that not how it works? TERA had a cool system that really should become the new standard in MMOs.

Here you go

My only real worries for this game is that they might cave in to noobs and nerf everything until skill doesn't matter. That seems to be a common theme with mainstream games these days.
Countdown until people start figuring out ridiculous combinations / builds to effectively min/max everything else into comical uselessness.
Typical MMO: Pissing all over previous Lore of the game series used.

Elder Scrolls Online: Pissing all over the previous lore of the series.

Read up on it. Also, all your other points are the same ones that every other mmo claims. SWTOR was supposed to be "non-standard" and it ended up being the same wow-copycat but with voice overs.
Countdown until people start figuring out ridiculous combinations / builds to effectively min/max everything else into comical uselessness.

That is the most difficult part in making a game like this and why most games don't allow the level of freedom Elder Scrolls games do.

I think it is possible to have this kind of freedom and still have balance and I hope they can pull it off.
Wow came from left field from a company that hadn't been doing mmo's but were good at encouraging a sense of community. Their is such a dedicated fan base for the elder scrolls series now that I think its going to be the first game in an age of man that can really do something new and unique. The old school mmo players may shun it, but I think fans of the series will probably end up discovering something they really love.
Wow came from left field from a company that hadn't been doing mmo's but were good at encouraging a sense of community. Their is such a dedicated fan base for the elder scrolls series now that I think its going to be the first game in an age of man that can really do something new and unique. The old school mmo players may shun it, but I think fans of the series will probably end up discovering something they really love.

Couldn't the same be said for the old republic? It has a massive fan base and it tried to focus on unique and player driven story lines, but lost the support to stay subscription based in a year.

I'd want this game to be amazing, but until I see actual gameplay and more mechanics, I won't get my hopes up. It has great potential, but just as much potential to flop.
If the melee combat is anything like TES games, it will SUCK.

Sorry but the melee combat is one of the main things that makes playing a melee character annoying. It's just so damn bland and lacks any real depth to it.

I hope the combat is as good as Tera's in terms of animations, dodging, etc. and has more depth then the usual TES combat.
My real worry isn't that it'll be a generic MMO, all MMOs are generic MMOs to an extent. You either like the "Spend lots of time running around doing things to build up," or you don't. My worry is bugs. Bethesda is not known for quality programming. Their games are usually quite buggy. Well even companies that have good SP game often have buggy MMOs so that makes me worry how buggy this might end up being.
I've been paying close attention to closed beta reviews and all of the information that comes out about Elder Scrolls Online and it looks very much like it will stay true to the Elder Scrolls formula of letting players have the freedom to play the game how they want.
There hasn't been an MMORPG that gives you this much freedom, and this what sets Elder Scrolls Online apart from everything else.

Links? I haven't seen anything about this game that makes me think it isn't just "another generic MMORPG WoW clone."
It uses Hero engine? If yes, then I won't touch it... ToRTanic made me hate that engine.
Also nothing in the lore draws me to that game, never was an Elder Scrolls fan, and if I can't feel the lore of the world, then I won't play games based in it.
Links? I haven't seen anything about this game that makes me think it isn't just "another generic MMORPG WoW clone."

3-way open non-instanced RVR
Crafting including top-end items at endgame like older mmo's
Meaningful pve dungeon content non-instanced in RVR areas (huge rvr area that sounds like it'll dwarf gw2's and be more like daoc)
Open skill system for classes
Deck-like spec system
Tons of exploration and three unique areas, one for each faction, for PVE
Partially action-based combat

Yeah, doesn't sound like a wow clone to me, actually.... WOW is one of the worst MMO's to ever grace the genre but for huge population (meaning active servers, the community SUCKS) and tight controls/animations.
They should make it like pre cu swg. Thats the only mmo i habe ever loved.no classes realy deep crafting to change your class you just went and drooped some skills and picked up a new tree. You wanted to be a jack of all trades you could, wanted to be a master in 2 things you could. When i think of oppen thats what i think of not pick your class at the start
I dont think its going to be great but I also dont think its going to be bad (assuming its not bug ridden on release). I think its going to be more of an average MMO. A MMO for the ElderScroll fans basically. That may be a good or a bad thing depending on how much you like the series I'm guessing. Just an early opinion of mine anyway. :)
A lot of people are saying Elder Scrolls Online will just be another generic MMORPG WoW clone.
I completely disagree.

I don't like typical MMORPGs for the same reasons I don't like most RPGs. I liked Skyrim because it isn't a typical RPG and Elder Scrolls Online looks like it will keep all of the elements that make Elder Scrolls games stand out from other RPGs.


Typical RPG:
limited choices in leveling - you choose your race and not much else

Elder Scrolls:
Complete freedom in leveling - you can be a heavy armored bowman with no upgrades to stamina or health.


Typical RPG:
Very limited combat freedom - you take turns swinging at each other, whoever has the higher level wins, your skill as a player has little affect on the outcome.

Elder Scrolls:
Complete freedom and real-time combat - your own skill as a player transfers over to your character because you can move around and dodge attacks and play in almost any way you want. You can use a wide range of strategies because you aren't limited to locking on and exchanging hits with the enemy.

I've been paying close attention to closed beta reviews and all of the information that comes out about Elder Scrolls Online and it looks very much like it will stay true to the Elder Scrolls formula of letting players have the freedom to play the game how they want.
There hasn't been an MMORPG that gives you this much freedom, and this what sets Elder Scrolls Online apart from everything else.
sounds generic to me.

GW2 is far superior
Have they announced any pricing plans or details? Seems like most mmos today are going F2P.
In b4 mass deception.

I have to agree with one of the poster that melee combat blows in these games.
3-way open non-instanced RVR
Crafting including top-end items at endgame like older mmo's
Meaningful pve dungeon content non-instanced in RVR areas (huge rvr area that sounds like it'll dwarf gw2's and be more like daoc)
Open skill system for classes
Deck-like spec system
Tons of exploration and three unique areas, one for each faction, for PVE
Partially action-based combat

Yeah, doesn't sound like a wow clone to me, actually.... WOW is one of the worst MMO's to ever grace the genre but for huge population (meaning active servers, the community SUCKS) and tight controls/animations.

...:rolleyes: Ok.


The entire MMO genre is now stale. Let's not get ahead of ourselves that this'll be the coming of Christ.

The way I see it now, is as a poopier version of Oblivion/Skyrim. Maybe that'll change when I get to try it.
...:rolleyes: Ok.


The entire MMO genre is now stale. Let's not get ahead of ourselves that this'll be the coming of Christ.

The way I see it now, is as a poopier version of Oblivion/Skyrim. Maybe that'll change when I get to try it.

I have no idea if this game will be good or not and never claimed otherwise (you have no way of "seeing it now as a poopier version of Oblivion/Skyrim" yourself, by the way), but the design sounds a LOT better than a dumbed-down MMO like WOW.
I have no idea if this game will be good or not and never claimed otherwise (you have no way of "seeing it now as a poopier version of Oblivion/Skyrim" yourself, by the way), but the design sounds a LOT better than a dumbed-down MMO like WOW.

I agree it sounds better, but we all remember going through this shit before. SWTOR was supposed to have "an important crafting system" and we all know how that turned out. I am cautiously optimistic until we get hard info.
I have no idea if this game will be good or not and never claimed otherwise (you have no way of "seeing it now as a poopier version of Oblivion/Skyrim" yourself, by the way), but the design sounds a LOT better than a dumbed-down MMO like WOW.

Lots of MMOs sounded a lot better than WoW before they were released, but only time will tell. I'm cautiously hoping that this game will compete well with WoW.
It'll have to have a lot of work put into it to bring out all the lore that the ES games have, which is why I think, unless it's given 120%, it'll be meh. It could very well turn out to be crappy, but it could also turn out to be decent.

I'm cautious as fuck for new MMO's now, and that feeling will never again change.
sounds generic to me.

GW2 is far superior

Is that supposed to be a joke?

GW2 is fucking horrible. It's an empty shell of a game, beautiful on the outside, empty on the inside. For a game that touted so much "freedom", it has more leashes shoved up your ass than I can shake a stick at, starting with the absurd skill system.

In comparison to what I'm reading about ES:O, being able to mix/match skills already crushes the piss out of the travesty that was GW2, as does the crafting and exploration. Yes, "exploration" in GW2 was a joke.

The game is fundamentally flawed in so many ways [GW2] it's almost impossible to count them all, and they are all flaws that are actually a detriment to the gameplay, not just niggly little things.

And what the fuck is with all the jumping puzzles? GW2 is to jumping puzzles, what TF2 is to hats. Only difference? TF2 is actually fucking enjoyable.

ES:O looks to actually be a damn good game. I'll be keeping an eye on it, closely.
Is that supposed to be a joke?

GW2 is fucking horrible. It's an empty shell of a game, beautiful on the outside, empty on the inside. For a game that touted so much "freedom", it has more leashes shoved up your ass than I can shake a stick at, starting with the absurd skill system.

In comparison to what I'm reading about ES:O, being able to mix/match skills already crushes the piss out of the travesty that was GW2, as does the crafting and exploration. Yes, "exploration" in GW2 was a joke.

The game is fundamentally flawed in so many ways [GW2] it's almost impossible to count them all, and they are all flaws that are actually a detriment to the gameplay, not just niggly little things.

At what the fuck is with half the game revolving around jumping puzzles? GW2 is to jumping puzzles, what TF2 is to hats. Only difference? TF2 is actually fucking enjoyable.

ES:O looks to actually be a damn good game. I'll be keeping an eye on it, closely.

Optimistic. That's good, we'll need it.

There's a lot of high-chin mentality when a new game is announced, as always, especially an MMO.
Optimistic. That's good, we'll need it.

There's a lot of high-chin mentality when a new game is announced, as always, especially an MMO.

I am optimistic, and indeed looking forward to ES:O, even though I'm not particularly a huge fan the TES lore, though I liked the worlds a lot. ES:O looks like is has some solid mechanics in terms of skills, world systems and general gameplay, as well as looks great visually.

The "high-chin" mentality, as you say, is pointless and jaded immaturity, and too often made worse by some "loyalty" to another/other game(s). It's especially ridiculous when a travesty such as GW2 is used as a comparison.

People with their weird "elitist" mentalities regarding games they like, and automatically hating on new titles has, I think, become a mental illness that should be listed in the DSM V at this point.
I am optimistic, and indeed looking forward to ES:O, even though I'm not particularly a huge fan the TES lore, though I liked the worlds a lot. ES:O looks like is has some solid mechanics in terms of skills, world systems and general gameplay, as well as looks great visually.

The "high-chin" mentality, as you say, is pointless and jaded immaturity, and too often made worse by some "loyalty" to another/other game(s). It's especially ridiculous when a travesty such as GW2 is used as a comparison.

People with their weird "elitist" mentalities regarding games they like, and automatically hating on new titles has, I think, become a mental illness that should be listed in the DSM V at this point.

It'll be good to see how the combat plays out...I'm not overly 100% on the "real time" combat concept, with latency coming into play pretty heavily. If that's solid, could be good, but it just kind of seems like a gimmick to me. I've gotten too use to "auto-attack" from MMO's, so this'll really have to be impressive.
Not buying it. Not buying that the combat system is going to be any better then Skyrims or better then any other mmo out there. Spamming 20 buttons gets old and all but lets not pretend pressing 5 buttons and attacking via Skyrims combat system will actually be good.
I would be happy with an Online Skyrim type of game ... here is hoping that this MMO turns out good. I like Skyrims combat and being able to use the skills an abilities of another player, to your advantage, sounds like fun.