Athlon II X3 445 vs Intel Pentium 2020


[H]F Junkie
Aug 18, 2006
So I have been given a PC that has an AMD Athlon II X3 445 along with 4GB of DDR2. Now... I have my current system in sig, but I also have another 1155 motherboard sitting in my closet that was supposed to be re-purposed. I'm currently using my old IDE Caviar Blue 320GB HDD as a hold-over hard drive, and I already intend on purchasing an SSD - most likely a Crucial M500 240GB. My only intentions for this PC are to use JBoss Developer Studio 7 on it and develop some exercise Struts applications on it (long story that I can't get into now). But, I'm tempted to throw in a Pentium 2030 instead. If you were in my shoes which would you do?

1. Keep the Athlon system
a. Purchase Crucial M500 240GB for $120.

Total = $120

2. Go to the Pentium 2030
a. Purchase Crucial M500 240GB for $120.
b. Purchase Pentium 2030 for $60.

Total = $180.

Now, I'd have to spend $60 extra bucks going with the Pentium (I have some spare DDR3 RAM, so I'm covered there), but would I see much of a difference, or would it make more sense to just keep the Athlon? I'd probably have to also throw a cheap video card in it to make it a dual purpose LAN box, but that would be down the road. What does everyone think? Some other things to keep in mind, the motherboard is one of those AM2+/AM3 boards and only has two DDR2 slots (ugh), and is currently maxed at 4GB, unless I shell out for 4GB sticks, which ain't happening. The 1155 board I have is 4 slots, and I currently have 2x2GB. I'm banking on not needing much more for a simple JBoss server with a smaller Struts application.
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Unclear given the missing details of the long story. I doubt you'd see any real difference between the two for some exercise Struts applications, and I'd probably cheap out further and keep using the IDE drive until it dies. Sure, the Pentium has faster cores, but will you actually be maxing either of them out?
Unclear given the missing details of the long story. I doubt you'd see any real difference between the two for some exercise Struts applications, and I'd probably cheap out further and keep using the IDE drive until it dies. Sure, the Pentium has faster cores, but will you actually be maxing either of them out?

Yeah, sorry for leaving it out but it's confidential. :( That said, the main components of the application will be the Struts framework (Struts 1, not 2) and a database server (probably MySQL or something along those lines - doesn't really matter which - as long as it's free). I was thinking the same thing though, that the Athlon X3 should be sufficient. I'll have to check the MoBo later to see what kind of features it has. It may be worth upgrading to the Pentium just for that (SATA-3, for example), but I should probably save my money.
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