BF2 : Creating accounts...


Jan 15, 2004
This is becoming more of a rant at buggy issues in BF2...

When I got the demo it took 9 tries of repeatedly clicking okay on my account info for them to accept it. Kept telling me that my email was already used...(? by who?!) but it took it and all was well, untill release.

Now I have the same issue with the released version, but looking around the GUI there is no option for "Existing Users" My email is used as is my unique nick....BY ME, yet I cant sign up for it because theres no way to tell the game I already registerd in during the demo. This leads me into the same issue for those who might happen to format and reinstall the game? or say you have a laptop or other desktop you might want to play from...? Their whole account sign up / login setup looks thrown together at the last minute with only create account options for SP and multi. Should do it like in BF1942 where you load game, select account then pick what to play. Account info stored on PC, if they want to log it online make it an option thats easy to find --> (took all of 3 seconds to locate the cd key on manuel instead of box for all to see, but some people didnt look around, it said it was somewhere it wasnt...) Retrieve account took forever and many tries and is not an option located at the forefront, have to hit back a few times and go manage accounts.

Gameplay content is there and very very fun, (aside from the heli needing more vertical power in both directions like in DC) But why didnt they include coop and other game types outside of conquest for a release? With BF1942 you could create a network coop game and play with bots on a large server. Cant seem to find a way to do that with bf2, and the small maps get old fast with only 16 players.

Maybe im missing something with the login / create account GUI but I have looked and looked and emailed EA about this, I have my email and my alias that I want to play with and it seems kinda lame and un thoughtout to leave a gap like existing user in the game.

I had the exact same thing happen. I was in a hurry so I just ended up creating a new one for now, but it is annoying.
Very annoying, i've used the same alias for so many years now I dont want anything else or account info, use one email for it to keep everything in one place and my others spam free. I emailed EA about it and will post their "solution" here.
Tedium said:
There is a "retrieve account" button...
it says "The email is invalid or is used by somone else or.....blah blah blah"

This email and pass worked just fine for the demo.
i guess it just sucks that once u establish an account, you can't change ur username on the game unless you provide a new email address.