Bethesda Details Fallout 76 Patch Schedule and Faces Backlash Over Bags


Mar 3, 2018
Fallout 76 has gotten off to a rocky start, but Bethesda has outlined plans to iron some of the issues out in the coming weeks. On their website, Bethesda said they will increase the stash limit and address some nasty bugs related to the Cryolater and Power Armor on December 4, while an FoV slider, push-to-talk support, 21:9 support and some big in-game features are coming on December 11, 2018. Meanwhile, the company is facing backlash for shipping nylon bags with the $200 "Power Armour Edition" of the game, instead of the canvas bags that were originally pictured. Unfortunately, some Bethesda support staff seem to be fanning the flames, as some customers have received questionable support responses from "outsourced" firms, and Bethesda is only offering about $5 of in-game microtransaction currency as consolation for the material switch.

Already enraged by what some described as Bethesda's attempt to "cover their tracks", affected customers posted several screenshots of customer service responses, one of which was an unbelievably curt reply telling the customer: "the bag shown in the media was a prototype and was too expensive to make. We aren't planning on doing anything about it." Bethesda has since confirmed this email is real, but insisted the response was "incorrect,". The company switched to a nylon carrying case "due to unavailability of materials", Bethesda said. As for the customer service staff member behind the curt reply above, Bethesda said they're "a temporary contract employee and not directly employed by Bethesda or Bethesda Game Studios."
What are the chances that this game makes the comeback that NMS made? I'd love for this game to be great, but as it sits, I refuse to put money into it.
Man, they really have stepped in the pile of crap over this game. #baggate o_O
I feel like it might have blown over a little better if they already weren't in the fire over the game. To bait and switch out the bag just adds fuel to an already upset playerbase.

As posted I too hope they can come out of this with a decent game. For the claim it is going to be forever, I feel its current momentum won't take it past the season.
"due to unavailability of materials"

Never knew canvas was such a rare and limited commodity.
See as they were writing this they were talking aloud “due to unavailability of materials.... at our desired price point” pretty sure if we could see the edit log in their email we would see that part in red with a strike through.

And isn’t it super convenient that every mistake in customer service, security, or design lately isn’t the fault of the company but instead one of their “contractors”.
Its as though the game companies themselves are telling people not to pre-order. :D
I get sad when I look at all these AAA game devs that release incremental shitware and just repeatedly f**k over their customers.
I can honestly only think of two game companies that I could say I have any faith in.
Its as though the game companies themselves are telling people not to pre-order. :D
I get sad when I look at all these AAA game devs that release incremental shitware and just repeatedly f**k over their customers.
I can honestly only think of two game companies that I could say I have any faith in.

One must be CDPR. Who is the second?
As someone who hasn't played their games but was aware of them due to their massive success, I always assumed Bethesda was one of those developers that could do no wrong...then they made this game and it seems like they were completely unprepared for every single aspect of the release, from their own technical bugs to stuff like this bag and the incredibly asinine response they're giving to what are essentially their biggest fans. Seems like they're following some sort of "how to trash your image and relationships in 5 easy steps" plan.
As someone who hasn't played their games but was aware of them due to their massive success, I always assumed Bethesda was one of those developers that could do no wrong...then they made this game and it seems like they were completely unprepared for every single aspect of the release, from their own technical bugs to stuff like this bag and the incredibly asinine response they're giving to what are essentially their biggest fans. Seems like they're following some sort of "how to trash your image and relationships in 5 easy steps" plan.

Daggerfall was my first introduction into Bethesda.....Loved the game for the 5 minutes between crashes that it would run and having to manually back up saved games.
Bethesda, what happened to you!? You became from one of the most beloved companies into one of the most hated in breakneck record speeds, in a matter of months! Even EA took years to achieve that status.
There seem to be a lot of people who are going to have a hard time with the realities of life. If your world is falling apart because your toy helmet came in a nylon bag instead of a canvas bag than you might be a snowflake... Becoming enraged over something so trivial is a sign of a dysfunctional grasp of reality.
And isn’t it super convenient that every mistake in customer service, security, or design lately isn’t the fault of the company but instead one of their “contractors”.

Right? As if consumers should give a crap about how they choose to structure themselves anyway.
What are the chances that this game makes the comeback that NMS made? I'd love for this game to be great, but as it sits, I refuse to put money into it.
No man Sky made a comback? That's news to me. Personally, once a game is made bad then nothing will ever fix it. It is fundamentally broken. Even Sargon of Akkad gave pointers on how to properly fix Fallout 76, which basically sounded like making a whole new game. You know you have problems when Sargon a guy who usually talks about politics is giving pointers on how to fix Fallout 76.

Meanwhile I still have a shit load of games I still haven't played yet. Playing Persona 5 and it sucks anus. Who the hell thought this was a good game? Spend most of my time doing nothing but listen to dribble that doesn't matter in the game.
There seem to be a lot of people who are going to have a hard time with the realities of life. If your world is falling apart because your toy helmet came in a nylon bag instead of a canvas bag than you might be a snowflake... Becoming enraged over something so trivial is a sign of a dysfunctional grasp of reality.

So, people cannot be pissed if what they ordered claimed to be made of canvas in product adverisements and such all the way to the end but they received nylon instead? The object itself may be trivial but this is again another proof of Bethesda not giving a shit, willingly screwing over their fanbase with no remorse andlater giving halfassed non-apologies. I agree that a nylon bag is a small thing, but those small things certainly are piling up into a little mountain.
Honestly it's become a cult thing to bash this game

Welcome to the new dumb. Nobody in this thread was actually affected by this or owns the special edition in question, but are flailing anyway.

More hilarious is the Bethesda customer service email quoted in the OP was a fake. There were actually multiple faked screenshotted emails floating around on Reddit yesterday (where else), but one kid won out and got all the clickbait attention.
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Welcome to the new dumb. Nobody in this thread was actually affected by this or owns the special edition in question, but are flailing anyway.

More hilarious is the Bethesda customer service email quoted in the OP was a fake. There were actually multiple faked emails floating around yesterday but one guy won out and grabbed all the clickbait attention.

I assume it is just some deep need to fell a part of a group.

What kills me is the amount of people using fallout 4 as the benchmark for a good fallout game. Pretty sure that game was not well received either when it launched.
It seems you can complain to Bethseda and get '500 atoms' of in game currency. Reading on it seems that only gets a screen door and flowers for your camp. Bwahaha!

What a crack up.
No man Sky made a comback? That's news to me. Personally, once a game is made bad then nothing will ever fix it. It is fundamentally broken. Even Sargon of Akkad gave pointers on how to properly fix Fallout 76, which basically sounded like making a whole new game. You know you have problems when Sargon a guy who usually talks about politics is giving pointers on how to fix Fallout 76.

Meanwhile I still have a shit load of games I still haven't played yet. Playing Persona 5 and it sucks anus. Who the hell thought this was a good game? Spend most of my time doing nothing but listen to dribble that doesn't matter in the game.

It's absolutely possible for a bad game to be made into a good game after the fact. Sometimes the difference between a bad game and a good one is smaller than you'd think. Often times its too little too late when it comes to multiplayer games, but some games, like some movies end up with a dedicated following after the fact. Unreal Tournament 3 was mediocre when it came out. After several patches and some content updates it was pretty good. Unfortunately, no one played it anymore. UT2003 wasn't much different from UT2004. However, the latter was slightly tweaked and was far better received than the former. It was popular for years and surpassed its immediate predecessor very quickly.

No Man's Sky did make a come back. No, it isn't as successful as it would have been were it made right out of the gate, but its managed to turn into a decent game by many accounts.
No man Sky made a comback? That's news to me. Personally, once a game is made bad then nothing will ever fix it. It is fundamentally broken. Even Sargon of Akkad gave pointers on how to properly fix Fallout 76, which basically sounded like making a whole new game. You know you have problems when Sargon a guy who usually talks about politics is giving pointers on how to fix Fallout 76.

Meanwhile I still have a shit load of games I still haven't played yet. Playing Persona 5 and it sucks anus. Who the hell thought this was a good game? Spend most of my time doing nothing but listen to dribble that doesn't matter in the game.

This video helps put things in perspective. I think Bethesda was trying to create a game as a service like Destiny or EA/BioWare's upcoming Anthem. Games as a service with a somewhat persistent world or progression system is being seen by the industry as the way forward for multiplayer games. Sure, there are other types of games like the popular battle royal games but ultimately, I don't think they can touch the type of potential there is from the service fees and microtransactions of something that's essentially a shooter with MMO properties. Fallout 76 could have been that for Bethesda but they fucked it up in seemingly every way imaginable. That's kind of sad because a properly executed Fallout themed clone of something like Destiny / Destiny 2 could be hugely successful.
Welcome to the new dumb. Nobody in this thread was actually affected by this or owns the special edition in question, but are flailing anyway.

More hilarious is the Bethesda customer service email quoted in the OP was a fake. There were actually multiple faked screenshotted emails floating around on Reddit yesterday (where else), but one kid won out and got all the clickbait attention.

that so? i was under the impression that the original mail was legit o_O

anyway, they deserve the hate. just because i personally wasn't scammed doesn't mean i'm barred from hating scammers. which this is. people bought a product with certain advertised features and specifications and received a product which had different - inferior - features and specifications. how is this acceptable in any way?
There seem to be a lot of people who are going to have a hard time with the realities of life. If your world is falling apart because your toy helmet came in a nylon bag instead of a canvas bag than you might be a snowflake... Becoming enraged over something so trivial is a sign of a dysfunctional grasp of reality.

I don't buy collector editions of anything, but I disagree with you on this. All the advertising material showed a number of collectible items and the collectible was sold based on this information. If instead of the full sized helmet, it showed up with a PVC minaiture, would you say the same thing?

If you looked at pictures of the two bags, the nylon bag appears to be the cheapest piece of shit in the world. The posted picture has it sitting on a box and some junk and is basically so cheap and thin it's translucent. It's literally garbage just by looks. It is a vastly bigger piece of shit than 1) The free bag carcash gave me with my plates and crap I missed cleaning out of the car that was meant to be a disposable branded handout 2) cheaper than promotional bags I sourced for an event I help put on that were about $8 a pop.

There's an argument to be made for bait and switch or for materially misrepresenting the product.

If it looked generally the same and was a nice quality nylon I'd be much less apt to agree with the complaints.
It seems you can complain to Bethseda and get '500 atoms' of in game currency. Reading on it seems that only gets a screen door and flowers for your camp. Bwahaha!

What a crack up.

That will get other stuff that is a bit more useful but its all cosmetic stuff like a generator. The store is all cosmetic stuff tho, nothing that will give you a advantage, which is what people cry about all the time and they did it right.
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That will get other stuff that is a bit more useful but its all cosmetic stuff like a generator. The store is all cosmetic stuff tho, nothing that will give you a advantage, which is what people cry about all the time and they did it right.

I would argue that the cosmetics are way too expensive for what you get ($17 worth of Atom for a fucking blue power armor skin??) but yeah, "it's just cosmetic".

Plus, this is a fucking $60+ title. Why does it need overpriced cosmetic microtransactions?
I would argue that the cosmetics are way too expensive for what you get ($17 worth of Atom for a fucking blue power armor skin??) but yeah, "it's just cosmetic".

Plus, this is a fucking $60+ title. Why does it need overpriced cosmetic microtransactions?

You earn Atom's just by completing tasks in the game. So you only buy if you just have to have something and dont want to wait.
Frankly, the whole canvas bag thing with the CE version stinks and there's no reason to defend Bethesda on this. You can like the game for what it is, but this kind of disrespect for the paying customers is simply too brazen and too abusive for any paying customer to defend.
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There seem to be a lot of people who are going to have a hard time with the realities of life. If your world is falling apart because your toy helmet came in a nylon bag instead of a canvas bag than you might be a snowflake... Becoming enraged over something so trivial is a sign of a dysfunctional grasp of reality.

They were sold one thing but given another. Getting enraged? Not seeing too much of that, but being upset at the company is completely valid. No one likes being taken for as a chump. I guess some people are more passive and let others walk on them without complaint while others will fight against the shitty practice and speak out. I'm typically very passive about shit like that (waiter fucks up my order? Oh well, I'll eat it.), but I won't get upset if others want to speak up. Go for it.
How in the 9 hells do they not support 21:9 out the gate I'd say adoption is faster than 16:9 on PC, and the have become cheap to buy at the 200$-400$ range for freesync models at 1080p and a little higher at the 500$ range for the 1440p.

After watching alot of reviews and hearing modders talking in discord ALOT of bugs from Skyrim and Fallout 4 are still the exact same issues present in FO76. How at their level did they not learn or pay attention to what people were reporting?