cat proofing a computer


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 28, 2004
mostly looking to came the cables comming out of the back safe and best way to cover the 2 intake fans
mostly looking to came the cables comming out of the back safe and best way to cover the 2 intake fans

As a cat owner myself all I can tell you is that cat proofing your computer is a waste of time. Your cat needs to be trained. Mine no better than to mess with the computers. Them getting near the box gets them blasted with the canned air and they really hate that. So they don't do it. They also find getting yelled at or knocked away from stuff is unpleasant.

Anyone who says you can't train a cat is full of shit, I've done it plenty of times. Just teach them to behave properly and your problems will be resolved.
I was gonna suggest a river, a bag, and a cinderblock....but thats a bit overkill.

like above said, not much can be done....though, I would filter air intakes.
The only problem I've had with my cats is their love for the heat the box generates. There's a small ledge on my my desk behind the PSU and they love nothing more than to chill up there and soak up the sillicone-smelling exhaust.

Fan filters, a good kick and yell will let them know computers are a no-go zone. Plus they might piss on your carpet :(
Them getting near the box gets them blasted with the canned air and they really hate that. So they don't do it. They also find getting yelled at or knocked away from stuff is unpleasant.

I hate to break it to you ,but you've only trained your cat not to do that when you are there. Trust me, I know cats. :)
Cmon guys, shock collars? He was asking about fan grilles...
I hate to break it to you ,but you've only trained your cat not to do that when you are there. Trust me, I know cats. :)

That's why the computer room door stays shut when I am not home. (I know them too.)
I'm thinking some kind of large, whirling blade whenever 'cat like typing' is detected... just don't pass out on the keyboard.
my cat doesn't harm my computer at all except for the hair which the fan filters will help with, one time he knocked my case over but that was because of a case instability due to the wheels that i put on, after that i made sure that the wheels pointed out and everything was fine.
As a cat owner myself all I can tell you is that cat proofing your computer is a waste of time. Your cat needs to be trained. Mine no better than to mess with the computers. Them getting near the box gets them blasted with the canned air and they really hate that. So they don't do it. They also find getting yelled at or knocked away from stuff is unpleasant.

Anyone who says you can't train a cat is full of shit, I've done it plenty of times. Just teach them to behave properly and your problems will be resolved.
As someone who has owned cats for the better part of 20 years I would have to agree.

If you condition the cat properly, it doesn't matter if you are around or not. They are more than smart enough to know what they are not supposed to do.

With that said, there are stupid cats who don't know better. Just as there are stupid people. So yeah, get yourself some proper fan filters to deal with the fur.
As a cat owner (or, as my cat likes to think of me, his hired help/staff), I cannot condone this....... but thought I'd pass it on anyways! ;)

Years ago, a friend of mine had 3 cats in an apartment, and had tried everything he could think of to keep them out of his houseplants. As cat owners (staff) know, cats love houseplants because they're natural litter boxes! What he finally found that worked was surrounding the plants with mousetraps (set, of course!). He started with a few, but the cats just learned to step around them. He finally just set a "minefield" of mousetraps around the plants, and waited for the inevitable.

Sure enough, one of the cats finally decided to run the gauntlet, and while he was watching tv one night, he heard a SNAP!! :eek: and a howl, and walked in to find one of his cats shaking the mousetrap off his paw. While it sounds mean, you should know that a mousetrap (NOT a rat trap!!) isn't enough to cause permanent injury to a cat, it just gives him a reminder of the fact that he screwed up. Not that the cat will care, 5 minutes later! :rolleyes:
As a cat owner (or, as my cat likes to think of me, his hired help/staff), I cannot condone this....... but thought I'd pass it on anyways! ;)

Years ago, a friend of mine had 3 cats in an apartment, and had tried everything he could think of to keep them out of his houseplants. As cat owners (staff) know, cats love houseplants because they're natural litter boxes! What he finally found that worked was surrounding the plants with mousetraps (set, of course!). He started with a few, but the cats just learned to step around them. He finally just set a "minefield" of mousetraps around the plants, and waited for the inevitable.

Sure enough, one of the cats finally decided to run the gauntlet, and while he was watching tv one night, he heard a SNAP!! :eek: and a howl, and walked in to find one of his cats shaking the mousetrap off his paw. While it sounds mean, you should know that a mousetrap (NOT a rat trap!!) isn't enough to cause permanent injury to a cat, it just gives him a reminder of the fact that he screwed up. Not that the cat will care, 5 minutes later! :rolleyes:

Damn, a cat could lose it's manly cathood like that.
Thats weird, I have the most pesty cat in the world (but I still love him:p ) but I have never had problems with my messing with my computer stuff. I have cat hair all over my house (well not really but you get the idea) and none of it is in my computer.
just stick your tower under your desk. I have 2 cats, and none of them bother it when it is under the desk. My kitten (Ringo) likes to bite cabling but he is getting better at not doing so.
My cat doesnt like people that much except my dad so she only stays in his computer room and sleeps on a chair all day and all night. He has a laptop so cat hair isnt that much of a problem since its always off when he not there and when he is there she's probably still sleeping anyway.
Back when I had my Inwin Q500 (When Inwin made real case not the Crap they Produce today) I had the case open for testing and here comes kitty wanting to know what I'm doing. I Forget what I was doing but I remember the case was open and the computer was on. So I think nothing of the cat next to the computer as it never bothered it before but all of a sudden I hear "CRUNCH" "CRUNCH" CRUNCH" At the first "Crunch I saw kitty had stuck his paw in the cooling fan and the dumb cat kept doing it until I stopped him I have video I Should post it on youTube (If I can find the tape it's on an 8MM Video Cassette) any way that intdent pretty much cat proofed my computers as my cat hates to go near them now (Just that cat) the other cat I have loves to sit on the top of them. So let the cat explore it and it might scare itself into not liking them as a "Warm resting place"
I have 3 cats and none of them even go close to my computer (which is on the floor). I never did anything to them, like train them or anything, they just stay away. Maybe they don't like the rediculous amount of fans I have in the computer or something.
Buy your cat it's own case. glue carpet on the inside and leave the side panel off. put it somewhere where your cat will like to lay in/around/on top.... just an idea...
just stick your tower under your desk. I have 2 cats, and none of them bother it when it is under the desk. My kitten (Ringo) likes to bite cabling but he is getting better at not doing so.

I put mine up on the desks so they won't screw with them. I've got them trained not to get up on the desks. (They used to get knocked off in an unfriendly fashion or blasted with canned air when they got on the desks or any other furniture.)
I just got one of those trays that fit ontop of the CRT and put a thin pad on shop cat of 17 years is currently sleeping there as I type paw hung in front of the get used to it....:D
I just got one of those trays that fit ontop of the CRT and put a thin pad on shop cat of 17 years is currently sleeping there as I type paw hung in front of the get used to it....:D

I would never let an animal up on my computer equipment or desk. I'd kick his/her ass HARD until they learned not to do it.
I use the kick method. Touch the computer, you get kicked. Now my cat is happily resting by my arm instead.
I just got one of those trays that fit ontop of the CRT and put a thin pad on shop cat of 17 years is currently sleeping there as I type paw hung in front of the get used to it....:D

i think you should make an elaborate decoy computer of some sorts and fool the cat in to liking that one more.
do you have anything you can throw at the cat?

something like a billards ball, a bottle of water, or cd case thrown like a ninja star usually does the trick.
Keep a squirt bottle handy when you are there. Then just leave it sitting next to the computer when you leave and see if that works.