desktop resolution with xfx 6870 and Sony TV


Jan 17, 2006
I just upgraded to a 6870 and i used to have a 4870 and I am using a Sony tv 32" XBR6 and I used to have a perfect looking desktop and now and have a blurry image and unable to correct with new drivers any suggestions. resolution is set to 1920x1080 and 60hertz
You have to give more information, what kind of connection are you using? are you sure that you haven't turned any post processing feature of the TV on?, have you looked at your settings on CCC > My Digital Flat Panels?
well i'm using hdmi connection and i can scale the screen and then everything else is completely blurry. I have tried adjusting all settings in ccc under flat panels and it recognized my tv as sony but the options don't help getting a sharp clear pic
I take it that you have already followed the instructions on page 14 of your TVs manual? that reminds you that for 1080p hdmi from a pc you have to set the TV Picture Mode to Custom, Wide Mode to Full and Display Area to Full Pixel? (after you do that on the TV is that you can tinker around the scaling options on ccc).

Also i take it that you already set your pixel format to Full RGB on CCC?

You may wanna try and uninstall your current drivers and do a pass of drivercleaner just in case the problem persists, because although you are going from AMD to AMD some settings may not be exactly ideal from one card to another.

Keep us posted with any info you may remember.

Also, check out that your tv is actually receiving 1080p signal, and not a 1080i signal, which would account for the blurryness. If you don't know how to check it you can add it directly on CCC > My digital flat panels > HDTV Support > check "add 1080p60 format to the Display Manager (NTSC)"
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make sure your scaling options are set to 0% in CCC under you display configuration options.
all tv settings are as you said and the pic is still blurry. ccc the settings full rgb is on and I used driver cleaner before I installed the card. 1080p is on and tv detects that also, scaling is correct as it fits my screen. Running outta ideas
I figured it out, i used a few driver cleaners and they did not remove all components. After I cleaned them again and re installed it looks much better, thanks for the help guys!
Interesting. Good to know drivers are capable of doing that with different cards even though it's the same driver (less version).