DVD Backing Up


Aug 25, 2004
What RAID array do you guys use for your DVD backup drives?

I have 7 500GB drives I want to use for DVDs. Each DVD rips to the hard drive at about 4GB disk space. Blue Ray and HD are obviously much larger. My drives are going to fill up fast, but I was thinking I should probably mirror for backup? What do you guys do?
RAID 5 is what I used to use. It worked quite well.

I've since moved to a Windows Home Server setup and I couldn't be happier.
What RAID array do you guys use for your DVD backup drives?

I have 7 500GB drives I want to use for DVDs. Each DVD rips to the hard drive at about 4GB disk space. Blue Ray and HD are obviously much larger. My drives are going to fill up fast, but I was thinking I should probably mirror for backup? What do you guys do?

Only 4gb, I haven't gotten any of mine to be that small without compression. most of mine are 6 to 8 gigs each. I think I have one that was 4.5 after ripping only the main movie.

I currently only have a 500 gig drive but plan on getting something alot bigger. I also want something that can grow over time as I wont be able to just go out and buy a bunch of hard drives at once. I was thinking of useing JBOD but then I would have no safety should a drive fail. If I use raid 5 how easy is it to add drives to the array?
Your best bet is to look into a card with online array expansion if you want to upgrade your RAID 5 array at another time. Just browse through the manual and it should tell you, I know my 3ware 7506 8port ide card does not so steer clear. =)
Only 4gb, I haven't gotten any of mine to be that small without compression. most of mine are 6 to 8 gigs each. I think I have one that was 4.5 after ripping only the main movie.

I currently only have a 500 gig drive but plan on getting something alot bigger. I also want something that can grow over time as I wont be able to just go out and buy a bunch of hard drives at once. I was thinking of useing JBOD but then I would have no safety should a drive fail. If I use raid 5 how easy is it to add drives to the array?

I'm using DVDFab Platinum 4 and just ripping the main movie to hd.
mdadm software raid 5 on ubuntu gutsy. I have expanded it twice so far. Currently at 5x500gb 1.9TB formatted XFS file system.