DX12 mGPU games?


Aug 29, 2006
I recently bought a 2080ti and I have a spare 1080ti lying around. I'm trying to sell it but before I do I'd like to try out some of the mGPU games I own.

Does anyone know where to find a list of games that supports mpgu? Also, do I need to bridge the 2 cards like SLI (don't see how) or would just sticking it into another slot be fine?
You can't run a 2080 Ti and a 1080 Ti in SLI - they are entirely different architectures.
I recently bought a 2080ti and I have a spare 1080ti lying around. I'm trying to sell it but before I do I'd like to try out some of the mGPU games I own.

Does anyone know where to find a list of games that supports mpgu? Also, do I need to bridge the 2 cards like SLI (don't see how) or would just sticking it into another slot be fine?
This might help you. https://www.geforce.co.uk/hardware/technology/sli/system-requirements
Also this, specific to mGPU: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-3142821/dx12-vulkan-games-supporting-multi-gpu.html
Actually I own most of the games that's on that list at Tom's (although I don't think it will matter much for Civ VI :) ).
I'm not asking about SLI.
Ah, my mistake.

I remember reading that multiple-GPU support was possible in Vulkan and DX12 but I haven't ever seen someone actually use it. Curious.
Kind of funny the only game to support dx12 explicit multi-adapter is a CPU bound game.
There are others. I think the new Tomb Raider game supports it as well. Unfortunately I don't own that one, but I do own most of the others like Gears 4 and Hitman.
Just did a quick search and couldn't find a single write up on this particular kind of mgpu support for SOTTR, only SLI/CF reviews and I understand that's not what your looking for. I kind of doubt they coded it to support this type but no one has posted anything to state if it does. I would recommend just getting the game since you've got a 2080TI and this game is one of the best for RT/DLSS. If you do and want to try your other card then yes simply plug in the card. No SLI bridge needed for this type of mgpu use as you're trying to test DX12's ability to identify and access a 2nd different card. I've run rigs with different NV gens and as long as the drivers are up to date the system will see both cards. I used to run dedicated PhysX cards and saw this but recently gave it up since even older games that had it don't seem to properly use it with current drivers.

A few issues you should look into before trying this though would be your PSU rating since both of these cards are power hungry and I'd recommend something like 800w-1000w for these, MOBO PCIe slot speeds(most change with 2 or more cards and shift down to 3.0 x8 but that's still plenty for 4k/60hz), case space and cooling since both cards are going to generate quite a bit of heat and need to breathe or they'll likely down clock.
Yeah, it doesn't work. Ashes of Singularity is the only game that supports it.

That said I haven't played Metro Exodus yet and it does make somewhat of a difference here because the game is one of the few recent ones has PhysX gpu support.
Heterogeneous GPU support is essentially a nightmare for developers - do not expect much support going forward.

A faux SLI setup might work kinda-sorta okay, but beyond that it will be a dog's breakfast.
Yeah, it doesn't work. Ashes of Singularity is the only game that supports it.

That said I haven't played Metro Exodus yet and it does make somewhat of a difference here because the game is one of the few recent ones has PhysX gpu support.

I've got all the Metro's. They're actually what I was referring to in my previous post in regards to mixed gpu's and using a dedicated card. I once had 2xOC'd 970's in SLI @ 3.0x16 and a OC'd 780 @ 3.0x8 for PhysX on the mobo in my signature for the previous Metro's. At the time it was amazing and I could play them in the 40's to mid 50's in 4k w/ v-sync on , smaax2, all other settings maxed. At the time is was pretty impressive. Batman Arkham city was equally phenomenal. Was totally looking forward to WItcher 3 until last minute they jumped on the new train with CPU PhysX.

Fast-forward to present and when I upgraded to my 2080TI I still had a pair of 1080's from the previous SLI solution. I done multiple tests over the last six months, including Exodus, and GPU PhysX is even more dead than SLI. I verified thru NV CP to dedicate the 1080, used AB to monitor both cards, set NV CP to show the PhysX indicator and tested. On the older games with known GPU support I saw virtualy 0% gains. The 1080 went from 0-1% which leaves me believing it wasn't doing anything. I thought about downgrading my drivers to see if I could find an older one that still worked but then I'd lose the RT benefits. Whether drivers, api's, or DX, I can tell you that at least for me Turing/Pascal PhysX isn't working. Even sadder is that it feels like current drivers have had detrimental effects for the 2080TI with these games. It can mostly hold 60fps 4k if I keep the same settings I used then. Still can't fully max to smaax4 though.

I think the advertising for Metro Exodus using GPU PhysX was an error since they switched to the Unreal engine for this one. Their old 4A engine supported it(till it got broken) but I haven't really heard of any current games using U4 with GPU support. I verified with my testing, and NV CP, that this game is using CPU not GPU. There's also quite a few posts about others noticing this on internet.

Edit: Just a little more detail. I really do mean that I have all the Metro's. For the 1st two I've got both original and redux versions. It was during the redux versions I first noticed that some features either stopped working or were becoming less optimized. If you do get Exodus I recommend playing it in 1440p g-sync since the 2080TI can use it's RT high/DLSS, all other features maxed, and still hold 60+ fps
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It's not like there are any older games with PhysX I'm dying to play. My 2080ti alone can handle them fine at 4k even with PhysX anyways.

That being the case I'll probably just remove the 1080ti. The only thing it's probably doing is raising my electric bill.
There's an option for PhysX right in the Exodus settings. I know it supports it. Probably the only new game that does.

Why'd you quote me? I was talking about lostin3d saying that the game was running on UE4 instead of the 4A engine.
Why'd you quote me? I was talking about lostin3d saying that the game was running on UE4 instead of the 4A engine.

I think he meant to quote me with my statements about it supporting CPU PhysX instead of GPU which would've had some potential for the heterogeneous setup he's considering. And yes, the game does support PhysX but like nearly all in the last 4 years it's only CPU.