Asus K200MA boots only to BIOS?


Feb 14, 2003
Yesterday I bought a new Asus K200MA laptop from and had it overnighted. I needed it today...and it's broken. The damn thing only boots straight to the BIOS screen. Exit, restart, back to the BIOS over and over again. That's how it came out of the box.

I talked to Asus support, they say return it. I called Amazon, fuming mad, expecting BS and excuses. They have already refunded my money and a new one is on the way. Free overnight shipping. I don't think they want the first computer back! I don't think I've ever got better service! Amazon should get an award!

So, that leaves me with a broken laptop today. Is there anything I can attempt to do to fix this machine? Asus support had me hold the power button for 60 seconds, and then boot with the F9 key pressed. It had no effect....