Brave Privacy Browser Going After Google


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
The guys over at the Brave browser, are looking to pull the EU's GDPR strings and cut into the way Google works. Brave is telling us that Google is violating the GDPR rules for how personal data is collected and processed in that it is not properly secure, and is also being used without authorization among other things. The gist of it is that Brave says Google is collecting much more personal data than it should be legally and then being sold. Information such as sexuality, ethnicity, and political opinions are being auctioned off to the highest bidder...allegedly.

The complaint argues that when a person visits a website, intimate personal data that describe them and what they are doing online is broadcast to tens or hundreds of companies without their knowledge in order to auction and place ads.
Nice! It's always good to know that at least some people are keeping track of this sort of thing.

My question would be how long until Brave gets a little bigger, becomes corrupted, and also starts mining your data. Maybe it won't, but how long ago was Google saying it wouldn't be evil? (for one example)
Well, I'm in this space with WordPress and this is a discussion a lot of us developers have been having for several months now, what data we can collect here in the US to remain GDPR compliment for any of the potential overseas visitors we might have.

We've had guest speakers from Siteground, GoDaddy, Google, SEO people and even a few Lawyers speak with us on this subject at length and I can almost assure you that Google, a multi-billion dollar company is taking this issue dead serious. I'm not saying they aren't using tricks, loopholes in the law, backroom deals ( who really knows what they are doing behind closed doors?! ) but I am pretty sure that with all eyes on them, Google will meet and exceed any legal definition of the law if that ever comes into question.

Anyone familiar with GDPR and especially the absolutely insane penalties ( 4% of the companies annual global revenue * ) will force anyone doing business in this space to take GDPR seriously. Even us small guys are worried. Google wouldbe on the hook for A LOT of money, Facebook, etc.

I would be wary of random companies coming out like this and making claims while at the same time promoting their own product. In fact, it's a red-flag for me. Feels very much like a marketing grab. And it worked, I just visited their website.
Okay, and what about when Google was found to be tracking people when tracking was turned off?

Of course they're seeking legal council. That doesn't mean they aren't breaking the law, or infringing in some way.

Well, I'm in this space with WordPress and this is a discussion a lot of us developers have been having for several months now, what data we can collect here in the US to remain GDPR compliment for any of the potential overseas visitors we might have.

We've had guest speakers from Siteground, GoDaddy, Google, SEO people and even a few Lawyers speak with us on this subject at length and I can almost assure you that Google, a multi-billion dollar company is taking this issue dead serious. I'm not saying they aren't using tricks, loopholes in the law, backroom deals ( who really knows what they are doing behind closed doors?! ) but I am pretty sure that with all eyes on them, Google will meet and exceed any legal definition of the law if that ever comes into question.

Anyone familiar with GDPR and especially the absolutely insane penalties ( 4% of the companies annual global revenue * ) will force anyone doing business in this space to take GDPR seriously. Even us small guys are worried. Google wouldbe on the hook for A LOT of money, Facebook, etc.

I would be wary of random companies coming out like this and making claims while at the same time promoting their own product. In fact, it's a red-flag for me. Feels very much like a marketing grab. And it worked, I just visited their website.
Its telling that firefox who has alot more resources and is a more direct competitor did not go after google for this crap.
Its telling that firefox who has alot more resources and is a more direct competitor did not go after google for this crap.

What's it telling though? The smaller company has more to gain by rocking the boat. Those with the least to lose can scream the loudest.

Mozilla was likely just staying neutral and worrying about themselves.
Nice! It's always good to know that at least some people are keeping track of this sort of thing.

My question would be how long until Brave gets a little bigger, becomes corrupted, and also starts mining your data. Maybe it won't, but how long ago was Google saying it wouldn't be evil? (for one example)
Google was never not evil. You don't have to virtue signal you're not evil unless you are evil.
If you dig enough probably every internet enabled corporation is violating GDPR. For example, if you have an American company that has a subsidiary in the UK and you're using a cloud based LDAP or SIEM and it's pulling your UK employees names into the same environment. BAM GDPR consideration. Even further down the rabbit hole, what about dual citizens working in the US?
I wonder how many people in the US really cares about privacy when Chrome continues to be their favorite browser. This is going to be a continued case of "It's a not a problem until it affects me." When it does become a problem, the vitriol will come out.
Its telling that firefox who has alot more resources and is a more direct competitor did not go after google for this crap.
This is such lawyer speak if there ever was one. Trying to shift attention and the blame game to another competitor when they have nothing to do with the situation at hand.
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so far samsung browser on android has been better
a. you can add plugins for blocking tracking and ads
b. you can also enable in settings popups and tracking blockers

the battery life is better with the samsung browser BETA app on android than brave.

i used both for a few months ... brave is based on chrome... this is just dumb of them to go after google when their whole product depends on chrome for survival.