Attic switch recommendation?


[H]ard DCOTM x4 & [H]DCOTY x1
Nov 10, 2009
Im looking for an attic switch recommendation .... And yes attic mount is pretty much a requirement.

Basically in my garage area I have 2 cameras , looking to mount an AP, and in the future add a 3rd camera. All powered via PoE. In addition to this I have a TV mounted there (Mainly because I can .... and a garage TV is pretty bad ass).... But with that I have the need for another one or two ethernet drops.

So instead of looking to run 4+ runs from the main switch to these devices I'm hoping to run one and just put it to a switch. None of the devices will come anywhere near maxing a single line.

Currently I got my hands on a GS105PE for free from my dad, and am having issues (Netgear GS105PE), however this is far from a perm solution since I need another two PoE connections....The current thought is to put a PoE Switch (Even if partial) that can handle 4 devices (Which is the max PoE needed in my use here) in the attic. To offset the extra heat I've been thinking why not pick up a used 24 port, or 48 port (maybe 16?) Gigabit PoE switch that is actively cooled and use that with disabling of all un-used ports to alleviate heat. Being a garage I really couldn't care less about the noise created (it is ~2 insulated walls and 20 ft away from any living space).

Anyone have alternative suggestions, or switch suggestions?

Should probably note: I am located in Orlando FL, so it gets fucking hot up there, well outside of normal operating temperatures. The switch would be under pretty much no load outside of 2 or 3 continuous 10/100 connections.
I have a Netgear M4100-D10-POE in my garage for pretty similar reasons. Powers two POE cameras and links a Pi and UniFi AC AP up. No issues so far with the hot summers (100F out today, been in service about two years. On-board sensor says it's running at 114F currently). Operational temperature says 32º to 122ºF, which may or may not work in your location.
To follow up I ended up purchasing a Tough Switch 8 Port it is due in today. Its about the only one I could find rated to be in temps of up to 130 deg F for operating temperature while providing power. Some temps for the space were around ~108 during the day recently so I have a bit of wiggle room. Ill post pics of the install when I get it done / finished this weekend (It is due in today)
ehhhh, to meet code you'll probably have to enclose it and it's outlet/power adapter in a steel box of some sort...

i mean i'm not an electrician, but that makes sense to me...
AFAIK , no it is not required per code. A standard enclosure for the housing of a outlet should more than cover requierments.. Should not have to enclose it, otherwise you would have to enclose an attic light, ceiling mounted furnace/HVAC equipment, etc.

(To note: I deal with commercial building design daily, but barely touch Residential.)
And here are some pictures if anyone holds interest .... Got the power ran tapped of of the light (Purely lighting circuit, more than enough capacity). This is a temp setup, I am placing an order for a shelf from mono price to moutn between the rafters going down the center of the garage. And with that I am on the hunt for a UPS that is suitable for the heat environment ..... Next big challenge is a rack for the upstairs closet ...


Anything useful in attics in the South where temps are fucking ridiculous?
What do you mean by useful? It is quite useful for storing stuff that i don't want in the garage or small shed .... but might eventually need. Great for running wires .....