bf1942 is back online


[H]F Junkie
Mar 4, 2007
I had no idea that BF1942 had a patch to allow online play again. Not sure when this happened, but you install the patch after the game and sure enough there are servers online. One of my all time favorite games, and after playing modern Battlefield games, well, I suck at BF1942! Will be playing it a lot now that I know. just download the gamespy patch.
No Way! that's awesome, I despise the current Battlefield games, way to twitchy quake/doom style these days. Sucks that kids/people have such low attention spans that everything has to be in your face action..

Gonna have to dig out my install disc later
No Way! that's awesome, I despise the current Battlefield games, way to twitchy quake/doom style these days. Sucks that kids/people have such low attention spans that everything has to be in your face action..

Gonna have to dig out my install disc later

if you have origin, you can enter the CD key to redeem it to your collection and play without needing a disc inserted. Sure that applies to a lot of us without DVD drives in our main rig.

But yeah, it's been years and years since I played and I googled around today looking for a way to play and sure enough theres a few threads talking about it. I played the demo (secret weapons of WWII) constantly since it allowed MP of 1 map before buying the full game.
Need you on the battlefield!

Pretty cool! I used to play this A LOT! I'll have to d/l that patch and play when i get in from work today.
I know what I'm doing this weekend.

I don't know what I want more...Desert Combat mod and going from either wiping the floor in Apache duels with the joystick jockeys at LAN parties and making my gunner nauseous from flying backwards up a mountain then spinning nose down to unload all the Hellfires into T-80s, or the joy of sniping with the Engineer's iron sites and hitting a guy 1 pixel tall from south base while he was on the Axis runway in El Alamein. Man, those were the days.
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Battlefield 1942. The game where the high scorer was posing for a screenshot and I swooped in in a plane decapitating him. :D
holy hell i forgot just how bad the default controls were in games back then and the fact that mouse sensitivity back then was designed for 400 dpi mice and windows mouse acceleration so there's no realistic way to fix the sensitivity without setting 6 different profiles on my mouse.
holy hell i forgot just how bad the default controls were in games back then and the fact that mouse sensitivity back then was designed for 400 dpi mice and windows mouse acceleration so there's no realistic way to fix the sensitivity without setting 6 different profiles on my mouse.
so in other words, you sucked as much as I did? :ROFLMAO:
I guess I have a reason to load Origin for the first time in a year.

I'll have to dig out my old flight stick. The props in 1942 are so much more fun to fly than craft in any later game, but flying with the mouse sucks.
I guess I have a reason to load Origin for the first time in a year.

I'll have to dig out my old flight stick. The props in 1942 are so much more fun to fly than craft in any later game, but flying with the mouse sucks.
I always flew with wasd and the arrow keys. Flying was a ton of fun in this game.
This was such a fucking great game in its hayday. Now I have the theme music stuck in my head again, dammit. @jmilcher There are lots of cheap copies on ebay. I think I'd rather wait for BFV though instead of jumping into this again since it looks very similar. Of course, if BFV flops...da da dun da da dun...Man if I had my hard copy around still I'd load it up.
This was actually free for a LONG time on origin.... I just need to login and see if they still have free copies
After two days of playing this, I've found there's an easy way to get this behaving nicely on a widescreen LCD.

When I first started to play the game only lower 4:3 resolutions were visible. But that was because I had a custom 75hz resolution selected in the nvidia control panel - at native resolution and refresh rate it made 1920x1080 an option.

Once you set a widescreen resolution, you need to change the FOV. Edit the following file in Wordpad:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Settings\VideoDefault.con

Edit the line renderer.fieldOfView 1, and set it to the appropriate fraction for your wider FOV (the default 1 = 4:3).

16:9 = 1.33333
16:10 = 1.2

Set the file to read-only so the game doesn't override your changes.

Finally, to make the game less annoying to run, you can turn off all those unskippable intro videos. Just use this as your shortcut command line:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 1942\BF1942.exe" +restart 1

This makes the game load in under five seconds. I was pretty sure I remembered hacking my way around those annoying videos, and I was right :D
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