Apple Confirms Some iPad Pros Ship Slightly Bent, but Says It's Normal


Aug 20, 2006
2018 iPad Pro owners are discovering the tablet bends easily under use (or worse, it comes out of the box that way), but according to Apple, it is a normal side effect caused by the way the device is manufactured. Apple's VP of hardware engineering says the tablet, which costs up to $1,899, "meets or exceeds" all of Apple's quality and precision standards.

Relative to the issue you referenced regarding the new iPad Pro, its unibody design meets or exceeds all of Apple's high-quality standards of design and precision manufacturing. We've carefully engineered it and every part of the manufacturing process is precisely measured and controlled. Our current specification for iPad Pro flatness is up to 400 microns which is even tighter than previous generations.
Technically the statement is can come out pre bent because the actual design internally is shit. I like the iPad, but honestly anyone that defends this nonsense is a shill.

Why do people continue to use Apple products when they're all shit?

Because they aren't all shit. They have actually had quite a few really well designed products over the years. There is little apple I would personally use, but that doesn't blind me to the fact that they do in fact have some nice stuff. Though it is getting rarer and rarer.
Relative to the issue you referenced regarding the new iPad Pro, its unibody design meets or exceeds all of Apple's high-quality standards of design and precision manufacturing. We've carefully engineered it and every part of the manufacturing process is precisely measured and controlled. Our current specification for iPad Pro flatness is up to 400 microns which is even tighter than previous generations.



Apple iPad Pro..... bent.... different.
Haha :p
The bend in your new Apple devise exactly mirror the bend in space between here and the Magellan cloud. this astronomical fact are very trendy.
Why am I not surprised? Apple has been known to pour on the excuses for design flaws.

Technically the statement is can come out pre bent because the actual design internally is shit. I like the iPad, but honestly anyone that defends this nonsense is a shill.

And if this were to happen with a product from Microsoft, HP, Dell, Lenovo, Google...those same crApple shills would be fueling up their flamethrowers.
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This is what happens when people want thinner and lighter with bigger screens. Apple should just tell people to get bent and be done with it.
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I have an iPad, and a Samsung Galaxy tablet. Never use them. Can't stand holding up these devices anymore, I just use my laptop, desktop, or phone. These tablets are useless to me.
I don't have anything against Apple, I personally thing in general their hardware is top notch but their design team under esthetic constraints does a good job.

Its only when a company won't take responsibility for manufactured defects that I get ruffled.

Apple has had a lot of oppertunities to make things right in many situations and it seems only a Bunch of lawsuits can get them to ever make things right.

Frankly if they had Come out and said , oh, well start a program to replace them right away so we don't have to look like uncaring people......i would have been shocked.

Them claiming its normal it quite par for the course.

The best product I have owned is my quantum 9000 Ranor group chair. 400$ and when a part has an issue...BAM new part at the door the next day.

So I happily
iPad Air or whatever are getting thinner - bends easily like a sheet of foil.

I have a refurnished iPad 4th gen - has a hard to notice bend at bottom but it still works.

Yet I rarely use it. Feels heavy after prolonged use with 2 hands.

2018 iPad Pro owners are discovering the tablet bends easily under use (or worse, it comes out of the box that way), but according to Apple, it is a normal side effect caused by the way the device is manufactured. Apple's VP of hardware engineering says the tablet, which costs up to $1,899, "meets or exceeds" all of Apple's quality and precision standards.

Relative to the issue you referenced regarding the new iPad Pro, its unibody design meets or exceeds all of Apple's high-quality standards of design and precision manufacturing. We've carefully engineered it and every part of the manufacturing process is precisely measured and controlled. Our current specification for iPad Pro flatness is up to 400 microns which is even tighter than previous generations.

Apple never confirmed. This is the verge lying about it which they never showed a snip of Apple ever confirming it.

Apple never confirmed. This is the verge lying about it which they never showed a snip of Apple ever confirming it.
Hmm, that's a good point. The verge article nowhere has the actual quote just: Apple has confirmed to The Verge
So we'll have to wait for an actual press release from apple, see if they (hah) issue recalls, maybe they'll show courage and tell their customers to piss off ;)

regarding the new iPad Pro, its unibody design meets or exceeds all of Apple's high quality standards of design and precision manufacturing. We've carefully engineered it and every part of the manufacturing process is precisely measured and controlled.

This 400 micron variance is less than half a millimeter (or the width of fewer than four sheets of paper at most) and this level of flatness won't change during normal use over the lifetime of the product.
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Well let's hope that rim manufacturers do not take note of this and do it....
The problem here is that Apple designs for aesthetic reasons only. I would be genuinely surprised if they did ANY structural testing during the design process. Fuck, I would be surprised if they even had a structural engineer on their staff at all. Apple only cares about the looks.
As a number of folks have probably guessed by now, I often take these articles like a grain of salt in my (poor or otherwise) attempts to inject humor into them. That said, as someone who does much of his own machine work in his builds and elsewhere, being half a millimeter off can make the difference between something fitting into place the way it needs to, and having to start over from scratch. Anyone familiar with mechanical engineering and assembly knows that in a lot of instances half a millimeter might as well be a mile, because it just won't work if a project's tolerances won't allow for it.

Whether or not such tolerances (fudge factors, if you will) were built into Apple's design of this latest iPad intentionally is only a question Apple can truly answer. I for one though would not be happy paying $1,000 or more for a product I wasn't expecting to have this sort of warp factor built into it. Though an entirely different kind of product, it reminds me somewhat of the current NVIDIA RTX and INTEL 9th gen debacles, which obviously are rooted to some degree in a corporation's need to please its shareholders before anyone else.

If Apple's "warp factor" wasn't explicitly planned into their build (for whatever reasons), being half a millimeter off will be interpreted by a lot of engineers as anything but precision manufacturing.
Who the fuck at Apple was dumb enough to let the VP of Engineering talk to the media, LOL

Having said that, the photos people are posting Of bent tablets are well beyond the 400 micron limit. Pretty sure he didn’t look at the photos before dropping that quote.
If I spent that kind of cash and got one that looked like that it would be . .. .I ho I ho back to the store I go.

That apple is rotten.