Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Zero Cool
Sep 2, 2004
Anyone else interested in this? I used to love the GC game way back in college. Picking this up thinking the wife and I might play it together.

Amazon physical copies are delayed until March 24th, but no biggie for me.
Not a fan of the genre, but I've been loving the Doom x Animal Crossing mashup memes since both of these games are coming out the same day. You should look at IGN's front page right now.
Yeah, the memes have been great. It's even better because of how polar opposite those games are.
Been playing the shit out of it. I played the GC one a lot and skipped all but the 3DS game which I didn’t play much of.

This is still animal crossing without a doubt, but they’ve changed it up enough to be pretty fresh feeling. I’m definitely enjoying it while I’m waiting on picking up Doom at a much later date.
I don't get the love for this game. It is basically a cute simulator. I watched some streams of it and basically you boring daily tasks to pay off a debt. More power to people who enjoy it.
I wanted a physical copy - supposed to show up tomorrow from Amazon but it hasn't even shipped yet.

Oh well, got plenty else to do while quarantined.
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I don't get the love for this game. It is basically a cute simulator. I watched some streams of it and basically you boring daily tasks to pay off a debt. More power to people who enjoy it.

Yeah it's not for everyone. It's sort of "ultra-casual" in that you do a few things each day, but you do kinda have to keep checking back in on it because it runs in realtime.

For something a little more "fast-paced", I would say Stardew Valley fills that role.
Yeah it's not for everyone. It's sort of "ultra-casual" in that you do a few things each day, but you do kinda have to keep checking back in on it because it runs in realtime.

For something a little more "fast-paced", I would say Stardew Valley fills that role.
Is there even a story to these games?
Is there even a story to these games?

You kind of make the story yourself. The basic gist of both games is, you're a random person that ends up in a community with other characters to interact with. With Animal crossing it's more about paying off your house loans, searching for fossils and other materials, fishing, etc. and meeting new characters. Stardew Valley, you've inherited a farm and you're trying to grow crops to make money, as well as exploring the town and surrounding areas, meeting people, having relationships, etc. There's also a dungeon area where you can fight enemies and mine for resources.

It's sort of just playing the game for the sake of playing, finding and collecting things and interacting with NPCs.
I don't get the love for this game. It is basically a cute simulator. I watched some streams of it and basically you boring daily tasks to pay off a debt. More power to people who enjoy it.
Pretty much hit the nail on the head. It’s just a very relaxed low impact game. You’re just kinda living a life, and there aren’t really any goals.

It makes for a fun distraction and juxtaposition when you aren’t currently after the hyper violence of doom or something. It’s not for everyone, but it doesn’t need to be.
Yo, this game is an addiction. Someone help me, I think Tommy Nook has me in some kind of Stockholm Syndrome.
Pretty much hit the nail on the head. It’s just a very relaxed low impact game. You’re just kinda living a life, and there aren’t really any goals.

It makes for a fun distraction and juxtaposition when you aren’t currently after the hyper violence of doom or something. It’s not for everyone, but it doesn’t need to be.

I bought it, it's not for me. I wasn't thrilled with my purchase.

My wife picked it up, and she's addicted. I can't even use my Switch now.
I've been going back and forth on whether I should pick this game up and if it'll be for me. It sucks that Nintendo doesn't have any sort of return policy, I'd love to try this out for an hour.
I've been going back and forth on whether I should pick this game up and if it'll be for me. It sucks that Nintendo doesn't have any sort of return policy, I'd love to try this out for an hour.

Watch some gameplay. It’s all mundane tasks with no real excitement. Also going online and visiting out peoples islands is half the fun, or having visitors.

If you’ve played and enjoyed other sort of slice of life sims like Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley you may enjoy this game. But both of those examples have more action to them, actively running a farm and pursuing romance options and such all. Animal Crossing is more like an extending camping trip wasting days away fishing or catching bugs. And it’s all real time.
So I ended up picking up the game. I'm only day one and I like it so far. Who knows how much I'll keep picking it up but I am enjoying it. It's neat to see stuff change real time in the game.
This game is a massive chore to me. I wish I didn't buy into the hype. I get zero satisfaction from this type of game. It's not fun for me. This is just a time waster where you grind away like a zombie with no fun involved. This is the type of game a chick would enjoy because it involves making your island look cute.
I suppose the "fun" is found in different ways for different people. I enjoy relaxing with this in between PC gaming. No real stakes, just doing some fishing, exploring the museum and wanting to kill tom nook, it's great. Have a few buddies who are also into it so we got into the Stalk Market and you can make some serious money by taking advantage of it. Stalking and finnally catching a tarantula was pretty neat, as was catching the Coelacanth which is only available when its raining on your island.
It is funny how people are so insane about this game. The same people love to play a game of nothing but doing chores but won't do any in real life lol.
This game is a massive chore to me. I wish I didn't buy into the hype. I get zero satisfaction from this type of game. It's not fun for me. This is just a time waster where you grind away like a zombie with no fun involved. This is the type of game a chick would enjoy because it involves making your island look cute.
My advice is, don’t grind away at it. Just play for 15-20 minutes. Catch some fish and bugs, talk to a villager. Put the game down and go back to whatever.
Lot of kids into it.
Same question. Lots of adults into the game as well. Also, plenty of kids that do do chores.
Now, I don't know many kids but everyone I know playing this is 30+.
Wife seems interested in it, but trying to explain it to her. Is it like a minecraft type game?
I suppose the "fun" is found in different ways for different people. I enjoy relaxing with this in between PC gaming. No real stakes, just doing some fishing, exploring the museum and wanting to kill tom nook, it's great. Have a few buddies who are also into it so we got into the Stalk Market and you can make some serious money by taking advantage of it. Stalking and finnally catching a tarantula was pretty neat, as was catching the Coelacanth which is only available when its raining on your island.

IMO, you game too much when you take breaks from intense gaming with girly tamagotchi style games. Go for a run.
I don't get the love for this game. It is basically a cute simulator. I watched some streams of it and basically you boring daily tasks to pay off a debt. More power to people who enjoy it.

I'm bored enough I decided to try it.

And my homes "interview" room for potential new islanders......

I play the eff out of this. great time killer, especially during work zoom meetings. I think i have over 40 hours already. Loved it since it was on the cube. Not my typical jam either, something about this title i just love.
It's great to play for an hour or two a day, then you put it down and play it again the next day...and the next day...and FOREVER.
I must have at least 80 hours into it by now. The game has just a little too much grind for it to be rated higher from me.
  • The tools breaking as fast as they do is unnecessary, and gold tools not being indestructible is just stupid.
  • Not being able to customize purchased items is also stupid. Why do I have to wait for a red <whatever> to come up for sale when I already own the blue one? Oh, and there's like 4 other colors as well...
  • Crafting materials and DIYs are fun, but requiring other DIYs to make DIYs is pretty lame. See - ironwood kitchenette
Other than that, I enjoy the daily bug catching / fishing and messing with flower breeding, as well as decorating the island. It's just the annoyance at trying to get certain items and/or matching items that is becoming frustrating. And I don't really want to have to trade with toxic assholes online asking exorbitant prices, online shouldn't be required for this game but it really feels like it is.
It’s sad how toxic people take over any free economy. I’ve had some decent luck in being part of a pretty small discord with a bunch of friendly players willing to help out.
I bought this game for my wife, and, she loves it.

I've played it for several minutes, catching fish & bugs, the coolest feature though, is making pixel art. That's about it. I, personally won't play it, and it's all hers.

After watching her play this, I've come to the conclusion that it is a virtual doll house. You collect items for your island, change how your character looks, decorate your island/house/avatar however you want... just like little girls and dolls, doll houses, and their accessories.

It's ultra casual, ultra cute, and, not for me. But, happy wife = happy life!
scojer on the pixel art note, your wife may enjoy this subreddit. its an easy way to find and share designs within the game. There are some damn creative people making patterns out there.

She's found some FB groups that share pixel art, I'll show her this as well, thanks!
She's made some herself too, and shared it somewhere.

That's another cool thing about this game, the giant community it's created, there's people that specialize in everything.
Pixel artists, farmers, stalk marketers, item trading, crafters, etc.
I'm sure I'm missing a lot, but if you need something specific, there are micro communities that specialize in whatever it is you're looking for.