CoD2 or BF2


Jun 28, 2004
I'm looking for some opinions here, not bickering over who's right. Which one should I get: Call of Duty 2 or BF2? I want a decent SP game, but I'm really looking at very good multiplayer action. Let me know your choice and why.

I've been playing HL2 online, really enjoy it. I just want an online FPS that doesn't have the stupid crowbar/stunstick that kills quicker than a shotgun to the face.
BF2 has almost NO single player aspect to it whatsoever. You can "practice" flying/driving and stuff but it gets boring quickly. All the single player maps have only 16 players on them so you can't use any aircraft in actual battle. The MP component is where it's at and you'll quickly get hooked once you learn the ropes.

I've only played the CoD2 demo so I can't tell you much about that game. Others have more input.

In any case... Buy both! :D
COD2 = great SP, so so MP
BF2 = great MP, not so good SP

So depends on your priorities. Get both if you can't decide.
The single player in BF2 is more like training missions i think. I couldnt keep myself interested at all. but the MP is really fun but the load times just kill me.

cod2 has some good single player but at times it feels very restrictive. its like you have to walk down a really long colorful hallway without being able to go off on your own. not too sure about the MP. my roomate likes it but he likes a lot of things I dont.
COS2 SP was like poking myself in the eye with a hot poker. I had to guess what scripted place the game wanted me to go to, go there shoot doods, repeat ad infinitum. If felt that there were tones of unreasonable ways the devs had to kill you if you didn't play exactly they way you wanted them to. Ugh. I never was even able to finish the game, and I've finished all my other SP games. (With the exception of Far Cry, which bugged moments before the end. That made me mad.)
I'm just curious has CoD2 gotten any punkbuster support for it yet or is it still the hack infested game people were bitchin about still?
BF2 kicks ass MP wise. CoD2 MP just sucks because of the lack of a patch. I think you'll enjoy BF2 longer than CoD2 depending on your style of gameplay.
CoD2 if you like guns with aboslutley no recoil, that take no skill to kill anyone, and the worst spawn killing out of any game I've ever played. =\ and CoD1 was soo good to :(
download counter strike source mod for half life 2! great price, great gameplay! :D
SpeedRunner said:
COD2 if you enjoy fast-paced combat.

faster than s supersonic jet fighter?

BF2 is the king of MP death and chaos. Try it but ffs do use the single player first b/c the MP will wax your ass at first and piss you off. Learn how to walk before you run grasshopper.

I've tried EVERY major PC title for the past 3 yrs and I still mostly play BF.

SF is better if you want more infantry based fighting btw
Get BF2! I got it a few days ago. I didn't get it before that because I knew I didn't have a computer good enough to play it, but now I do. The MP is absolutely the best ever! I was actually laughing in my seat because it was so amazing :)
Thanks for all the input. I really am looking for good MP and was leaning toward BF2, and I think that will be the way I'll go. I also have CSS, just haven't played it much at all. I might just have to give that a shot too.
BF2! I hate EA but I luv this game even with all of it's frigging issues and horrendous patches. Also don't get discouraged it can be a bit of a learning curve. One of my friends picked it up a while back and refuses to play it anymore because he gets owned so much.
COD2 for me...BF2 blows my nuts, the key binding interface is TEH HORRIBLE.....
CoD2 is cool but the arcadey MP isn't for me. Wow, I almost feel like I should kick my own ass for that, with my fps addiction having originating from UT. But I've migrated a little bit and WW2 quake might be an exaggeration for CoD2, but I know where the naysayers are coming from. Anyways, I won't log 100hrs+ into a game with great SP, with even a decent MP that I find "ok." BF2 to me is the best MP fps though. Which means 100+ is par for the course.

I will never regret buying either though. I'm not even a BF2 fanatic but I probably killed 100hrs awhile back. Even if I'm only at like 120 now. Those 8 hour Sunday sessions here and there add the fuck up. :p

I still do better in the twitch shooters. Maybe I wanted to try and be good at something else. :p
BF:2 has a great multiplayer and the rankings/stats make the game addicting.

CoD:2 had a very fun single player. I enjoy WWII games and I thought it was pretty good. Pretty short though, only took me 9 hours to complete. Multiplayer will need a patch for it to be good.

Have you tried DoD:S?
I got both I love them both. If you find a good server on CoD2 rifles only those are fun they take skills. If you join a server with Submachines guns the noobs will keep using them and PwN you. BF2 single and MP are fun. Just up the bots in single player wow fun. I played a 32 bot vs 32 bot yesterday on the 16 player map Great Wall so fun. I would get both. and also get Euro-Force if you want.