Beyond Good and Evil 2


The Great Procrastinator
Oct 4, 2001
Has been confirmed for next-generation consoles.


“We are in an active creation stage and at this moment we are only focusing on the game and making it the best game that we can... I can say that it’s a very ambitious game and we need some tech to achieve that ambition. We focus on the game. We create it first, then we’ll see what can run it.”

Video from link: (I can't find a version with subtitles)
Oh man, I loved the first. I wish they'd just release it on PC and then rerelease for console whenever consoles finally get their shit together.
One of the most underrated games. I got the HD Copy free on PS3 and played it again. Still fantastic.
The first one was one of the best games I've ever played. I'm actually sad I waited for it and picked it up on an impulse purchase from steam. The only thing I would change were the controls. Seems like it was meant for a controller and didn't translate well to a keyboard.

They've been talking about 2 for years now. There is even some footage of the pig floating around. Until I see it hit the shelves, I'm not going to get excited...
Oh man, I loved the first. I wish they'd just release it on PC and then rerelease for console whenever consoles finally get their shit together.

the pc has been thoroughly shunned by ubisoft at this point, pretty much anything mainstream outside of the anno/settlers series they would not even consider developing based on this platform. only thing we can really look forward to is that they probably learned some valuable lessons from the botched release of the original, so they should show some mercy if they decide to port it.

either way I'm not going to be buying this until well after launch if at all, knowing that their previous release still has game breaking bugs that went unpatched, even after an "hd" refresh for the console almost a decade later. now they say they would rather develop for platforms that don't yet exist, than make another game for the plebs on pc. way to go ubi!
the pc has been thoroughly shunned by ubisoft at this point, pretty much anything mainstream outside of the anno/settlers series they would not even consider developing based on this platform. only thing we can really look forward to is that they probably learned some valuable lessons from the botched release of the original, so they should show some mercy if they decide to port it.

either way I'm not going to be buying this until well after launch if at all, knowing that their previous release still has game breaking bugs that went unpatched, even after an "hd" refresh for the console almost a decade later. now they say they would rather develop for platforms that don't yet exist, than make another game for the plebs on pc. way to go ubi!

Not really true.. Rayman Origins came out on PC.. it was DRM free too. Definitely not a mainstream game.. and its a fantastic game. I will get BGE2 on any system. My only request.. Keep the original voices.
The game had a load of performance issues for me. I tried playing it a while back on fairly well-spec'd machine and still had problems.

Though, it's definitely one of those hidden gems. The one part I didn't like, however, is the ending. Agh.
The game had a load of performance issues for me. I tried playing it a while back on fairly well-spec'd machine and still had problems.

Though, it's definitely one of those hidden gems. The one part I didn't like, however, is the ending. Agh.

If I remember right, AA caused the performance issue with modern video cards. If you turned it off in the options, it ran perfectly.
here is a pic for those ppl that are lazy


if you notice the sign, there is so many fish shops?
here is a pic for those ppl that are lazy[ /img]

if you notice the sign, there is so many fish shops?[/QUOTE]

Is that the PS3 HD version or PC? Looks great compared to the PS2 version I own.

Its been taking long enough like Half-Life. So we may someday see episode 2 of 3, hurray!!
fish = placeholder textures maybe? the game always had a port/coastal theme so it would make sense either way.

Is that the PS3 HD version or PC? Looks great compared to the PS2 version I own.

Its been taking long enough like Half-Life. So we may someday see episode 2 of 3, hurray!!

irrelevant at this point during the dev phase, when they're going to be showing off pre-renders and base textures, this is not representative of actual in-game footage from the engine.
fish = placeholder textures maybe? the game always had a port/coastal theme so it would make sense either way.

irrelevant at this point during the dev phase, when they're going to be showing off pre-renders and base textures, this is not representative of actual in-game footage from the engine.

I must of misunderstood. I thought that was a pic the first game. LOL

EDIT: the game spends alot of time on the water. I guess fish would be common place?
Not really true.. Rayman Origins came out on PC.. it was DRM free too. Definitely not a mainstream game.. and its a fantastic game. I will get BGE2 on any system. My only request.. Keep the original voices.

If I remember correctly, her voice was sexy :)

Definitely gonna pick this game when it comes out.. Unless it comes out on the console's release day... Maybe I could give up my GTX 680 hunt...:rolleyes:
here are more screenshots, it is funny some sites use content aware to try to get rid of his watermark




two more


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