Dance Central


Jun 6, 2003
Anyone play it?

I just had a bunch of friends over, we had a blast. Jumping through the list to songs with complex moves, It's great to have a fan near by as it's a workout. but by the time you are done you've learned some moves. I'm not one for dancing much. Did one dance battle, seemed fun, but just taking turns learning the moves is great.

This coming from a guy whose last dance was pre-disco
Yes, I own it and its the best Kinect game as far as true polish and general fun. Second would be Kinect Sports. DC is probably the best party game I've ever seen, it out does anything any Guitar Hero game ever did.

The best part about DC is, the girls get excited to move and play. This in turn gets the guys excited and then you realize your party just got a lot more interesting than standing around listening to that same 3 play lists you have every time you have people over.
It is pretty crappy that the two best games for the system are both launch games with nothing on the horizon to get that excited about. It's gotta be up there for alot of ppl as biggest waste of potential/money for a lot of ppl.
I bought it for my girl but haven't played it. It is the best polished game out there and they really nailed the interface and responsiveness. She enjoys it and it's a big hit when we have people over.

I'm excited about Forza's kinect implementation, The Gunstringer, and a few other games. Games are definitely coming out slow but there are a few decent ones coming in late 2011. It's not the rush of games we all hoped for but they'll come eventually. I don't regret getting a kinect at all.
I'm excited about Forza's kinect implementation, The Gunstringer, and a few other games. Games are definitely coming out slow but there are a few decent ones coming in late 2011. It's not the rush of games we all hoped for but they'll come eventually. I don't regret getting a kinect at all.

Slow is an understatement, I've played thru pretty much all available Kinect games and I am very disappointed. The responsiveness is very hit and miss too. If it wasn't for my Mrs using Biggest Loser/Fitness Evolved then I'd have got shot long ago.
Dance Central's definitely the most fun game at the moment, although the UFC trainer game makes for an excellent workout. Having trained at one of Greg Jackson's gyms, the warm-ups, stretches, activities, etc. are 100% real.
I think the actual "real" games aren't hitting until Xmas.