DC Challenges 2017


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2014
Jan 29, 2006
Year round

Ongoing - DC Vault - Team Details - Team currently in 4th place
DC Vault 2

Year long challenge - www.formula-boinc.org/ -Team is in 1st of League 3

2011 - Team placed 95th
2012 - Team placed 58th
2013 - Team placed 60th
2014 - Team placed 1st in League 2 -

2015 - Team placed 8th in League 1
2016 - Team placed 25th in League 1 - https://hardforum.com/threads/formula-boinc-2016.1887027/#post-1042061542
2017 - Team is in League 3 - https://hardforum.com/threads/formula-boinc-2017.1922108/

PrimeGrid 2017 Challenge Series -
Several small challenges that get tallied for over all ranking - PrimeGrid
2009 - Team placed 33rd
2012 - Team placed 123rd
2013 - Team placed 112th
2014 - Team placed 23rd
2015 - Team placed 22nd
2016 - Team placed 9th

All other challenges
1/3 - 1/13 - PrimeGrid - Isaac Newton's Birthday - http://www.primegrid.com/forum_thread.php?id=7183#102795 - Team finished 7th


2/1 - 2/28 - PrimeGrid - Tour De Primes - http://www.primegrid.com/forum_thread.php?id=7222#103682 -


3/10 - 3/25 - PrimeGrid - Year of the Fire Rooster - - Roster change. Challenge removed.
3/23 - 3/26 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - Yoyo@home - Team finished 3rd in League 3
3/26 - 4/2 - SRBase - SRBase server stress test for potential DC-Vault inclusion - https://boincstats.com/en/stats/challenge/team/chat/904 - Team finished 6th
3/30 - 4/30 - WCG - 3 - https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/team/challenge/viewTeamChallenge.do?challengeId=8320 - Team is in 2nd place


4/6 - 4/9 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - Einstein@home - Team finished 7th in League 3
4/7 - 4/22 - PrimeGrid - Mathematics Awareness Month - http://www.primegrid.com/forum_thread.php?id=7358#106210 - Team is in 25tht place
4/13 - 4/16 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - Numberfields -Team finished in 2nd place
4/27 - 4/30 - Formula-Boinc Sprint -WCG -Team finished in 1st


5/5 - 5/19 - BOINC Pentathlon 2017 (by SETI.Germany) - https://www.seti-germany.de/boinc_pentathlon/statistiken/pentathlon.php - Team finished in 12th
5/11 - 5/14 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - Moo! Wrapper - Team finished in 1st
5/25 - 5/28 - Formula-Boinc Sprint -Rosetta@home - Team finished in 2nd


6/9 - 6/12 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - SETI - Team finished in 1st
6/12 - 6/13 - PrimeGrid - PrimeGrid's Birthday - - Team finished in 16th
6/14-6/21 - Amicable Numbers - Amicable Numbers Stress Test for inclusion in the DC-Vault - https://boincstats.com/en/stats/challenge/team/chat/935 - Team is currntly in 3rd
6/22 - 6/25 - Formula-Boinc Sprint -LHC - Team finished in 1st
6/29 - 7/2 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - Collatz - Team finished in 1st


7/13 - 7/16 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - Asteroids@home - Team finished in 1st
7/27 - 7/30 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - NFS@home - Team finished in 1st


8/15 -8/29 - SETI WoW Event (by SETI.Germany) - Team finished in 18th place
8/20 - 8/23 - PrimeGrid - Solar Eclipse - - Team finished 51st place
8/24 - 8/27 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - Milkyway@home - Team finished in 1st place
8/31 - 9/3 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - theSkynet POGS - Team finished in 1st place


9/3 - 9/8 - PrimeGrid - Number Theory Week - - Team finished in 43rd place
9/14 - 9/17 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - YAFU - Team finished in 1st
9/28 - 10/1 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - Leiden Classical - Team finished in 1st
9/29 - 10/5 - Acoustics@home - Ocean of fantasy - https://boincstats.com/en/stats/challenge/team/chat/957 - Team finished 9th


10/5 - 10/8 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - GPUGrid - Team finished in 1st
10/18 - 10/23 - PrimeGrid - Diwali/Deepvali - http://www.primegrid.com/forum_thread.php?id=7623#110693 - Team finished in 43rd
10/20 - 10/23 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - TN-Grid - Team finished in first.
10/24 - 10/31 - Stop@home - Stop@Home Server Stress test for potential DC-Vault inclusion - https://boincstats.com/en/stats/challenge/team/chat/961 - Team is not placing yet
10/27 - 10/30 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - PrimeGrid


11/10 - 11/13 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - Universe@home - Team finished in 1st place
11/16 - 11/22 - WCG Birthday Challenge (by SETI.Germany) - https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/team/challenge/viewTeamChallenge.do?challengeId=8617 - Team finished in 4th place
11/17 - 11/20 - PrimeGrid - Pierre de Fermat's Birthday - - Team finished in 41st
11/23 - 11/26 - Formula-Boinc Sprint - Citizen Science Grid - Team finished in 1st


12/1 - 12/25 - WCG - 2017 WCG Christmas Race - https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/team/challenge/viewTeamChallenge.do?challengeId=8661 - Team is in 1st place

12/1 - 12/31 - WCG - Dec 2017 By-points All-projects - https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/team/challenge/viewTeamChallenge.do?challengeId=8641 - Team is in 1st place
12/18 - 12/21 - PrimeGrid - Winter Solstice - -
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Thanks for summarizing and making other [H]ordes aware of the upcoming challenges for 2017. Should we consider adding BOINC pentathlon too?
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I saw the countdown timer in their website. If my calculation is correct, it is scheduled to start on May 5th which I'm guessing corresponds to 5/5 (penta/penta). Yes, the details are still missing. I thought this is where the big boys will be participating and hopefully we can shine again...
It is normally in May. However, the page you are referencing was the 2016 page. The one I linked should be for the 2017 year which hasn't been posted yet. Until it is official, I don't add them.
Never ran Prime Grid before. Do I just select it in BOINC then select the current monthly project from the list above? Would run on my R9 Nano which is currently running Einstein if possible. How are the points compared to Einstein?
IIRC PrimeGrid scores higher than Einstein. You just add PrimeGrid like you did Einstein. Then go to PrimeGrid's website and update your preferences so that you only run those sub projects. Each challenge has its own sub project. We also create a thread for each one, so keep an eye open for them. This month it is a separate challenge that runs all month. If you have trouble, let us know and we can check it out. :)
Hey Skillz - looking foward to seeing you in the BOINC Pentathlon if you are interested in DC challenges of the year and some trash talk!
As long as I don't have to do anything more on my end than I am already doing then I am all for it. lol
Err yes and no. IIRC, the project wouldn't be known a week or few days before any event starts. Unfortunately, this challenge is a bit more involved, no auto-pilot... :p
Yeah I noticed that earlier today when I was looking at the stats. Meant to ask.

We need all the help we can get.
joined up for PrimeGrid theory week. I'm only getting a single task vs one for every thread on skynet, do I have a settings issue or something? or is it mainly for gpu's?
joined up for PrimeGrid theory week. I'm only getting a single task vs one for every thread on skynet, do I have a settings issue or something? or is it mainly for gpu's?

Did you make an adjustment to the PrimeGrid app_config.xml file as suggested in the challenge thread? If so it would be running on all your CPUs, so it will not start up more than one task at once.

Are you in Advanced view in Boinc Manager? I prefer that application view. Click View, "Advanced View".

Then click over to your tasks tab. On the left you can toggle between showing only the Active tasks, and showing all tasks that are downloaded. On your PrimeGrid 321 tasks if you made the app_config.xml adjustment you should see something like "Ready to start (4 CPUs) 321(LLR) 8.00". You should be able to see the other PrimeGrid tasks if has received in.

Here are a few of my PrimeGrid lines (I have it configured to use all 12 threads of my processor) My 321 tasks are not currently running since I have some Rossetta project tasks that are near to their deadline.:

Edit: PrimeGrid 321 LLR subproject is CPU only.
It seems to be using all 32 threads now, i guess it just had to download more work. I'll check out that .xml file you mentioned though