Console Plebs Not Allowed to Play with Keyboard and Mouse Gamers in Fortnite


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
We have seen this before. Microsoft made it a reality for console players and PC players to share the same game-space for a very short period of time. Then it learned that the PC players using keyboard and mouse wiped the floor with the console plebs, although the company never came right out and said it. At least the guys over at Epic are being a bit more honest about it. Well maybe not. What exactly is a "more even playing field?" We all know.

All that said, Epic is warning that console players can still be matched up with PC players. At least you plebs are warned.

Input-Based Matchmaking - We have an upgrade to our matchmaking logic that will allow for a more even playing field when enjoying Fortnite with your input device of choice. In an upcoming release we’ll be implementing input based matchmaking, which will pair you against players who are using the same peripherals (e.g. controller vs controller, KB+M vs KB+M).

If anyone in your party uses a mouse and keyboard on console, you will be matchmade with PC players and other KB+M players (as if you partied up with a PC player).
I remember Shadowrun from 2007. It allowed PC and Xbox gamers to mix in death match. The Xbox players claimed people were cheating when it was the simple fact that KB+M just allowed far more controlled movement and accuracy.

I still can’t play an FPS with a controller. Feels so slow and troublesome. Like driving a car with no power steering.


Solidifies my belief that consoles are for children.

Tore some serious shit up in FC5 over this past weekend (right after I relived some of my childhood by kicking ass in Tecmo Bowl and SMB 3 on my NES Classic)...
I game almost entirely using a controller on my pc. Personally I also don’t play competitive FPS though but it would be nice to play with some friends that only have a console.
Make it a filter option IMO.
If someone's on a console, going up against mouse and keyboard players will completely destroy their perception of how good they are. That will discourage the player and can lead to player dropoff rate, which can hurt Epic's bottom line. They're trying to protect console players from themselves.
Did anyone watch the geforce livestream? Before Huang started talking they were interviewing a bunch of people and it was a cringefest but one guy basically said "I play fortnight with a controller for the free aimbot". So not saying a controller guy would win against a decent KBM guy but maybe a "good" contoller guy with aimbot could beat mediocre KBM people as a different angle. I wouldn't know, I never played with a controller so have no clue how forgiving the aimbot is. But the guy definitely said he was doing better AFTER plugging in a controller. That was wierd to me.
Sounds like console makers need to make some improvements in controllers. K + M has decades of development history, mostly driven by the demands of gamers. Little surprise that has resulted in higher performance for those that can take advantage of it.
I still can’t play an FPS with a controller. Feels so slow and troublesome. Like driving a car with no power steering.

I think that's precisely the reason why GTA games on consoles have auto-aim where as PC is like uhhh, no just point and shoot.
I will never understand how anyone could not think that K&M is superior to controller. I think they have other issues in life.
HAHAHAH fucking morons. Do they not realize the power of the PCMasterRace? I can still use a keyboard and mouse and have it seem like a joystick. I do it with emulators all the time with tools like GPDSCK or mouse2joystick_Custom_CEMU. Looks like a joystick to the application but it's really a mouse + keyboard. It won't be as accurate but it'll still wipe the floor with your basic gamepad.

I game almost entirely using a controller on my pc. Personally I also don’t play competitive FPS though but it would be nice to play with some friends that only have a console.

I used to only play with KB+M and thought those who played with controllers on the PC were nuts. Then I changed my tiny 24" desktop monitor to a 55" TV/Monitor and now almost exclusively use a controller so I can sit back a little in my chair and not be hunched over a desk.
I remember having a group of people all trying to convince me they were better at FPS on console and that keyboard and mouse was worse. They wouldn’t believe me when I explained console auto aim mechanics. Then I sat them down in Halo 1 for PC with a controller. There was screaming and nashing of teeth. The mysterious auto aim was off. Never had it been so difficult to hit someone. Yet they blamed the PC and refused to believe their supposed skill didn’t exist without built in console cheats.
I have a Xim3 that I used on my Xbox 360.
I don't normally play FPS games on my 360 but I did have Black Ops for it and was playing against my sisters boyfriend and he was tearing me up since I can't aim for shit with a controller.
Told him to hold on while I adjust some settings for the controller, broke out the Xim3 and my KB&M and proceeded to stomp his ass really bad.
He got really pissed and claimed I had used some kind of aiming cheat, lol.
Just use a XIM with your keyboard & mouse, problem solved :cool:.
I remember having a group of people all trying to convince me they were better at FPS on console and that keyboard and mouse was worse. They wouldn’t believe me when I explained console auto aim mechanics. Then I sat them down in Halo 1 for PC with a controller. There was screaming and nashing of teeth. The mysterious auto aim was off. Never had it been so difficult to hit someone. Yet they blamed the PC and refused to believe their supposed skill didn’t exist without built in console cheats.
Had a similar situation with a Halo "veteran" playing multiplayer on the PC version of Halo 2 with a controller. He got immediately frustrated wondering how people were turning around so quickly when he started shooting them in the back. I explained it to him and his response was "this is why the Xbox is better." :rolleyes:
I remember Shadowrun from 2007. It allowed PC and Xbox gamers to mix in death match. The Xbox players claimed people were cheating when it was the simple fact that KB+M just allowed far more controlled movement and accuracy.

I still can’t play an FPS with a controller. Feels so slow and troublesome. Like driving a car with no power steering.

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I had a car without power steering and it was fucking awesome. It was an mr2. I miss that car. I had no deadzone created by power steering units. so NO. That's not the same at all. In the halo reach days, I played against people who used Kb+m combos and heard rumors it improved your skills considerably. It's a far more accurate input method and the fact that we still cling to controllers is frustrating.

Controllers are obsolete, but it creates an easy entry barrier for those who don't want to deal with a keyboard and mouse.
I rock a pad on a near permanent basis. Just toss in some basic aim assist and it's all good. Plenty of games do it and you can reach near parity if it's done right.
It's one thing if the entire game is based around twitch aiming and literally nothing else (Counter-Strike, Unreal Tournament), but Fortnite? That's just lazy.
I had a car without power steering and it was fucking awesome. It was an mr2. I miss that car. I had no deadzone created by power steering units. so NO. That's not the same at all. In the halo reach days, I played against people who used Kb+m combos and heard rumors it improved your skills considerably. It's a far more accurate input method and the fact that we still cling to controllers is frustrating.

My friend had an old Nova or something with no power steering. it wasn't hard to steer, it just took like 13 rotations to go lock to lock.
Now, a car with hydraulic or electric power steering and the belt breaks or electric motor fails is another story. they are really hard to turn especially at lower speeds or stopped.
If someone's on a console, going up against mouse and keyboard players will completely destroy their perception of how good they are. That will discourage the player and can lead to player dropoff rate, which can hurt Epic's bottom line. They're trying to protect console players from themselves.

Console players are whiny and can't handle that getting their precious ego broken when they realized consoles are for casuals and not FPS
I remember years back when MS were considering cross play, MS set up a test with teams of skilled controller players Vs noob KB & Mouse players.... when the skilled controller players repeatedly got used to wipe the floor, the cross play plans were cancelled.
I have a Xim3 that I used on my Xbox 360.
I don't normally play FPS games on my 360 but I did have Black Ops for it and was playing against my sisters boyfriend and he was tearing me up since I can't aim for shit with a controller.
Told him to hold on while I adjust some settings for the controller, broke out the Xim3 and my KB&M and proceeded to stomp his ass really bad.
He got really pissed and claimed I had used some kind of aiming cheat, lol.

I got so many Killamanjaro's in SWAT on Halo 3/Reach with my XIM it was ridiculous. I would usually go 40-1 or something.
Analog controllers are for driving games and 3rd person games like Forced Unleashed. I can't stand it for shooters. Makes it impossible.
I'm of the same mindset. I have an Xbox One controller for my PC, but I only use it for fighting games, most 3rd person (GTA V, Batman Arkham, etc.), and racing games. For almost everything else, I am strictly K+M. I've tried and tried to use a controller and I just couldn't get it to work for me as efficiently as I could with a K+M. I think the last FPS game I ever played where a controller worked well was Goldeneye. Also one of the reasons why I never by FPS on console.

I also have some games where I use both K+M and a controller. Kerbal comes to mind.
I remember having a group of people all trying to convince me they were better at FPS on console and that keyboard and mouse was worse. They wouldn’t believe me when I explained console auto aim mechanics. Then I sat them down in Halo 1 for PC with a controller. There was screaming and nashing of teeth. The mysterious auto aim was off. Never had it been so difficult to hit someone. Yet they blamed the PC and refused to believe their supposed skill didn’t exist without built in console cheats.
There's a lot of money in preserving that illusion. That's why there's not going to be crossplay for anything where aiming is important.
Solidifies my belief that consoles are for children.

Tore some serious shit up in FC5 over this past weekend (right after I relived some of my childhood by kicking ass in Tecmo Bowl and SMB 3 on my NES Classic)...

For children....seriously.
I'm of the same mindset. I have an Xbox One controller for my PC, but I only use it for fighting games, most 3rd person (GTA V, Batman Arkham, etc.), and racing games. For almost everything else, I am strictly K+M. I've tried and tried to use a controller and I just couldn't get it to work for me as efficiently as I could with a K+M. I think the last FPS game I ever played where a controller worked well was Goldeneye. Also one of the reasons why I never by FPS on console.

I also have some games where I use both K+M and a controller. Kerbal comes to mind.

Get a good steering wheel and pedals and you will never use a controller for racing games again.
One device is designed to literally do nothing else but point at things, of course it's better at that one task. Who cares? It happens to lack analog functionality for both movement and triggers yet nobody complains when games bake in faux analog gas pedals, triggers, and movement for keyboards.

I think we found a console apologist.
I find I can game comfortably with a controller for longer periods of time than I can on mouse and keyboard.

I do love my controller, but auto aim / aim assist has ruined many games. My favorite games on controller have 0 aim assist.
I don't get why restrict console to gamepad. Isn't fortnite crossplatorm with pc?
I think we found a console apologist.

I'm a PC gamer through and through. Joysticks and even pads have a long history on the PC. Every bit as long as the mouse. People seem to think that having an algorithm that assists pointing is somehow this horrible thing, yet literally applying the exact same thing to non-analog movement and triggers is somehow no big deal.
People seem to think that having an algorithm that assists pointing is somehow this horrible thing, yet literally applying the exact same thing to non-analog movement and triggers is somehow no big deal.

Adding synthetic degrees of control to a actual mechanism that doesn't have it doesn't really give you what isn't there. Adding aim assist to console controller gives you what isn't there; quicker precision.