Creating Custom Ubuntu Live USB - Couple of Questions


Jun 10, 2015
I am working on creating a custom Ubuntu Live USB disk for use in our help desk office. I am using Cubic, and the basic process is working fine, but I have a couple questions I am having problems finding the answers to.

First - I would like to have the default background image set to one of our approved university backgrounds. I have found how to add an image to the list of images, but not how to change the default.

Second - I want to place some utilities on the desktop of the default live usb environment, but I don't know which folder to place those files. There is no, as far as I have been able to find, "Desktop" folders in the live usb environment.

Any help?
I have found the answer to my second questions - in the chroot environment setting up the cd, I go into /etc/skel, and create a Desktop folder, and place my files in there. Still haven't come up with an answer for the first question.
what version of ubuntu, 18.04? are you looking to set the image on just the desktop, or also the greeter screen? is the desktop env gnome?
what version of ubuntu, 18.04? are you looking to set the image on just the desktop, or also the greeter screen? is the desktop env gnome?
18.04, default gnome environment. Greeter screen and lock screen would be cool, but desktop background at the minimum. This really is personal preference, and in no way a requirement of the project.
for the background, the quick and dirty way is to replace /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png with the image of your choice, or you could make a custom dconf profile. something like:

create a profile similar to
/etc/dconf/profile/user with the following

then create a settings file
/etc/dconf/db/local.d/00-name-of-place-settings with the following

you can jam all your other dconf settings you might want in there also

for the greeter you will edit /etc/gdm3/greeter.dconf-defaults
similar looking section as mentioned above, with the [org/gnome/desktop/background] and picture-uri, i don't remember if you need to grab the file out of /usr/share or its there by default.
for the background, the quick and dirty way is to replace /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png with the image of your choice, or you could make a custom dconf profile. something like:

create a profile similar to
/etc/dconf/profile/user with the following

then create a settings file
/etc/dconf/db/local.d/00-name-of-place-settings with the following

you can jam all your other dconf settings you might want in there also

for the greeter you will edit /etc/gdm3/greeter.dconf-defaults
similar looking section as mentioned above, with the [org/gnome/desktop/background] and picture-uri, i don't remember if you need to grab the file out of /usr/share or its there by default.
I'll give that a try. For now, I have worked around it by renaming my background image the same name as the default wallpaper! I'd rather do the "official" way though, as that should stay consistent through system upgrades.