Anyone share experiences of using a 970 with the Vive?


Limp Gawd
Dec 18, 2006
Even though some lower cards are the minimum specs, from all these reviews, seems like the 1070 should really be the decent minimum. I have a MSI 970 4GB card, Trying to get a sense how it will work out in the real world, or should I consider a new GPU as part of the Vive decision?
i had the msi 970 with my rift.. it was fine.. only time it felt sluggish was when turning on the super sampling above 1.5... i decided to upgrade to a 1070 and can rock super sampling at 2.0 now.

I really want to get the vive but not getting past the wife lol. trying to convince her but then adding a GPU now also will just make it even harder.
I had a 970 when I first got my Vive as well. The experience is fine as long as you avoid super sampling. You can always upgrade later.
I've got a 4790k/GTX 970

It's fine for the most part, but some games (Raw Data/Pool Nation VR) drop frames and need a lot of settings to be turned down
The only thing that I've found that war unplayable was Nvidia's Funhose, but that's really, just a 10 series tech demo

This is without trying supersampling, at all

I do want to upgrade to fix the dropped frames / get higher settings, but it's late enough in the generation that I'll just wait for the 11/20 series (whatever they end up calling it)
Even though some lower cards are the minimum specs, from all these reviews, seems like the 1070 should really be the decent minimum. I have a MSI 970 4GB card, Trying to get a sense how it will work out in the real world, or should I consider a new GPU as part of the Vive decision?
Keep in mind that most of our testing here is intensive on the GPU. There are tons of titles that are going to give fine experiences on the 970. But as stated above, for the person wanting higher fidelity graphics and less cartoony graphics, the GTX 1070 would be my minimum pick.
A friend uses a 290x with his Rift. (290x similar to the 970, Rift perf very similar to Vive)
Many things are great but some chug at times even with default supersampling.

In particular a climbing game was pretty tough on the gfx card. For long periods it was almost flat lining max GPU use, dropping below 30fps sometimes.
We had to turn supersampling down a lot, there were lots of jaggies.
CPU use was around 65% with a 6600K @ 4.5GHz.
He realises he should upgrade his gfx card.
I may end up waiting till next summer than honestly. cant really pull off a hmd and a gpu right now. keep getting car issue.

hopefully kyle can manage to have a give away (nudge nudge wink wink)