Both versions of MGS V coming to Steam.

Kojima Productions released a new patch a few days back that aims to address three major issues currently affecting the game:

•When the Camera Y Axis is set to Reverse, the camera movement with the mouse will reflect the change
•Under some conditions, there was a "Low Memory" error a few minutes after launching the game. This issue has been fixed.
•When some USB devices were connected the game didn't launch. This issue has been fixed

You can download the update by installing a new version of Ground Zeroes that's available to people who opt-in to the Steam Client beta...You can do this by right-clicking on Ground Zeroes in your Steam Library, selecting Properties, then the tab for Beta
Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain includes a chicken hat item that will let you skip sections of the game that you find too tricky...the downside, of course, is that Snake is forced to look ridiculous while doing so...the choice of a chicken for the hat's design is meant to imply that players are just that - a chicken - if they choose to use it...

That's pretty clever.

I am really looking forward to playing the full game.
Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain includes a chicken hat item that will let you skip sections of the game that you find too tricky...the downside, of course, is that Snake is forced to look ridiculous while doing so...the choice of a chicken for the hat's design is meant to imply that players are just that - a chicken - if they choose to use it...

Why would you skip parts of a game you paid 60-70$ for?
Why would you skip parts of a game you paid 60-70$ for?

A casual player getting stuck in a difficult part of the game might find something like this pretty valuable. Skip a part of the game your having trouble with is better than just rage quitting and skipping any remaining part of the game because you can't get past a certain part. Not everyone finds challenging video games rewarding.

I'm curious to know if this downright skips sections of the game, or if its more of a cheat hat that makes in invincible or something (thereby allowing you to still experience that part of the game, just with the challenge removed.)
It must be a cheat/invincibility hat, because if it just skipped a level then there wouldn't be any point in looking "silly" with it on if you only need it on to skip a level and then just take it off.
Has anyone seen the multiplayer video for this game? It looked pretty fun not sure how it will turn out for PC though...I might wait for phantom pain to come out maybe ground zero will be bundled for cheap with it. I havent played MGS game since the original on PS, & its one of my fav games of all time. How close does GZ come to this?
A casual player getting stuck in a difficult part of the game might find something like this pretty valuable. Skip a part of the game your having trouble with is better than just rage quitting and skipping any remaining part of the game because you can't get past a certain part. Not everyone finds challenging video games rewarding.

I'm curious to know if this downright skips sections of the game, or if its more of a cheat hat that makes in invincible or something (thereby allowing you to still experience that part of the game, just with the challenge removed.)

I'd rather have a difficulty slider then this cheat hat...funny concept but being able to skip large portions of the game doesn't sound like something developers should be encouraging
Has anyone seen the multiplayer video for this game? It looked pretty fun not sure how it will turn out for PC though...I might wait for phantom pain to come out maybe ground zero will be bundled for cheap with it. I havent played MGS game since the original on PS, & its one of my fav games of all time. How close does GZ come to this?

There is no multiplayer in this.
That's only The Phantom Pain which comes later this year.
The multiplayer I was referring to was for pain . But was wondering in general if ground zeros is as good as the original mgs on ps? I found the bosses, storyline, and gameplay err perfect in that game
The multiplayer I was referring to was for pain . But was wondering in general if ground zeros is as good as the original mgs on ps? I found the bosses, storyline, and gameplay err perfect in that game

I think its really good, but its not a full game in the sense of MGS. Its more of prologue/teaser: something to whet your appetite.
The multiplayer I was referring to was for pain . But was wondering in general if ground zeros is as good as the original mgs on ps? I found the bosses, storyline, and gameplay err perfect in that game

Ground Zeroes can be described similar to the Tanker Mission in MGS2 or Virtuous Mission in MGS3. With additional missions similar to MGS2 VR Missions. Designed to get you better at different aspects of the game by targeting most of the game at challenges.

GZ seems to be set up to prepare everyone for Phantom Pains release to get beyond the learning curve, even though GZ really does feel like the classic MGS games since it's not as open as Phantom Pain will be. Also Kojima has said that TPP will be 200x more gameplay and was worried the game was too big for most players.

There are no boss fights in GZ, but I'm sure there will be in TPP. I haven't played MGS1 in like 15 years so I hardly remember the gameplay, but I still seem to go back to MGS3 a lot and GZ feels a lot like it other than now it's less isometric and more 3rd person, but somehow maintains the same feeling. If your a MGS fan I would get it, it's a solid game and actually made TPP my most anticipated game of 2015 by a long shot.
Also Kojima has said that TPP will be 200x more gameplay and was worried the game was too big for most players.

No such thing for me. That's music to my ears.

There are no boss fights in GZ, but I'm sure there will be in TPP. I haven't played MGS1 in like 15 years so I hardly remember the gameplay, but I still seem to go back to MGS3 a lot and GZ feels a lot like it other than now it's less isometric and more 3rd person, but somehow maintains the same feeling. If your a MGS fan I would get it, it's a solid game and actually made TPP my most anticipated game of 2015 by a long shot.

Not really big on boss fights but other than that I would have to agree with you. TPP is high on my list for the year.
It would be really, really nice they'll remake MGS4 in this fashion because I stopped playing that game since it looked and ran like ass.
Boss fights were the best part of the original mgs on ps...fighting cyber ninja for the first time,psycho mantis,ocerlot etc...also I really liked the isometric view of the original mgs and not third person. So pp will have cool boss fights like the original?
Map size comparison of every Metal Gear game, to the Phantom Pain

I'd post the pic, but its 6800x3402

Well, looks like he's finally done it. I remember reading that quote about Kojima being depressed and wanting to quit after he saw/played GTA IV. He's now made his sandbox with a huge amount of stuff to do, heh it might be his undoing. Now he's worried that no one will want to play this crazy thing.
The Kojima Productions twitter account popped up this image about Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain a couple of hours ago...The clock counts down to 6AM PST on March 4th...rumours of a June release date for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain have been swirling around for a while now, so it could be confirmation of that...for what it’s worth, Konami are calling it a “major” announcement

Hopefully they give a release date for the PC version as well.
including Hideo putting the final nail in the saga; MGS V will be the last "Metal Gear Solid'.

he says this (in so many words) every time. It's become a bit of a running gag. It wouldn't be a MGS if Kojima wasn't claiming to be throwing in the towel after this one.
he says this (in so many words) every time. It's become a bit of a running gag. It wouldn't be a MGS if Kojima wasn't claiming to be throwing in the towel after this one.

Yeah, I'm aware of that. He pointed out in the video that he says that a lot, and he means it this time... for whatever that's worth. He did say its not the end of Metal Gear, just MGS. Maybe just the end of Snake? Who knows...
The interview IGN posted was taken down very quickly. Here is a mirror: It's well worth watching, there is a lot of good information that I haven't heard before, including Hideo putting the final nail in the saga; MGS V will be the last "Metal Gear Solid'.

It may be for him but I have very serious doubts the franchise will be allowed to expire entirely if it continues to be profitable.
September is a bit later then I was hoping for but at least we now have an official release date...Kojima leaving the franchise will probably be like Hidetaka Miyazaki handing the reigns of Dark Souls 2 to someone else while still supervising the project
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Yeah, I'm aware of that. He pointed out in the video that he says that a lot, and he means it this time... for whatever that's worth.

Does he, though? Because he has "meant" it before. Even worked on a few other games. Always comes back.
September is a bit later then I was hoping for but at least we now have an official release date...

Agreed, but I was honestly expecting a holiday, November/December, release time frame. September is a bit of ways off, but I'm more than happy to wait. I'm just glad its coming to PC.
You got your wish...Sept 15th MGSV is confirmed for PC.

Pretty sure I'm taking off work the 14th-27th of September, going to "Afghanistan".

Lucky I get 5.5 weeks to burn since I'm going on a real trip in June. I'm more excited about my MGSV vacation though.
As Kinsaras noted, the PC version is coming to Steam 2 weeks after consoles. For the additional touches the PC build should provide, I am happy to wait 2 weeks. This will be the first day one buy for me since BF:BC2 and Mass Effect 2, 5 years ago. Before that it was Doom 3, in 2004.