Dirt 2 GFWL Question


Apr 12, 2008
Hey folks, question for ya.

I have Dirt 2 for the pc, it works and runs just fine on my gfwl account.

But my wife texted me (i'm at work) telling me that she couldn't login and play and that it kept asking for a cd key. she entered the key that came with the game and it says that it's tied to another account.

I'm going to look at it more when I get home, but can this game only be played with 1 gfwl account per key?

it's that's the case, then i should have just grabbed the 360 version.
correct the key is linked to the account.. stupid as hell but thats the way they are going with what they claim to be is the anti-piracy junk but its actually just to keep people from being able to resell games..
damn, i was really hoping she was just doing it wrong, lol.

but yeah, that blows. i actually liked the gfwl system. i thought "sweet, i can add to my xbox live gamerscore by playing pc games which run and look way better." but now i'm having second thoughts. i buy a game and no other live account can use it? both my wife and i can play batman, RE5 and other gfwl games on the pc.

man all this anti piracy stuff is just going to encourage it.