Congratulations to Team Grandma - DC'er of the month: December 2015


DC Moderator and [H]ard DCOTM x6
Staff member
Jun 15, 2005
Congratulations to Team Grandma!

What a great way to recognize the contributions of both Grandpa and Grandma!

Thanks for all that Grandpa does around here, and to Grandma for supporting him unconditionally!

Voting thread.
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Congrats to Team Grandma I thank you all very much for what you have done. Now I need to know the pass key # because I refuse to pass Brilong while he is folding for Team Grandma, I could not pass him if he was folding under his own user name, so let me help you guys take Team Grandma to the #1 daily producer spot. :)
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Congrats to Team Grandma I than you all very much for what you have done. Now I need to know the pass key # because I refuse to pass Brilong while he is folding for Team Grandma, I could not pass him if he was folding under his own user name, so let me help you guys take Team Grandma to the #1 daily producer spot. :)

The office is staying warm :)
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So if Team Grandma is DC'er of the month, then you violated your own rules of who can wear the crown, your rules state if you won then NOPE for 1yr?

Some of us have won that this year ;) I love breaking the rules.
So if Team Grandma is DC'er of the month, then you violated your own rules of who can wear the crown, your rules state if you won then NOPE for 1yr?

Some of us have won that this year ;) I love breaking the rules.

So if someone who won this year folded a few units under your name, that would make you intelligible to win? That's some deep ish right there.....
So if Team Grandma is DC'er of the month, then you violated your own rules of who can wear the crown, your rules state if you won then NOPE for 1yr?

Some of us have won that this year ;) I love breaking the rules.

Team Grandma is not the same as Grandpa.

No rules were broken.

The force is undisturbed.
That title is both literal and figurative. My grandmother was one of the most positive, influential people in my life. My grandparents served as an example to me of what a loving marriage looked like. Sadly, my grandmother passed away after a very short time after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

One of the reasons I fold is to honor the memory of her and her struggle. When I saw that Grandma was overtaking me on the list (and it didn't take long) I just smiled and waved as she passed. It was symbolic to me, as well as a reminder of how important this type of research is to humanity. I wish I understood more about the progress of the project, or if my contribution has real meaning, but at least I'm trying in my own way to make a difference.

Thank you, Team Grandma. Thank you HardOCP and Kyle and everyone that maintains the site. Thank you everyone that folds for the cure. The contributions, no matter how small, all have a meaning to me. Fold on.

Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma. What a wonderful attitude and such great generosity!
Congratulations, Team Grandma and those of you involved with that effort!
I just wanted to give you all a little insight of what Team Grandma is and what it represents. None of us know if our donations to DC will ever make a difference or not, but we are selflessly trying to help humanity to have a better life, and as a added bonus most of us are having fun doing it.

Many of the people who are folding under the name of Grandma are among the most thoughtful caring people I have ever know, they have sent flowers and gifts to Grandma when she was battling the problems she had since her first cancer surgery 6 years ago. These people never new Grandma personally nor do I think they have any idea of how happy they made Grandma at points when she was very ill. I remember when they sent her flowers when she was very sick and every time she looked at or smelled the flower's she cried tears of joy for days they gave her joy, happiness and hope. Grandma was literally in awe of the people here on the [H] folding team she talked to many people about the compassion and caring the people here have. To Grandma and to myself the people here at the [H] represent the best of what humanity is.

Anyway thanks to Team Grandma and what they represent. And thanks to all who belong to the DC community, together hopefully we will all make a difference some day. Fold [H]ard my friends.