Bethesda is Working on a New Fallout 76 PVP Mode


Mar 3, 2018
Fallout 76 may have had a rocky launch, but Bethesda seems committed to supporting the game going forward. On the "Inside the Vault" blog, Bethesda detailed a number of fixes and tweaks that are coming in January. Bethesda also promised to offer more detailed patch notes. Starting in 2019, they will include "brief thoughts from our developers that hopefully gives the community more insight into the changes we're making and why." Bethesda also briefly mentioned a new game mode with fewer PvP restrictions than Fallout 76's current multiplayer mode.

We're also hard at work on a new mode where you can work together, or not, without PVP restrictions. We’re already having fun playing it at the office and we're hopeful to roll it out to all of you sometime in the first quarter of the year. This is just the beginning of new content and continued updates. We'll have a lot more to share throughout 2019.
Just cut your losses and move on to starfield and elder scrolls 6. Don't use up more time polishing a turd.
While on one side of things I agree with you, but I don't think they really can just cut off Fallout 76 they need it as a test bed for a lot of the features that they need in Starfield and Elder Scrolls going forward. Fallout 76 is simply a test bed that they decided they could sell to people to beta test their larger upcoming products that they can't afford to have bad launches with. Gamers have been pretty vocal over the last year and its hurting half-assed and shitty launches for somebody the size of Bethesda it could break them if those launches bombed.
FOBR will be a failure. It'll be a purchased add-on..for $70 (or $499 for the collectors edition for a Vault 99 iron on patch in a brown carrier bag) they'll be charging money for skins that their customers designed. I cant imagine what the build menu will be like for a BR mode. :)
People got suckered into buying this game. Makes me happy to sit idly by on the sidelines. Fortunately for Bethesda there are enough people that have very little expectation of game quality so it really didn't matter.
Bethesda needs to stop supporting this train wreck and focus on a new game. One with a new game engine with no micro-transactions and isn't online multiplayer.
I love this game. When ever I log on there are dozens of people on the server and most are medium to higher level players indicating regular play on their part.

All the nattering nabobs of negativity are talking out their asses...
I love this game. When ever I log on there are dozens of people on the server and most are medium to higher level players indicating regular play on their part.

All the nattering nabobs of negativity are talking out their asses...
I have this game and its just mediocre. There is no real snese of survival like in rust and PVP is pointless because all you get from them is their junk. At least in rust PVP can be very tense because if you die, you lose everything. Making you play a little smarter. In 76 when i see a person i am not even afraid to go near them because i know they cant kill me if i dont attack back. I was pretty let down with this game, i was expecting more of rust in a fallout setting.
Just cut your losses and move on to starfield and elder scrolls 6. Don't use up more time polishing a turd.

Honestly, they can barely pump games out on a regular schedule and they wanted to do something like this........ I just simply can't understand this we hate money thing some of these companies keep doing, BGS is known for single player open world fp rpgs... And it's not like they didn't make alot of money so if it works.....why keep having money left on the table, every 3-5 years there should be an ES and fallout game with the resources there is zero excuses hire 2 development teams and keep em going and you always have work and revenue. Otherwise if every decade there should actually be games that are magnanimous in size pushing the boundaries of what's capable not a game of less content with prettier graphics.
While on one side of things I agree with you, but I don't think they really can just cut off Fallout 76 they need it as a test bed for a lot of the features that they need in Starfield and Elder Scrolls going forward. Fallout 76 is simply a test bed that they decided they could sell to people to beta test their larger upcoming products that they can't afford to have bad launches with. Gamers have been pretty vocal over the last year and its hurting half-assed and shitty launches for somebody the size of Bethesda it could break them if those launches bombed.
They are only testing multiplayer features that at just not needed in TES6. If TES6 tried to do too much, it will just be less of a game.

nothing "pretty" about 76 graphics honestly
I never said it was, but yes they did fix some of the lighting in the creation engine to be a bit more better, just wish they would have paid attention and fixed everything else they forgot, I was referring to es games looking prettier at the cost of actual content each iteration getting less and less.
People got suckered into buying this Beta. Makes me happy to sit idly by on the sidelines. Fortunately for Bethesda there are enough people that have very little expectation of game quality so it really didn't matter.

Corrected for clarity.
FOBR will be a failure. It'll be a purchased add-on..for $70 (or $499 for the collectors edition for a Vault 99 iron on patch in a brown carrier bag) they'll be charging money for skins that their customers designed. I cant imagine what the build menu will be like for a BR mode. :)

At a guess it already is . Some are speculating FUPM76 ( FUPAYME76 ) is a test platform for TES6 and Starfield MMOs ( shit ) , but the facts we are seeing do not track that logic ( i.e. What , exactly was the intended purpose of Fu76's creation ? what Primary objective was it to fulfill and what were the secondary and tertiary objectives ?)

What the facts ( as they keep dropping from deeper and deeper space ) are Clearly defining is reflective thinking from a creative echo chamber at Fo/bethesda that perfectly insulates itself from a core understanding of Fallout's actual niche and in the process homogenizes down 'The Product' to a hollow ( monotonous ) overtone that plays exactly like what one would expect when one tries to play an orchestral piece on a lone kazoo.

Fallout is not Fortnite, they are not the same player base.

You ( bethesda ) cannot shift a VERY SPECIFIC player base to the platform /interaction YOU ( bethesda) choose. ( Even if you( bethesda) actually understood the player base , which FO4 proved you ( fo/bethesda) do not, this would require finesse and sublety not the shoddy stealing and then poor translation of fortnites homework)

Bethseda/zenimax if you want that sweet sweet money train of microtransactions with a fallout skin on it , make FO76 free to play ( and also make it not cannon )

All roads lead to Rome , but is that still a good thing when all Rome understands is Rome?
Bethseda/zenimax if you want that sweet sweet money train of microtransactions with a fallout skin on it , make FO76 free to play ( and also make it not cannon )
This right here. Nothing upsets people more than finding out they bought a game to find out they don't have the entire game. Micro-transactions are for free games not paid games. Especially when Bethesda knows their audience likes to make their own content through mods, which are usually better than the paid stuff they make.