Avowed (Obsidian RPG)


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Fallout: New Vegas and The Outer Worlds studio Obsidian Entertainment has announced a new fantasy roleplaying game called Avowed for Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC...Avowed takes place in Eora, the setting of Obsidian’s 2015 game Pillars of Eternity and its 2018 sequel...but it’s swapping Pillars of Eternity’s old-school isometric perspective for first-person gameplay, apparently including swordplay and spellcasting

the trailer doesn’t give away much detail, but it offers a sense of the game’s aesthetic and tone...

I'd love some FPRPG action like Dark Messiah of Might & Magic (more so than Skyrim).
Nice! I love me some Pillars of Eternity. But yeah, definitely giving me some Dark Messiah vibes for sure.
I'd love some FPRPG action like Dark Messiah of Might & Magic (more so than Skyrim).

Dark Messiah was seriously underrated. I think a lot of people expected it to be like Oblivion, which it definitely was not.

I would be immensely pleased to see this lean closer to Dark Messiah than anything Elder Scrolls.
This looks and sounds good potentially. Outer Worlds DLC in September as well.

Dark Messiah is a fantastic game.
They did a good job with their other titles - one of the few studios that consistently impresses me, so i'm excited for this.
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the most interesting part of this for me is the Pillars of Eternity setting...

Someone said it looks like a 2017 game I think they are talking about the 1st person view.
Couldn't care less about graphics as long as a minimum level is met. Gameplay, UI, and writing is all that matters. Even audio is often more important to immersion than better graphics.

Avowed started as Obsidian's Skyrim, but evolved to focus on depth over breadth, 'where Obsidian really shines'​


Obsidian CEO explains that the original pitch for the game was "Obsidian's Skyrim," but they re-evaluated their direction when they stepped back and identified what Obsidian is known for: Tight narratives. This game is not as open as a single player TES game, but it will have a tight and engrossing narrative focusing on character development over the course of the game. The XGS trailer had me immediately thinking Skyrim, but I'm happy to hear that it will be more than that.

Avowed started as Obsidian's Skyrim, but evolved to focus on depth over breadth, 'where Obsidian really shines'​


Obsidian CEO explains that the original pitch for the game was "Obsidian's Skyrim," but they re-evaluated their direction when they stepped back and identified what Obsidian is known for: Tight narratives. This game is not as open as a single player TES game, but it will have a tight and engrossing narrative focusing on character development over the course of the game. The XGS trailer had me immediately thinking Skyrim, but I'm happy to hear that it will be more than that.

Skyrim: New Vegas
I think it looks good. I'm fine with a fantasy spin on an Outer Worlds style of game.
I hope they don't try so hard to be clever as they did in a Outer Worlds

Looks promising though

I seem to be one of the few that just really did not like Outer Worlds. Every quest was a boring series of do this for me which went a few people deep. Just did not grab me and I was glad when it was over
I had high hopes but it looks too scifi and not English folklore Fantasy I don't think I'll buy it.
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I seem to be one of the few that just really did not like Outer Worlds. Every quest was a boring series of do this for me which went a few people deep. Just did not grab me and I was glad when it was over
I didn't like it either, stopped after about 10 hrs. It was mediocre in all aspects
What they have showed so far does still look very Bethesda-like, but I don't think anybody has really revolutionized how first-person "western" RPGs play as of yet. Those "modern" hairstyles from the deep dive also fill with a feeling of existential dread.
Right, let's hope it's not a team of woke SJW noobs developing this like was probably the case with Redfall
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