Assassin's Creed Red

Im surprised with no online requirement, i expected it to say something like 'in order to bring this vast world to life and give best user experience, an online connection is required, even if you don't buy the game' :ROFLMAO:
Im surprised with no online requirement, i expected it to say something like 'in order to bring this vast world to life and give best user experience, an online connection is required, even if you don't buy the game' :ROFLMAO:
Hasn't Ubisoft said exactly the above in the past though on another game, and it turned out to be a lie after somebody actually put it to the test and disconnected their internet to play the game?


Not that you were exactly subtle in the previous games. The assassin's choices in clothing were kind of the opposite of inconspicuous. By AC3 you were the dipshit with weird fashion sense standing there with like a giant bow, quiver, hatchet, knife, flintlock pistol, and a sword strapped to your person.

Like gee I wonder what dude in that group doesn't belong?

Not that you were exactly subtle in the previous games. The assassin's choices in clothing were kind of the opposite of inconspicuous. By AC3 you were the dipshit with weird fashion sense standing there with like a giant bow, quiver, hatchet, knife, flintlock pistol, and a sword strapped to your person.

Like gee I wonder what dude in that group doesn't belong?

The typical assassin look really only worked super well in the first game. Even in 2, Ezio stood out like a sore thumb most of the time.

I’m glad the ninja in this has more stereotypical ninja gear (even though it’s not really that historically accurate either) vs the usual AC assassin gear.
I haven't played through an entire Assassins Creed game Since Brotherhood. Even Black Flag I quit eventually, but I do love Afro Samurai so now I'm at least somewhat intrigued but unless the gameplay is significantly different in some way I don't see myself buying it unless its a deep discount. I tried playing Odyssey most recently and got bored after a short period of time.
What were they thinking casting a non-Japanese Samurai, may as well have casted a redhead Scottish to play as Samurai - ridiculous. This will totally break my immersion in the game, thankfully there is Ghost of Tsushima which is probably 100x better game than typical Ubisoft formula anyway.
Ubisoft is the biggest "cultural warrior" in gaming. This should not be new to anyone. They even make EA look normal. You play Ubisoft games for their middling yet sort of fun gameplay but they never excel at anything. Making an intelligent or emotional plot is not something they do. Ubisoft is the king of big budget 5-7 / 10 games.
What were they thinking casting a non-Japanese Samurai, may as well have casted a redhead Scottish to play as Samurai - ridiculous. This will totally break my immersion in the game, thankfully there is Ghost of Tsushima which is probably 100x better game than typical Ubisoft formula anyway.

ironically this is one of the tamer things in Assassin's Creed

you literally fist fight the pope in one of them to uncover that God actually lives in the basement of the fucking Vatican but they're actually a hyper-advanced alien who knows the future that some douchebag in a white sweatshirt is going to save the galaxy or some shit - also they created humanity but then somehow lost a war to a zerg of cavemen
Someone said it earlier… what if the setting had been Africa and the chosen protagonist had been Japanese?
Someone said it earlier… what if the setting had been Africa and the chosen protagonist had been Japanese?
IMO, what if's like that aren't made in good faith. Are basically a strawman to try and drum up controversy. And are rooted in dated socio-political ideas.

Fact is "Yasuke" was a real black man, whom served under a Samurai lord. I don't know the full history and particulars. It seems some people dispute over whether or not Yasuke himself was actually a skilled samurai or simply little more than a kind of servant.

However, the particulars don't matter. As this game is essentially a fanfic, alternate history, and complete fiction, combined. Much like Shogun's Blackthorn character.

And Yasuke as a fictionalized character, has already been featured in a lot of Japanese Manga.
Similarly, lots of important Japanese Samurai lords have been represented in many fictional ways over the years. Including gender swapped as Women or as anthropomorphic animals.

Most people engaged in modern nerd culture (gaming, comics, animation, etc) have fun with this stuff.

There is still plenty to be careful about. But it's not really to do with simply featuring a black person as a Samurai. Rather, about resisting portrayals which are classicly reductive and culturally problematic.
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Fact is "Yasuke" was a real black man, whom served under a Samurai lord. I don't know the full history and particulars. It seems some people dispute over whether or not Yasuke himself was actually a skilled samurai or simply little more than a kind of servant.
yes he existed but the written accounts state he came to japan as a slave, and was Oda's servant/pet/curiosity/pack mule, he was never a samurai, never given land etc etc and was sold back into slavery in less than 2 years.

I don't remember that many people complaining about this game.

View attachment 654574
totally different premise and afaik, completely fictional.
People are capable of recognizing satire/parody. It's the "Blazing Saddles" "Tropic Thunder" argument.
yes he existed but the written accounts state he came to japan as a slave, and was Oda's servant/pet/curiosity/pack mule, he was never a samurai, never given land etc etc and was sold back into slavery in less than 2 years.

totally different premise and afaik, completely fictional.
I only used the Afro Samurai game because I know the manga creator used Yasuke as inspiration for the character.

Okazaki started drawing African-American characters on items like Kleenex boxes when he was a teenager, inspired by his fondness for hip hop and soul music. He also drew ideas from American media and their depiction of Japanese culture.[4] He started combining elements of samurai into his work, eventually developing the design for Afro, which was also based in the legendary black samurai Yasuke who existed during the Sengoku period of Japan.
yes he existed but the written accounts state he came to japan as a slave, and was Oda's servant/pet/curiosity/pack mule, he was never a samurai, never given land etc etc and was sold back into slavery in less than 2 years.

There's no real consensus on whether or not he was a slave by the time he came to Japan. Most likely, he was free by then as he was hired to be a bodyguard to missionaries as the Jesuit's were not allowed to carry weapons. There is also no proof that he was ever a slave after Nobunaga's death. Outside of some record of him possibly being escorted to a group of Jesuit missionaries following the death, there's really no record of him following that period.

You know, I'll give Ubisoft some credit here. Regardless of how the game comes out, this whole thing has certainly made me interested in learning more about Yasuke and, by extension, the politics of that time period of Japan.
so it should be easy to post the source...
It's a known fact, not just on wiki. I remember them talking about it in the 90's when it came out.
also, google says thats just a claim. if there is a source quoting the author saying so....
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There's no real consensus on whether or not he was a slave by the time he came to Japan. Most likely, he was free by then as he was hired to be a bodyguard to missionaries as the Jesuit's were not allowed to carry weapons. There is also no proof that he was ever a slave after Nobunaga's death. Outside of some record of him possibly being escorted to a group of Jesuit missionaries following the death, there's really no record of him following that period.

You know, I'll give Ubisoft some credit here. Regardless of how the game comes out, this whole thing has certainly made me interested in learning more about Yasuke and, by extension, the politics of that time period of Japan.
it was written, dont remember the name, its in one of the videos ive posted in the get woke thread.
so it should be easy to post the source...

also, google says thats jsut a claim. if there is a source quoting the author saying so....
Being as it was around 99, 2000, I had many friends that were into bootleg jap manga and Afro was the talk of the town, and was the first time that I had ever heard of Yasuke.
I was taken back because I had never heard such a thing about a black samurai.

I have heard it from other sources as well when the anime came out, but you want it from the horses mouth or it didn't happen so the only things i could find are a couple of articles claiming it is so.
I even watched a 15y old Youtube vid to see if he mentioned it or not (he didn't).

Some of these sites have no credibility at all, but it is interesting that so many people have it wrong if it is bullshit, fud I guess?
Even before this latest Netflix project, Japanese cartoonist Takashi Okazaki had already developed a Yasuke-inspired character for his Afro Samurai manga and anime series
As a singularly captivating figure, Yasuke has inspired countless works of popular culture. He first featured as the protagonist of the Japanese children's book Kuro-suke, by Kurusu Yoshio. Later, the manga (and anime adaptation of) Afro Samurai took inspiration from Yasuke's life.
Today, Yasuke’s legacy as the world’s first African samurai is well known in Japan, spawning everything from prize-winning children’s books to a manga series titled “Afro Samurai.”
Both historical and legendary, Yasuke had nary a chance to grace onscreen media, although he allegedly inspired the protagonist of the densely shaded neo-noir Afro Samurai manga-based anime.
There were more but I had my drink on and yeah.....